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Search results

  1. KeyBladeXIV

    The Crtl+V Game 2!

    ˆ;²º*•›¸.‹•*º*•¸........................HerroRiceFtw.....................¸•*º*•›.¸‹•*º²;ˆ ..ˆ•›‹•..º¸........ˆ¸.............Callers Of Domination.............¸ˆ........¸º..•›‹•ˆ.. .....¸‹•*ˆ;¨ˆ²º*•›,;¸.....º•›¸..............Leader..............¸‹•º.....¸;,‹•*º²ˆ¨;ˆ*•›¸...
  2. KeyBladeXIV

    Hoenn Remakes?

    I would love to see remakes of Ruby and Sapphire. Hoenn is my favorite region- I loved everything about those games.
  3. KeyBladeXIV

    Your favourite Pokemon

    Having to choose from so many of my favorites, Dragonite. Hard decision lol
  4. KeyBladeXIV

    Favourite Legendary?

    Lugia because of the movie XD.