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Open Adventures: 854

The year is 854, and there is a major problem. In the continent of Sirlandor lies Nine Kingdoms, Rotaria, Akaria, Centralia, Drago, Lucios
Formid, Drog, Flosig, and Nil.

Centralia is the one in the middle, and the only land locked of the nine, it relies on some resources traded to the other kingdoms, such as Rotaria to its south, and Formid to its west. The problem is that Akaria, who is west of Rotaria and South of Formid, is a major threat, and has revealed intention to declare war on Neighboring kingdoms such as Rotaria, Formid and Centralia. Rotaria has Called upon help though.

Dear Adventurer, You have been called to Meet with Prince Melvin Farra (Queen Skyra Windrill-Mephistopheles if Centralia, And Frugush the Ninth if Formid) and his daughter (her children if Centralia, his son if Formid). The king specified that you speak to him about how you can help with preparations. There are three Warlords that we need to worry about, and their identities are hidden. We will compile information as we get it in. The Prince of Rotaria, the Queen of Centralia, and the Chieftain of Formid need to know who they're dealing with. So we sent forms to you and whoever we've deemed necessary. What we know about the Warlords thus far attack is that each are attacking a different Kingdom that was listed in their declaration.

Clifford Sparknight, Lettermaster to the Ambassador of Dragon Island to Rotaria. (If Centralia, then Lerissa Belial, Lettermaster to Ambassador of Dragon Island to Centralia, if Formid, then Dong Gong, Lettermaster to the Ambassador of Dragon Island to Formid.)

Your Name:

Your Age:

Your Date of Birth: (keep in mind the Year is written XX/XX/XXX CF, with the X's filling for dates. There are Five Six Day weeks in a Month and 12 months in a year.)

Your Gender:

Your Sexuality:

Your Height:

Your Weight:

Your Physical Appearance:

Your Element: (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind and Lightning are common, Dark and Light are rarer. There are things that affect your element. Ask if you are wondering about those.)




Benefactor: (Select a clan from the list, they will be the ones to directly send you, you do not have to select this clan as your Ancestry.)




Your Name: Fujiwara Honoka
Your Age: 20
Your Date of Birth: 9/22/833 CF
Your Gender: Female
Your Sexuality: Bi-curious
Your Height: 6'1"
Your Weight: 190 lbs
Your Physical Appearance: Soot Grey skin due to a descendance of Genie Island from her mother's side. She has onyx eyes and Shoulder length Slate Grey hair. She has a voluptuous frame for her height on a medium bone structure. Her current outfit is a black, cut off tank top with a set of shorts, with dark colored Leather armor worn over this. There is a knife pouch on her left thigh.
Your Element: Earth
Class: Assassin/Traveler
Hometown: City of Yearning, Dragon Island, Islandor
Feats: Honoka had been trained by The King of Rotaria's Personal Assassin. She is considered dangerous. Has killed one Akarian Noble due to them causing an act of aggression towards Dragon Island. This act was attempting to sabotage supplies being sent to Formid to help with a famine that had occurred recently.
Benefactor: Clan Dragonfountain, particularly Admiral Dragonfountain
Pet: None
Notes: Honoka is the second child and oldest daughter of Dragon Island Northern Fleet Admiral Akihiko Fujiwara and Dragonslayer Emi Rocksong Fujiwara. Both are considered powerful people, one in Tactics and one in Combat. She currently owns the shortsword Rain. This sword causes any damage done by the sword to lash out additional damage from water.
Other: Honoka is open to be crushed on. Rain has a steel blue blade and a handle that is water motifed.

Your Name: Melville Johannes Bookforge III

Your Age: 16

Your Date of Birth: 8/8/837 CF

Your Gender: Male

Your Sexuality: Straight?

Your Height: 5'9"

Your Weight: 151 lbs

Your Physical Appearance: long, brown hair, kept tied back as his blue eyes give a whimsical look to them. He has a round, freckled face, and is a bit slim. He wears heavy clothes, such as a long, brown coat and various clothes under the coat. There is a staff that has a glass Orb on one end, the Orb has what looks like electricity in the inside.

