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DPPt/HGSS A First-Stage Team

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Some of my friends and I are going to have a mini-tournament in a couple of weeks. We have all agreed that we can only use first-stage Pokemon. They can be any level at all, they just have to be first-stage. Pokemon that do not evolve are not allowed. (There are no other restrictions.)
What would be a good team? I have to fit Mudkip into it somehow. (My friends and I have certain Pokemon we always use, mine is Mudkip. What a surprise, eh? :p)
BTW, I don't need movesets yet. After I work out a team, I'll start worrying about movesets.


Bearded Trout Warrior
are all pokemon that don't evolve allowed?
Like Shuckle for instance.

and also, what level will it be held at?
I'd suggest: Mudkip, Dratini, Eevee, Houndour, Aron, Riolu

Mudkip: because you said so
Dratini: it has an amazing movepool, is resistant to many elements, and has nice stats
Eevee: because of its ability in particular "Adaptability" doubles the power of all normal type moves. after you let me post move sets, I have an idea.
Houndour: Nice stats, nice type combo, makes for a good offense.
Aron: inverse of Houndour, makes for a great defense, though will not take kindly to a powerful earthquake or fighting type attack.
Riolu Has a very broad moveset, some people will think it is steel type, if they send out a fire type thinking this, switch to houndour and let Flash Fire activate.

this was just a quick glance at pokemon who are good early on...
it has a double weakness to ground attacks, which could be no good, I'll look into the baby flying pokemon.
if the battles are going to be held at low levels, I'd suggest the banning of Dragon Rage, btw.

A Bronzor with Levitate seems like a great solution to the double ground/fighting weakness, it will make a great replacement for Aron, and makes for a steel type actually weak to fire[and ONLY weak to fire], and another good pokemon to precede a switch to houndour.
Bronzong, unlike Aron, has a decent Special defense, though its attack is lacking more than Aron. Bronzong also offers a great move diversity.
are all pokemon that don't evolve allowed?
Like Shuckle for instance.

and also, what level will it be held at?

I said Pokemon that do not evolve are not allowed.
It will be held at level 100.
And what moveset were you thinking of for Eevee?
How about this?:
Eevee@Choice Band
Last Resort

If I face something with Synchronize, I can always switch out. ;)


Bearded Trout Warrior
it depends on the strategy you look at that with... I don't think choice band would be good in that situation...

Choice band limits you to only one move without switching out... using Wish over and over won't heal HP fast enough to keep up, I don't think... Toxic over and over would be mostly pointless, and Protect over and over would be pointless if it nothing good is happening in your favor...

also, after you run out of PP for the attack you choice band'd you start to use struggle, you don't get to pick a new attack.

maybe this?
Eevee: Leftovers [if you don't give it to Bronzong]
Last Resort

Yawn and protect can go back and forth, and have the same PP, plus sleep completely immobilizes your opponent. Leftovers will restore any damage you may have taken in the turn you yawned.


Bearded Trout Warrior
Bronzor... is what I meant... sorry [see first post, I got the name right the first time ;p]
I don't remember where to get leftovers exactly, but according to a search I just did, you can find them in the part of Victory Road you can't get to until you beat the Elite Four.
I could also trade you some.

also another Idea for that Eevee, since it seems like you still want to use it.

[or some other item]
Trump Card
Last Resort
Wish [optional]

that will cover your lack of leftovers, and you can actually do some damage as they sleep. You still wouldn't want a large stockpile of attacks though, so everytime you use Yawn, you should use Wish immediately after. Then Trump Card as they sleep, but save the last Trump Card for when you have no more PP in the other attacks.

according to plap, using Fake Out, and then Last resort works, without depleting the PP of Fake Out, So I'm going to breed an Eevee with Wish and Last Resort, and see if that works on an every other turn sort of thing

