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the paragons

  1. OmnipotentOnion

    Shuzo - A Paragons Story

    Wanna try something. A little writing, perhaps. Maybe a wee bit of typing, here and there. A fragment of fabrication, if you will. An iota of imagination, if you so choose. A modicum of make-believe...... But madness in the morbillions. - - - This thread will be your one-way ticket into the...
  2. OmnipotentOnion

    Ask to Join The Paragons - Act II

    A frigid chill sunk into Shuzo's core as his boots hit the ground. Upon a successful air drop into Siberia, the Paragon now stood in the midst of a supernaturally harsh blizzard, freezing tempests registering on unprecedented levels. What seemed like a meteorological phenomenon had razed down...