Your Element: Water

Class: Mage/Traveler

Hometown: The Middle of Nowhere, Dragon Island.

Feats: Has Summoned his Grandfather's Familiar, a Elemental who controls a certain letter.

Benefactor: Pirate Royal via Mariana Sparknight Treehugger.

Pet: The Elemental mentioned in his Feats, which controls the Letter X.

Notes: Melville is a reclusive individual, known to spend time alone when not conversing.

Other: N/A

Your Name: Derrekk Bookforge

Your Age: 16

Your Date of Birth: 8/8/837 CF

Your Gender: Male

Your Sexuality: Bisexual

Your Height: 5'9"

Your Weight: 157 lbs

Your Physical Appearance: He has the same long brown hair as Melville III, same Blue eyes, however, they have a serious look to them. Derrekk wears a light brown longcoat, worn open with a fancy black and white shirt and pants. There is a crimson red blade in his right hand when in Combat, and a sheath that sits on his left hip.

Your Element: Light

Class: Duelist/Traveler

Hometown: The Middle of Nowhere, Dragon Island

Feats: Killed Ten Men in duels by the age of 14. These people wanted to marry a girl his heart is given to.

Benefactor: Pirate Royal, via Mariana Sparknight Treehugger.

Pet: N/A

Notes: He is an Identical Twin with Melville Bookforge III. His sword is called The Blood Oath. This sword is known to drain opponent's blood to boost its Wielder's combat capabilities.

Other: Derrekk is engaged to marry Merilissa Athogate, Fire Princess of Genie Island as an alliance attempt between Pirate Royal and Genie Island.

Clan Maverick: Clan Maverick is one of the strongest Mage Clans of Axlandor, Situated in the Eastern Corridor. They are known for immense Magical Capacity. This Clan is few in number. Their Current Clan Head is The Number Two to the Supreme Elder Mage, Logan Maverick.

Clan Leonidas: They are the royal Family of Reaper Island. This Clan has an ability called a Reaper Spirit, which resides inside their souls. The Spirit gives Two things, an Ability boost, and Lent Knowledge. Lent Knowledge gives knowledge on a subject of the Spirits choice. A Reaper has three stages of their abilities being exerted onto the Clan Leonidas Host:

Berserk: This has the most sudden boost to raw abilities (1.33x), but the least (.1x) to its lent knowledge.

Corruption: This further boosts your Raw Abilities (1.5x) , as the Lent Knowledge catches up (.375x).

Mastered: Your Raw abilities boost has maxed out (1.75x), and your Lent Knowledge has given insight to situations that pertain to the subject selected at Character creation.

Current Head of Clan Leonidas is Leonardo, King of Reaper Island.

Clan Star is a Clan with a Berserker like Rage as their Clan ability. The rage has three stages and each is stronger and more difficult to control than the last. The key to determining the stage of the Ability is in their eyes.

Condensing Star: Physical Attributes associated with this ability are associated with Strength and Speed. This increases Capacity by a factor of 1.5 lasts throughout Combat, but wears off at the end of combat. This stage is marked by the user's eyes being purple with black Sclera.

Destabilizing Star: Your Capacity has increased to 2.0x your normal abilities on strength and Speed. Due to the unstable energy from the boost, your eyes look mostly red.

Destroyed Star: Your Capacity on Strength and Speed has increased to the max (2.75x). However this state is rather difficult to control. The eye is entirely black, except for a small dot and a ring at the edge that serves as a timer. This state wears out when the ring reaches the white dot.

Clan Sparknight is a Clan with various powers from various factions across the Entire World. Currently, Clifford Sparknight of the Dragon Island Embassy in Rotaria is one of two heads of the clan. The other head is Mariana Sparknight Treehugger, First Fleet Commander of The Pirate Royal Fleet. You can be a branch member. The clan is known to have weight and looks not match, due to a Muscle density multiplier on them. (That Density is 1.43x, keep this in mind when creating a character with Clan Sparknight descendancy, this will affect your character's Weight.)

