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  1. Void_Nugget

    Private/Closed The Cursed

    (Join Here (sorry will add link had a few issues)) Tobias was chilling outside of the school, he was bored he had accidentally arrived early and was really unsure of what to do, he turned to look at the school building, when he looked back and checked the time he saw students begin arriving, he...
  2. Void_Nugget

    Ask to Join Hunger Games RP Discussion

    This is a Hunger Games rp based quite a few years after the Hunger Games books and films and the games are back and booming. The new games work like this. Each district gets two people (who are 10) who stay at the games until they are 19. Each person has a score and there is no overall winner...
  3. Ultimate Roleplayer

    Open Teen Wolf RP

    Follow all pokecharms rules, swearing is allowed, and so is romance. Name: Nickname(optional): Personality: Age: Appearance: Bio(optional): Species: Pack(optional): Pack rank(only if your in a pack):
  4. C_L

    Ask to Join A New Adventure

    Hi there, my name is Beyond, and before we start I'd like to say that this is my first time on these forums and my first time roleplaying online. I'd also like to clarify that I don't want anyone who wishes to participate in my RP to carry out any explicit roleplay, or lurk for...