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Ask to Join Adventures: 854: Akaria's Invasion

The Warmonger Castle, Akaria, 8/2/854 CF. The Warlords' Meeting.

In an ominous grey castle with plenty of purple, black and grey flags with badgers on the flags. There were three figures looking at a map with troops marching towards three corners of the map where a castle was sitting in the fourth. The three figures looked over the map.

"Our troops are about a week out from each border, Lord Lavacrest."

"I understand, thank you," a Fourth figure responded to one of the three.

The fourth wore red armor that had magic seemingly flowing between the plates of the suit of armor. He then looked at the three with his Red eyes, as they nodded.

"Now, Warlords, Meet with your troops." Lord Lavacrest declared, "War starts in one week."

The three Warlords then went off each going a different way. Lord Lavacrest looked at the map, laughing.

"Akaria will rule all in its path." Lord Lavacrest whispered, "We will not be stopped."

Fujiwara Honoka, Skeleton Harbor, Rotaria, 8/2/854 CF.

A young, slate grey skinned woman had been walking through the city, her armor sticking out a bit as it was the middle of the day. She had been thinking about why Prince Melvin Farra had sent for her, of all people, and not her mother. This was a surprise that she was Summoned. She then looked around, seeing buildings of various colors and materials around her to her front. And when she turned around, docks were to her behind, which were full of Various Ships and boats with various supplies. She saw flags for Dragon Island, Reaper Island, The Eastern Corridor, and Rotaria. She figured the Rotarian ships were leaving to send stuff around the Continent of Sirlandor, or to other Continents. As Honoka looked at the Docks, she looked down at her Sword, Rain. She pulled the blade out to inspect it.

"Mom, Dad, I won't let you down, especially with Rain on hand, And the legacy to preserve."

Honoka then checked a pouch that was on her waist, making sure things were in fact in order. As she looked down, she looked at her left thigh, checking to see if there was a dagger in the belt holding it there. There was, as she went back to inspecting her sword as she sat on a crate near the docks.

@Psymallard (Alecsander)

Melville Bookforge III, The Fiend Lands' Edge, Centralia, 8/2/854 CF.

In a land covered with trails, a young Mage stood on one said trail, looking over his written plans to learn the Spell Geyser. He was about half way through learning at this Time. It was at the edge Of a small town, with the town behind him, buildings could be seen not far from his current vantage point, and what seemed to be red grass growing in the direction the Mage was facing.

“I know what must happen, we need to stop Akaria before they cause destruction, at that point, the Alliance might be threatened. Let's just hope we don't have to fight King Demetrius. If we do, we won't survive. My grandma and maybe a few others can pull it off.”

He fiddled with his staff, looking at the sparking electricity that is in the Orb on the top. As he thought to himself, a large sized creature made of the letter ‘X' appeared.

“Xathowon, What makes your appearance?”

“Be ready, young one, there is potential for everything to crumble at any time.”

Xathowon then disappeared, as Melville looked around to see what was around, all he saw was land.

"Perfect, time to practice Geyser."

Melville Bookforge then concentrated, remembering what his notes had said about this spell. A small section of land suddenly sprung a leak.


Edward Farra, The Dungeon, Rotaria Royal Castle, Grand Viera, Rotaria. 8/2/854 CF

A young, dark skinned Man, maybe mid to late teens at oldest, wearing a suit of armor, had been walking through the dungeon, knowing his target. He was to free this prisoner as it was a time of need, and on his father's orders, however, his mother was apprehensive about the release. He then stood outside of a Jail Cell.

"Ana Mortus, you are to be released on order of Prince Melvin Farra due to your expertise being relevant to an Invasion that is headed here, Centralia and Formid. You are to meet Clifford Sparknight, Lettermaster to the Ambassador of Dragon Island to Rotaria, in Laughing Wolf. I have other matters to attend to involving the Impending Invasion, however, I have gotten News of Alecsander Pointe and Fujiwara Honoka being near Skeleton Harbor, they Will meet you in Laughing Wolf. Head there as soon as possible. I have already signed the papers for your release, as Warden of the Dungeon, don't make me have to sign your arrest warrant, again."

The door was then unlocked then let open. As the door swung, it hit the end of the wall, making a Clanging noise as prisoners started making shouts of various words, good and bad.



