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  1. dooto

    Open The Hunters & Hunted: DISCUSSION

    It's a good thing you read the logs; otherwise, this plot would be confusing! If you haven't, go and tap that green spoiler button. The plot takes place in 2018; shortly after the log there. The RP is about "Abnormal" Pokémon attempting to survive or thriving at doing so. The 'hunters', the...
  2. spookyscary

    Open Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Lost Realm

    The RP is up!: https://pokecharms.com/threads/the-lost-realm-pokemon-mystery-dungeon.16183/ Pokémon have built up their civilization over time, around Mystery Dungeons- odd formations that seem to change every so often. It seems as if all has been peaceful for far too long, though. Until...
  3. Souji_Okami

    Ask to Join - Alola~Life High - Remastered Signup and Discussion -

    ---- Hello, It's me! Souji_Okami. I'm gladly that i'm about to talk about stuff, that's happening in Alola~Life High. And behind the scenes with the characters. The main protagonist would talk about the behind the characters and the PRP plot itself. I would call Souji to talk about what...
  4. N

    Open Ninkolas Region

    This is the discussion and sign up for Ninkolas Region. To sign up there are two options: Take a test to see what you are (Like in mystery dungeon) Or choose what you are. Sign up: (Choose) * means required. Others are optional. Nickname: *Species (List types as well): *Gender (Depends on the...
  5. Legitmoon

    Open The Deserted Region

    Note: I didn't post the page yet! The page will be up once all the spots are full! Also, this is a remake AND BETTER version of Survival Of Kanto. I accidentally did double posting and one liners, which I didn't know, so the page got locked. I'm deciding to do the same thing once again, but...