Lifespark: There is a mini star inside that serves as reserves and can be used to fuel a combat ability. They tend to be warmer than the average humanoid. As for the combat form, your skin pales as other things seemingly burn, like your hair. Thus state has increased strength and Endurance (x3~5). However, it is exhausting to use and when it wears off, movement and reaction time is halved.

Clan Xerxes is the royal family of Dragon Island, sending adventurers from there if they don't have a different clan holding as Benefactor. You can not be a member of this clan.

Clan Farra is the Royal Family of Rotaria, and Prince Melvin, the Younger Prince, is the one who sent the call. You can not be a member, but you can have This clan as a Benefactor.

Clan Mephistopheles is the royal family for Centralia. This Clan can be your Benefactor, but you cannot be a member. Keep in mind that the Area the Capital of Centralia Resides is called The Fiend Lands.

Clan Formidios is the Royal Clan for Formid, and as such, unavailable when making a character. They are however, a possible Benefactor.

Pirate Royal: Name still needs updated, but this faction is more Mercenary than pirates these days. Currently, Elicia Swordsmith is Grand Admiral, and Mariana Sparknight Treehugger is First Fleet Commander.

Society of Dragonslayers: This is a group of people that have killed at least one Dragon of Young or older each. The most recent Dragonslayer is Lanara Lance, the 57th member of the Dragonslayer's current iteration. She killed a Pink Dragon, which is known to have random magical effects as it's breath weapon. Keep in mind that this occurred in 852 CF. You can make an Earlier Dragonslayer. Not a later one.

I will do sheets for NPCs as we need them.
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Can you further explain the elements, magic, and familiars?

The Elements Are mainly for proficiency, which mean that spells of that element are more effective and easier to learn than spells of other elements, think of similar to how a DnD wizard selects their school, and gets half time and gold costs to add a particular spell of that school to a spellbook. In specifics, if trying to learn a spell, there is a set time to learn the spell and a set effectiveness, if the spell's element is the same as yours, then it takes half the time to learn and is 30% more effective than someone whose element is different than the spell. Some magic users carry a spellbook, which assumes that the spell is of your alignment, which is better for learning multiple elements. Some carry an Arcane Focus, which can help with a different element's difficulties, typically the effectiveness, which may be better if you want to specialize in one or two elements.

Example: If Melville Bookforge III wants to learn a water spell, such as summoning a Geyser, learning that spell takes 1 hour a day for two weeks. With his water Element, he can cut that time in half, and summon a larger Geyser than one without Water element could.

Magic is controlled through a Magic Origin, which tells the element that is more proficient then the others. The spells themselves are up to your creativity. If anyone has spell concepts, let me know.

Familiars are typically contracted with the head creature of what you summon on first summoning. They can be any non-humanoid creature, other than a Dragon.

For example: Melville Bookforge III Summoned the Letter Elemental Lord when he was eight, and made a contract with the letter Elementals, which gave him his Familiar, a Letter Elemental over the Letter X.

I hope this satisfies your question.
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Are there races other than human in this world?
Yes, Tiefling-like individuals actually usually live in Centralia, and Genasi-like individuals also usually live in Lucios and on Genie Island. As a matter of fact, Derrekk is engaged to a Genasi-like individual. Dwarven individuals can be seen in caves across Sirlandor. Elves can be found across all Continents, and those of other races can be found in various places across Sirlandor, Islandor and Axlandor. There are even Aasimar-like individuals, and the Rotarian group will meet one of those individuals.

For other races, just ask and I will tell where.
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Previously mallard
Your Name: Alecsander Pointe

Your Age: 19

Your Date of Birth: 06/01/835

Your Gender: Male

Your Sexuality: Bisexual, heterosexual lean

Your Height: 5'6"

Your Weight: 112lbs

Your Physical Appearance: A shorter, slimmer young man with dusty brown hair that doesn't quite go to his shoulders, but comes close. His hair is usually found slicked back to show off his slate grey eyes and blemishless fair skin. He is compared to a bird of prey with his sharp features and piercing stare. He always dresses in lavish clothing, but rarely travels without a subtle breastplate beneath his clothes.