Previously Shadow_Pup
Liliana Mortus
Laying down on the rickety bed within her cell Ana hummed to herself while a small grey weasel slept on her chest. Upon hearing the sounds of someone approaching Ana gently moved Sandor an sat up, placing Sandor on her shoulder. She smiled as the man informed her of her release, "oh wonderful, it has been an awful long time since I've been outside, should be fun, right Sandor" she said as Sandor looked up slightly, squeaked, then went back to sleep. After the man gave her the required information and left, Ana gingerly made her way out of her cell stretching her legs and arms she stood for a moment with a large grin before heading for the exit. On the way out her belongings were returned to her as a dusty box was brought over. Inside were her clothes, a pair of crudely made knuckle dusters and a small knife as well as her necklace. She gathered up her tattered belongings hastily nearly forgetting the overflowing journal at the bottom of the box, which she quickly picked up and walked away with. She was led to a room to change and then sent on her way. She emerged into the open air, wincing slightly at the sunlight before putting on her mask and walking along whistling as she went on her way to her given destination.


Previously mallard
Alecsander Pointe, Skeleton Harbor, Rotaria, 8/2/854 CF.
He watched.

He gazed upon the townsfolk of Skeleton Harbor go about their lives, looking down upon them from his warhorse with his analytic eyes. They interested him so very much. Being a sheltered child of a well-to-do family, he hadn't experienced much other culture- though the patriot still believed that his homeland was superior, the southern neighbors were interesting. Another new experience for the aspiring tactician was the smell. The scent of seawater and fish overtook the city smells he was more accustomed to. These new experiences kept his mind active with the experience; kept it sharp for the oncoming task.

Kaine, the name of the horse he rode, strolled along the paved street. The crowds of people parted to make way for the horse- wiser than to test the equine beast with a monstrous physique. Alecsander did not hold the reins to this powerful horse, it loyally followed the road as long as its master did not order otherwise. Instead, one of the man's hands fidgeted with a couple pebbles, while the other held a book tucked under his arm. He'd been reading the book on his travels- he had not finished it, but as he entered the city he could not have been bothered to put it away.

His eyes flitted to watch the ships in the port as he passed them. Impressive ships- the first like them that he'd seen with his own eyes. He frowned. Not in disappointment, but in curiosity as his mind wandered. He wondered what the naval force of this country was like. Not incredibly impressive, if their plea for help was any indication, but he surmised that it was better than Centralia's. He'd hope to keep his battles on the ground if he could, for that flavor of warfare was what he focused his studies upon.

As he continued on, his nose itched. He itched it with one of the pebbles, which he held between his thumb and forefinger. As he did, his hawklike gaze swept more intently over his surroundings. Colors, people, flags and... a finely crafted steel blue blade twinkling in the sunlight. This person had no entourage that he could see, but he sensed they were a step above the surrounding peasantry... not unlike himself. He took mental note of the person, but stopping to interact was neither in his schedule or necessary. He continued on, headed to a nearby market. His goal here was to stock up on resources before the final stretch to Laughing Wolf, and would depart as soon as he had the supplies.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Liliana Mortus
After a while of travel she reached the harbour, she glanced around trying to remember where the guy had said she was supposed to go. Standing in the middle of the street she groaned, "god dammit directions are so tedious. It was something like Giggling Dog or something wasn't it" she said talking to the Sandor as he sat on her shoulder, the weasel squeaked a few times in response, "I was listening I just forgot" she respond as she crossed her arms, she truthfully only half paid attention, she had remembered something about the docks being mentioned which is why she'd come here. She glanced around, surely someone must know something, she spotted someone with sitting on the dock with a pretty knife and happily strolled over, upon reaching she girl she waved to get her attention. "Hi there, you wouldn't happen to know how to get to..um...I think it was Giggling Dog" Sandor squeaked "oh no sorry it might be Giggling Wolf but we're not 100% sure" she said tilting her head slightly.
Alecsander Pointe, Skeleton Harbor, Rotaria, 8/2/854 CF.
He watched.

He gazed upon the townsfolk of Skeleton Harbor go about their lives, looking down upon them from his warhorse with his analytic eyes. They interested him so very much. Being a sheltered child of a well-to-do family, he hadn't experienced much other culture- though the patriot still believed that his homeland was superior, the southern neighbors were interesting. Another new experience for the aspiring tactician was the smell. The scent of seawater and fish overtook the city smells he was more accustomed to. These new experiences kept his mind active with the experience; kept it sharp for the oncoming task.

Kaine, the name of the horse he rode, strolled along the paved street. The crowds of people parted to make way for the horse- wiser than to test the equine beast with a monstrous physique. Alecsander did not hold the reins to this powerful horse, it loyally followed the road as long as its master did not order otherwise. Instead, one of the man's hands fidgeted with a couple pebbles, while the other held a book tucked under his arm. He'd been reading the book on his travels- he had not finished it, but as he entered the city he could not have been bothered to put it away.