Edit Again
It DOES work, so you can just alternate between Wish and Last Resort, though still no Choice Band.
Alright, so I've got my Eevee and (from a google search) Mudkip covered.
And now, going back:
Mudkip: because you said so
Dratini: it has an amazing movepool, is resistant to many elements, and has nice stats
Eevee: because of its ability in particular "Adaptability" doubles the power of all normal type moves. after you let me post move sets, I have an idea.
Houndour: Nice stats, nice type combo, makes for a good offense.
Aron: inverse of Houndour, makes for a great defense, though will not take kindly to a powerful earthquake or fighting type attack.
Riolu Has a very broad moveset, some people will think it is steel type, if they send out a fire type thinking this, switch to houndour and let Flash Fire activate.
Mudkip, check.
Dratini, check. (Needs moveset)
Eevee, check.
And the rest I don't have yet. Any advice on movesets for them?


Bearded Trout Warrior
Dratini@Lum berry
Modest Nature
Dragon Pulse/Dragon Rush/Outrage

I picked Lum Berry because I think status is a problem for Dratini, with so many resistances to elements... Persim Berry if you give it Outrage, that way you don't lose your berry before you really need it. Other Items could probably be better, but this came to mind when I thought about what I'd want to hit Dratini with.

Dratini has a higher Physical attack than special, but doesn't really learn any good physical attacks. The modest Nature will about even out its two attack stats.
Dragon Pulse/Rush is for STAB. Dragon Rush, despite its inaccuracy, could be good in case you come up against a pokemon with really high Special Defense. Outrage doesn't have the inaccuracy and has more power, but it takes up 2-3 turns leaving you open... pick whichever one of those three you like.
ThunderBolt and Flamethrower are for coverage of all types for at least Neutral Damage. the only type Dragon isn't effective on is Steel, which Flamethrower kills.
ThunderWave is for a relative speed boost, since paralysis kills speed, and it makes a nice disabling attack.

Mudkip@Wide Lens
Adamant Nature [with Curse, Brave will probably be just as good]
Ice Ball
Ruck Slide/Double Team

Waterfall is for obvious STAB
Ice Ball, if you first use it on a pokemon it will be super effective on, can be really devasting after it builds power; especially when paired with Wide Lens making its accuracy 99.
Rock Slide would just be some coverage, Double Team can help Ice ball along its early Stages, and just provide some lucky cover later. Plapti recommends Rock Slide over Double Team, and I'm about equal on the two... Your team doesn't have a rock attack on it.
Curse, Lowers a pointless stat and increases both Defense and attack, it can powerup all of your attacks and also provide some defense.

Houndour@Power Herb
Flash Fire ability
Timid Nature
Dark Pulse

Houndours Defense is pitiful, so even a non-STAB'd Brick Break may kill it. I'd suggest Nasty Plot to further raise its massive Sp. Attack, but I don't think it would survive long enough to use it.
Flamethrower and Dark Pulse are for STAB.
Solarbeam will cover Rock, Ground, and Water Types, and with the power Herb you don't have to charge it. Sunny Day is left out for the same reason as Nasty Plot.
Will-o-Wisp will burn opponents, and a burn lowers attack power. That indirectly helps with the pitiful defense.

and a second moveset from Pixeity:
Houndour@ Brightpowder
Sludge Bomb
Dark Pulse
Double Team

Levitate Ability
Bold/Modest/Calm Nature
Hypnosis/Confuse Ray
Calm Mind/Iron Defense
Flash Cannon

Hypnosis or Confuse Ray, which you pick really your choice, I'd go with Confuse Ray since it can hit around any other status and always hits.
Of the second two attacks, I'd lean more towards Calm mind if you have a Bold/Modest Nature, and I'd slightly more lean towards Iron Defense if you give it a calm Nature. At the cost of one of your attacks you can have both [I'd suggest Psychic or your status attack so your opponent doesn't wall you with a Dark type]
Psychic and Flash Cannon are for STAB and both have a chance of lowering Sp. Def.

I've got two Ideas for Riolu.

