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  1. Applepiie


  2. Applepiie

    Okay dokay, thank you.

    Okay dokay, thank you.
  3. Applepiie


    I've tried posting not just in the RP form and then had replies, or it taken down or just a warning. I've read the rules and your warning but I don't know if it's because I'm slow or tired but still don't honestly get it... Is it because I can't do message roleplays? Oh right so that's why I...
  4. Applepiie

    It's not working?

    It's not working?
  5. Applepiie


    Okay I'm well sort of new and not, I just can't seem to get the hang of this website. Don't know how to reply to messages. Every time I try to post something in the forums it gets taken down and most of time staff don't even tell me WHY it's been taken down. Not being rude but I'm going to keep...
  6. Applepiie

    I don't know how to reply to your message... Just wanted to ask what I did wrong in posting my...

    I don't know how to reply to your message... Just wanted to ask what I did wrong in posting my forum.
  7. Applepiie

    Art Blockkkk... *^*

    Art Blockkkk... *^*
  8. Applepiie

    SAME O3O I'm all excited now >3<

    SAME O3O I'm all excited now >3<
  9. Applepiie

    Omg your from Sheffield too?! Small world ow o

    Omg your from Sheffield too?! Small world ow o
  10. Applepiie

    XY/ORAS Pokemon Trade Wishlist

    List of pokemon I'm dying to have, add my friend code and I'll trade you a pokemon or ART! List; ~ Shiny Buneary/Lopunny (Female Only.) ~ Non Shiny Buneary/Lopunny (Female Only.) ~ Luxray (Male Only.) ~ Mismagius (Female Only.) ~ Leavanny (Female Only.) ~ Sawsbuck ~ Reshiram ~ Aurorus ~ Sylveon...
  11. Applepiie

    Oh Luxray~

    Oh Luxray~