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(I am very greatful to be included in this venture.  I hope I can serve well to the RP with the rest of you.)

Not too far from the loud moment, the rotation of a nail digging into the loose dirt and a foot patting against the same could easily be heard.  The body making this mixed noise was just as abnormal as the rest of the Pokemon at this period in history.  She, a Lopunny, seemed perfectly normal when her actual body was examined, other than that she kept her fur in a more straight matter, instead of a fluffy one.

When you looked at the Lopunny better, though, you'd notice extreme differences in her body.  Not only was her entire right arm gone, but it had been replaced, by the arm of a Metang.  It looked like it would be heavy to even hang there, but it was pumping just like her perfectly normal left arm.  Along with that, she had a peg leg, which looked to have had been the horn of a Aggron.  Finally, she had was looked like the area around the eye of an Aron around her eye, clearly covering up removed flesh.  All three of these parts were colored in the cool blue of a Metang, as if they were merged and separated to look like one body.

These all seemed impossible.  How could a Lopunny run around with a working Metang arm, something no one could normally even get to operate after the Metang had died.  The answer was around her waist.  A Chingling, with a longer than average rope on it, was wrapped around the Lopunny's waist.  The two were both looking in the same direction, with the same expression.

But, when the two stopped, worried they would be spotted as a threat to the unfamiliar terrain they were visiting.  The Chingling levitated off of the Lopunny, making the arm drop and the plate on her face fall off.

"Gurit, you know I save power when we're working as Gitma.  Why are we stopping?"  The Chingling said telepathically, referring tot he Lopunny as Guirt, and the two working together as Gitma.

Guirt picked up the plate, and cradled the arm, saying, "We've never been here before.  They'll think I'm a weak non-mutant if we do it this way.  Now get in my arms before you pass out, Gemma."

Gemma, the Chingling, did as told, and Guirt walked them towards the precise location the disturbance came from.

As they walked closer, Gemma thought, "We'd get there easier if she'd let me apply Skarmory wings..."

"Gemma, I heard that.  And I told you already, we can't have you passing out.  You use enough power controlling the arm.  If we gave me wings, it'd be harder on you.  And how would I deal with them when you're not connected to me?  Even if you evolved we wouldn't have enough energy."  Gurit said, making Gemma submit to the logic.

((If you're at all confused about the two, please tell me.  I've tried as well as I could to explain them.))