Your Element: Earth

Class: Tactician/Warrior

Hometown: Centralia's capital

Feats: Though he hasn't been allowed to test his mettle in a real war yet, he commanded his way to push back an insurrectionist ambush at 17, and later saw to that rebel faction's destruction himself.

Benefactor: Clan Mephistopheles

Pet: His warhorse, Kaine

Notes: The second, and youngest, son of Culian Pointe, who is an officer in the Centralian Army. He also owns a Brooch of the Third Eye, which allows him to close his eyes and see from any point of his choosing within 100ft

Other: Free to be crushed on
If you're starting in Rotaria with Honoka, you will meet this person.
Your Name: Clifford Francis "Cliff" Sparknight

Your Age: 55

Your Date of Birth: 6/27/799 CF

Your Gender: Male

Your Sexuality: Taken

Your Height: 5'9"

Your Weight: 251 lbs (Clan Sparknight)

Your Physical Appearance: Short, combed Red hair with purple eyes, he has an annoyed look from the Akarian intent to declare war. He wears the royal blue and red of Dragon Island, with a cloak from the Rotarian King. His frame looks like he should Weigh 175 lbs, but due to Clan Sparknight descendancy, his muscle density is increased for the Lifespark.

Your Element: Fire (Clan Sparknight)

Class: Pugilist/Lettermaster

Hometown: Blade King's Harbor, Reaper Island (Formerly), Laughing Wolf, Rotaria (Currently)

Feats: Married and had several children with who Rotarian nobles called Mirabel the Untouchable. Fought against a Demon Lord twenty-nine years ago. Was a Correspondent to Admiral Travis Dragonfountain until he married Mirabel, then became the Lettermaster to the Ambassador of Dragon Island to Rotaria.

Benefactor: He is one of two possible Benefactors for Clan Sparknight.

Pet: N/A

Notes: Cliff is Militarily trained.

Other: N/A

If you're starting with Melville Bookforge III in Centralia, you will meet this person
Your Name: Lerissa Belial

Your Age: 19

Your Date of Birth: 7/8/835 CF

Your Gender: Female

Your Sexuality: Asexual/Biromantic

Your Height: 4'11"

Your Weight: 99 lbs

Your Physical Appearance: Lerissa has brick red skin, horns of the same color, long dark hair, braided, with yellow eyes and Sclera. Her face is freckled with dark brown freckles. She is on a healthy but otherwise average frame and figure. She wore a long coat that was light green, worn unbuttoned, with a dark red shirt and pants, and a blue vest. She wears Armored gloves and boots.

Your Element: Water

Class: Lettermaster/Knife thrower.

Hometown: The Fiend Lands Northern Border, Centralia.

Feats: Not much, she's more a civilian than anything

Benefactor: She represents the Ambassador of Dragon Island to Centralia.

Pet: A cat named Moose, he is huge for a house cat.

Notes: Lerissa is a civilian on staff for the Embassy for Dragon Island in Centralia.

Other: N/A

If you are in Formid, then you will meet this person.
Your Name: Dong Gong

Your Age: 31

Your Date of Birth: 12/17/822

Your Gender: Male

Your Sexuality: Taken

Your Height: 6'7"

Your Weight: 261 lbs

Your Physical Appearance: Green skin with small tusks, his eyes are yellow with balding dark hair. He wears a fancy suit, but not without some sort of battle armor in case of ambush. His frame is on the muscular side of things.

Your Element: Wind

Class: Lettermaster/Fighter

Hometown: The Formidable Wall (Formid's capital)

Feats: Lettermaster for The Ambassador of Dragon Island to Formid for 11 years.

Benefactor: He is the Lettermaster for the Ambassador of Dragon Island to Formid, and serves Clan Formidios.

Pet: A Giant Constrictor Snake named Kroggor.

Notes: Is the representative of the client in Formid.

