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Amethyst's Pokemon Sprite Contest!

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Hello, and welcome to my forum! It's sad what happened to Pokecharms, but we can manage, right guys? Well, here's how we'll do this: I'll post a theme, then you make a pokemon sprite that fits the theme. Since there's no way to get back the other sprites, we'll start off this forum with the theme we had before we lost the data, which is Legendaries! Any type, any shape, any form, anything you want just so long as it's a legendary! Here are the rules:

1. One sprite per author per theme.
2. Must fit the theme.
3. The sprite must be yours. No plagiarism, people!
4. It must be sprited. No drawings or anything.
5. Pokedex entry required. If you can't think of one, post the sprite and add the dex entry later.
6. You may use a base, but don't just, say, take a Rayquaza and make it red and black or something! That's just lazy.

Current theme: Completely Scratched Sprites



Bluez (1)


Tunduli/Suwako Moriya (2)


Gentleman_Virgil (1)


[X5-452] (1)


Andrew/Gochiruzeru (1)

The winners receive a free pokemon, any one except for an eevee/eeveelution or a legendary. Now, go, my friends, and SPRITE!
I'll go first.


Monotone Pokemon
HT: 2'04"
WT: 53.0 lbs.
Wilbatrone roams the region sucking the colour out of other pokemon for energy and stores it in its eyes. If you find a wild pokemon that has lost its colour, it is probably the result of Wilbatrone
I still want to give this a shot. o-o

I'll see if I can work up the motivation to sit down and sprite something up in the next few days. I have a feeling that I know what it'll end up looking like, though. XD

Also, Zeebedee's is nice! 8D
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Throwing my entry back in here, just to see the results. >:3


Attack Satellite Pokemon
Height: 17'09"
Weight: 1 536 lbs.
Deuchina is a unique Pokemon belinging to Cytech Industries. Records indicate this Pokemon fell from space and crash-landed on the planet 7 years ago. The Pokemon's remains were placed into a machine that now orbits the planet.


Yay I'm iz gunna loss!

Here, throwing back into the ring:


The legendary Drakoeh!
The Light pokemon
Type: Dragon/Electric
Height: 24'7"
Weight: 12348 lbs (one heavy motherfucker...)
Special ability: Pressure
Drakoeh usually dwells in humid caves to nutrify its charges, but on spring nights its thought to light up the night with its beautiful displays of light and electricity. It fueds with the pokemon of Dark, Gigajinto.
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Ok, time's up! And the winner is...



Very nice and creative! Now, onto the next theme...

...but what the heck are those? Well, basically it's a dual-type that's never been done before. For example, a Grass-Electric type, a Water-Rock type, etc. Just something that's never been done. Now then, go and SPRITE!

P.S. I forgot to mention that the winner receives any pokemon that isn't an Eevee/eeveelution or a legendary. PM me which Pokemon you want!
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Burntern (lolwut)
Haunted Light PokeMon
Height: 0'11"
Weight: 0.7 lbs.
BURNTERN are usually found on dark, stormy nights in old abandoned places. Usually, the owners of what used to be a simple lantern which then turned into a BURNTERN were never to be found.

(WAIT. I just noticed that it's weight and height are like ... almost identical to Rotom D:)

Ahahahahaha, I fail.
Oh! I'm a day late to post the results! Eh, doesn't matter anyways. Well, considering only one person entered, there can only be one winner...


Well, it's kinda an auto-win since he was the only one who entered, but a win nonetheless. Now for our next category...


... and yet another theme you probably have no ideas as to what the heck it is. Well, it's basically making an existing pokemon, but with a different type. For example, a ghost-type Arcanine, a fire-type Zigzagoon, etc. Now then, go sprite!

P.S: Tunduli, PM me the pokemon you want.
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AmethystDragon said:


Well, it's kinda an auto-win since he was the only one who entered, but a win nonetheless. Now for our next category...
Tun is a girl, dude...
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For existing pokemon but different type contest, I entered in a fire-type Turtwig (Or Turtflame) as seen in the attachments.

PS I just did this for the hell of it.


  • Fire Turtwig.png
    996 bytes · Views: 3,202


@AmethystDragon: Okay, no need to get touchy, I just dont want others to make my same mistakes on the old 'charms as all...