Riolu@Salac Berry
Adamant Nature
Shadow Claw
Blaze Kick/Earthquake

Endure with a Salac Berry, and you get a Speed boosted, STAB'd Reversal... if your opponent has quick attack, this fails miserably.
Shadow Claw will take out Psychics and Ghosts.
Bullet Punch/Blaze Kick were mainly filler, bullet Punch lets you go first[probably not needed], Blaze Kick offers a second High-Critical, and coverage but a lack of accuracy.
if you want to be really annoying, and a tad risky, replace the last move slot with Copycat.

Riolu@Focus Sash
Jolly Nature
Swords Dance
Brick Break
Shadow Claw
Earthquake/Blaze kick

The focus Scarf ensures you get at least one swords Dance out, and then you sweep away with the coverage offered by the other attacks... I'd lean more towards Earthquake here since Blaze kick has its inaccuracies and requires breeding.


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
I'm just doing a side note here. Poseidon knows there was a tedious argument in the chat about it XD But still. For the Houndour, me and Jet both thought Thunder Fang has some merit. Of course that just means a neutral instead of Modest/Timid, and some effort into Attack. Its an option.


Bearded Trout Warrior
I'm glad to finally not be a pipe for recommending movesets I don't really like ;D

now that I know Sem is here, I'll go ahead and explain my side of why I think it shouldn't have Thunder Fang instead of Solarbeam.

  • It requires spread of other EVs to Attack, meaning you would lose speed or Sp. attack one. (this is if you really intend to EV train them)
  • You have to give up the Modest nature to give Thunder Fang any power, which is a loss of 10% power on Dark Pulse and Flamethrower.
  • Thunder Fang can not hit Rock types for super effective Damage, nor Ground types at qll, Solarbeam covers all three of those types
  • Thunder Fang has half the power of Solarbeam, and again since it is a physical attack, would require you to weaken your other attacks to make it even half as strong.

and the reasons they say it's good

  • Solarbeam can only be used once without charge (Charge being the death of Houndour)
  • You can give houndour a different item
  • Thunder Fang can cause Flinch, or Paralysis

I think they may have had more reasosns than that... but I can't remember them at the moment.
Okay, thanks!
And, BTW, on those that you listed two movesets on, how do I know which one to pick? (Yes, I am that bad at deciding. :p)


Bearded Trout Warrior
well... the thing is that I listed them because I wasn't sure which to pick...

the Houndoour especially... I like Pixeity's as well as my own...
Pixeity's is based a bit on luck for defense, but the one I have only offers coverage. if Will-o-Wisp misses, then you've probably just lost Houndour.

for the Riolu, I'd lean more towards the second one... it's a bit more direct in its strategy.
Let me remind you that Rash is an optimal nature instead of Modest if you want Thunder Fang. The 10% increase is still there.

Other reasons also include that Solarbeam is now getting really predictable, Thunder Fang isn't.
Thunder Fang has the chance of a Paralysis, which benefits Houndour.
Thunder Fang will do superior damage against a Special Wall.
Also, the double status effect is quite handy, crippling two opponents at once, because Special Sweepers will easily take the Burn and not become affected.
Power Herb is a one use and then you better hope that the opponent doesn't have a Pokemon that can resist Solarbeam and have the ability to kill Hounduor.

My two cents.


Bearded Trout Warrior
Personally I find the fangs just as predictable... and the punches from the pokemon who can learn them.

I'm not saying solarbeam isn't predictable at all though. You can see it coming pretty often nowadays.

I still like Solarbeam more for the coverage, but thank you Plap, for actually laying out exactly why.
I think I'll use one with a Rash nature, since I already have one that's level 99 that I trained when I was bored and we moved the tournament to the tenth...two days from now.
So, thanks, guys. If you have any last-minute tips, they're appreciated very much, if not, I'll lock the topic after the tourney.

EDIT: So, yeah, the tournament went good. One friend and I tied for first and scored ourselves two shinies each, hers being a Bronzor and Ralts, mine a Chimchar and Mudkip. Thankies, guys, for all the help!
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