Other: N/A

@Psymallard Accepted! Which group will Alecsander be traveling with? Melville, Honoka or Derrekk?
Yes, Tiefling-like individuals actually usually live in Centralia, and Genasi-like individuals also usually live in Lucios and on Genie Island. As a matter of fact, Derrekk is engaged to a Genasi-like individual. Dwarven individuals can be seen in caves across Sirlandor. Elves can be found across all Continents, and those of other races can be found in various places across Sirlandor, Islandor and Axlandor. There are even Aasimar-like individuals, and the Rotarian group will meet one of those individuals.

For other races, just ask and I will tell where.
Hey, it's been awhile. I happened to be looking around and found this RP. By any chance, are there any Draconian humanoids?
Hey, it's been awhile. I happened to be looking around and found this RP. By any chance, are there any Draconian humanoids?
Kobold and Dragonborn like individuals typically reside in Drog and sometimes in other areas outside of Sirlandor.

Half-dragons and Draconic Ancestry Humans and other races are Extremely rare and there are around 8 known individuals, none confirmed in Sirlandor.
Your Name: Tharivol "Furious" Lotlavian
Your Age: 22
Your Date of Birth: 02/02/832 CF
Your Gender: Male
Your Sexuality: Straight
Your Height: Around 5'7"
Your Weight: 112lb
Your Physical Appearance: Tharivol has neck-length and surprisingly neat black hair that he ties back when he needs to get somewhere without being seen. He also has dark blue eyes that turn red if exposed to darkness long enough. Fairly athletic build. Tan-coloured skin with several burn scars.
Your Element: Lightning
Class: Traveller/Assassin
Hometown: Skeleton Harbour, Rotaria
Feats: Tharivol is skilled at stealth, assassination and keeping secrets. He has a total kill count of 11 so far, which isn't much, but when you consider that he's been doing his job for half a year and merely training for far more, it's a pretty decent amount. He got the nickname "Furious" after he assassinated a man who was boasting about killing his brother.
Benefactor: Clan Maverick
Pet: N/A
Notes: Tharivol's name is commonly misspelt as "Tarivol", which is justified as that's how it's pronounced. He had been training for around 8 years before the story started. Despite his occupation and title, he has a strict moral code and only kills corrupt individuals (unlike his brother, who killed whoever his client wanted him to kill).
Other: N/A

I think I'll have him meet with Melville and Lerissa, since he probably would've been sent there as reinforcements by someone as a jon he would've taken even if he wasn't paid to.
Your Name: Tharivol "Furious" Lotlavian
Your Age: 22
Your Date of Birth: 02/02/832 CF
Your Gender: Male
Your Sexuality: Straight
Your Height: Around 5'7"
Your Weight: 112lb
Your Physical Appearance: Tharivol has neck-length and surprisingly neat black hair that he ties back when he needs to get somewhere without being seen. He also has dark blue eyes that turn red if exposed to darkness long enough. Fairly athletic build. Tan-coloured skin with several burn scars.
Your Element: Lightning
Class: Traveller/Assassin
Hometown: Skeleton Harbour, Rotaria
Feats: Tharivol is skilled at stealth, assassination and keeping secrets. He has a total kill count of 11 so far, which isn't much, but when you consider that he's been doing his job for half a year and merely training for far more, it's a pretty decent amount. He got the nickname "Furious" after he assassinated a man who was boasting about killing his brother.
Benefactor: Clan Maverick
Pet: N/A
Notes: Tharivol's name is commonly misspelt as "Tarivol", which is justified as that's how it's pronounced. He had been training for around 8 years before the story started. Despite his occupation and title, he has a strict moral code and only kills corrupt individuals (unlike his brother, who killed whoever his client wanted him to kill).
Other: N/A

I think I'll have him meet with Melville and Lerissa, since he probably would've been sent there as reinforcements by someone as a jon he would've taken even if he wasn't paid to.
Clan Maverick is an interesting Pick, which member could have sent him. I was thinking Logan's Youngest Daughter, Mavis Sargon being the sender, since her home is in the Continent of Sirlandor. Mavis is the spouse to the Heir to Nil. Does that work? Either way, accepted.

If I get one more RPer, I will drop the first Post.
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