Normal Type Duskull. As I've always thought that the thing kinda looks like some old Gypsy kinda woman, I've made one out of it.
So I guess its Duskull alive or something~

Didnt just want to do a recolor so I've editorized a bit.
Not really a clean sprite but what the hey. Im writing my exams atm D:<

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Warning: the following is comepletely stupid and was lazily put together. I'm only showing it because I like it, and it's my first sprite in a long while XD


I give you... flying type Pikachu.

EDIT: Alright, I editted the picture because it was just that horrible. XD And I would make it transparent, but I lack photoshop or anything else of that sort atm...
Alright, guys. Friday has come, and so have the results. There were some pretty good ones, but only one really caught my eye. That one pokemon re-type would be...


...ok, I should really quit doing that with the text, shouldn't I? Anyways, that poison-type Drowzee was really original. Now, for the next theme...


This one you can tell just by the title. You just make an evolution or prevolution of an existing pokemon. Simple, right? Well, there's a catch; It must be a legendary! You read that right. You're making evolutions and prevolutions of legendaries! Good luck! You might need it. And don't forget that free pokemon for the prize.
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I'll give this a try, but not right now. I'll make my Prevo and then I'll post it here. I just hope it comes out well...

EDIT: Nevermind, here is my Prevo:

The youngling pokemon.
Height: 1.64 feet.
Weight: 11 pounds.
Every thousand years, Rayquaza will summon an enormous egg in the heavens. Billions of SNAQUAZA are inside this egg. They will fight until only one remains. When the Egg hatches, Rayquaza will teach the young SNAQUAZA everything it knows, before the SNAQUAZA evolves and the original Rayquaza dies.

A Rayquaza Prevo. Pretty much just a recolour. Still, not bad for my first sprite!


Formerly psy-teen
here's my prevolution chewby(chew-baby) the prevo of mawile. :)

this pokemon spends most of its time looking for berries and hiding from larger predators.
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KAJOEY are too small and under-developed to fend for themselves, and so spend the majority of their time tucked inside their mother KANGASKHAN's pouches until they are old enough to evolve.​
You people didn't read the rest of the post after "Pokemon (Pr)Evolutions," did you? I said after that there was a twist. Here, I'll quote it for you:

Zoroark said:
You just make an evolution or prevolution of an existing pokemon. Simple, right? Well, there's a catch; It must be a legendary!

Jeez. Read the whole of the post before you enter, morons. All entries for this contest up to this point will be ignored.
Ok I have a prevolution of suicune.


Aurora Pokémon
HT: 2'01”
WT: 146.2 lbs.
Blisune is given one body of water to watch over. It uses this body of water to perfect its abilities before it is able to evolve.
Mmkay, lemme try again. xD


(Pronounced "MY-OO-EE")
Bubble PokéMon
HT: 0'8" (0.2m)
WT: 4.4 lbs (2kg)
MYUI are born in vast seas inside bubbles, and so enjoy making bubbles out of thin air. For MYUI to evolve into MEW, it must learn to control its Psychic abilities.​

Haha, yes, its height/weight are exactly half of Mew. :>

ht: 0'11"
wt: 6.3lbs
ability: multitype
it evolves into giratina , dialga , palkia , or arceus depending what color on its orb is dominant right before evolution
red for giratina , blue for dialga , pink for palkia , or green for arceus

sorry its kinda obvious its an edited shinx but its hard to fit a lot of things on to a little body
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Zoroark said:
All entries for this contest up to this point will be ignored.

If thats the case, repost:


The youngling pokemon.
Height: 1.64 feet.
Weight: 11 pounds.
Every thousand years, Rayquaza will summon an enormous egg in the heavens. Billions of SNAQUAZA are inside this egg. They will fight until only one remains. When the Egg hatches, Rayquaza will teach the young SNAQUAZA everything it knows, before the SNAQUAZA evolves and the original Rayquaza dies.
In that case, just forget my posts. I'm not a very good spritist. I'll try harder in the next one.
Ok guys, this week it was a tough decision. It was a tie, so I had to go into my paint program, put them side-by-side, and judge them by three criteria. Well, here is the winner...



Congrats! You have won again! Pick your second free Pokemon! As for the next theme...


... well, you know the sprites are made already, so what do you do? Well, you sprite new pokemon you'd like to see in Generation V. It's pretty much a free-for all. Good luck!
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Ok, I'm a day late, but the winner is...
Umm... Nobody?

Seriously? Nobody even bothered to enter? Huh. Well... new theme, then. It will be...


Yes, I am asking you to scratch a sprite! Any kind, just so long as you scratch it completely. I WILL know if you don't scratch it completely, comprende?
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