His eyes flitted to watch the ships in the port as he passed them. Impressive ships- the first like them that he'd seen with his own eyes. He frowned. Not in disappointment, but in curiosity as his mind wandered. He wondered what the naval force of this country was like. Not incredibly impressive, if their plea for help was any indication, but he surmised that it was better than Centralia's. He'd hope to keep his battles on the ground if he could, for that flavor of warfare was what he focused his studies upon.

As he continued on, his nose itched. He itched it with one of the pebbles, which he held between his thumb and forefinger. As he did, his hawklike gaze swept more intently over his surroundings. Colors, people, flags and... a finely crafted steel blue blade twinkling in the sunlight. This person had no entourage that he could see, but he sensed they were a step above the surrounding peasantry... not unlike himself. He took mental note of the person, but stopping to interact was neither in his schedule or necessary. He continued on, headed to a nearby market. His goal here was to stock up on resources before the final stretch to Laughing Wolf, and would depart as soon as he had the supplies.

Liliana Mortus
After a while of travel she reached the harbour, she glanced around trying to remember where the guy had said she was supposed to go. Standing in the middle of the street she groaned, "god dammit directions are so tedious. It was something like Giggling Dog or something wasn't it" she said talking to the Sandor as he sat on her shoulder, the weasel squeaked a few times in response, "I was listening I just forgot" she respond as she crossed her arms, she truthfully only half paid attention, she had remembered something about the docks being mentioned which is why she'd come here. She glanced around, surely someone must know something, she spotted someone with sitting on the dock with a pretty knife and happily strolled over, upon reaching she girl she waved to get her attention. "Hi there, you wouldn't happen to know how to get to..um...I think it was Giggling Dog" Sandor squeaked "oh no sorry it might be Giggling Wolf but we're not 100% sure" she said tilting her head slightly.
Fujiwara Honoka, Skeleton Harbor, Rotaria, 8/2/854 CF.

Honoka had looked up to see a Horse, a big horse. She then took note since this horse was not of the kind she'd seen in Rotaria, Dragon Island, or Reaper Island. As the horse passed, she then went back to her things, which was mainly making sure her sword was ready to go when someone walked up, immediately the first thing she heard was.

"Hi there, you wouldn't happen to know how to get to...um...I think it was Giggling Dog,"

There was a weasel on her shoulder, and the weasel squeaked.

"oh no sorry, it might be Giggling Wolf, but we're not 100% sure."

"Don't worry about it, you got the Call for help? If so, Laughing Wolf, that's where I'm headed..."

Fujiwara Honoka had an inkling about this person. She was confused, possibly mistaken. She brushed it off for now.

"I don't know if we know where the others are, but if supplies are stocked, we should probably get moving." Honoka responded, "Fujiwara Honoka, that's my name. I'll show you the way to the town!"

Fujiwara Honoka then got moving, motioning for the woman to follow.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Liliana Mortus
Smiling gleefully Ana listened to the woman then turned to Sandor "I like her she's nice, young people are usually so unhelpful" she said suddenly realising she was ignoring the girl "sorry, it's been a while since I've been around people, it's been just me and Sandor for the last..um..you know I forgot to ask how long it had been when they let me out, I am Liliana Mortus but you can call me Ana, it's what everyone calls me" she smiled again, swaying ever so slightly as Sandor squeaked at her motioning to follow Honoka "I'm going Sandor don't rush me" she said as she hurried off after her.
Tharivol Lotlavian
Tharivol had been up for hours, training for whatever the bloody hell was going to happen. And now he was supposed to be heading to meet with the Queen of Centralia. How was he supposed to know? He wasn't that kind of smart. But he was street smart. And also direction smart, if that was a thing. And he knew he was going to be headed towards Centralia. How? He knew because of the sun, and where it was in the sky. He had spoken two words in the past 24 hours: "I'm ready". As he stared into the sunrise, he couldn't help but wonder what was going on. He didn't keep up with the news, he wasn't that kind of person. He'd more than stocked up on resources now and he was headed for the capital of Centralia, assuming his sense of direction hadn't screwed itself over.

When they did arrive, Tharivol didn't go to the castle. Well, not before thanking his benefactors (nonverbally). Then he headed to the castle, but didn't head in. Not until he could. "I apologise if I'm coming off as rude, but am I allowed in?" he finally asked.