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DPPt/HGSS Anyone have Riolu eggs?

Hi! My DP name is Amaya and my friend code is 2105-7637-9007. I'm looking for eggs. Yes, eggs. I like hatching them myself. I would like the following:


Any starter Pokemon
Any Shiny Pokemon
Mewtwo (I had one in Leafgreen that I was going to migrate over but my sister went to school -they were having an electronics day- and let her friend borrow it and the girl never gave it back! My poor baby...)
Houndour (I had a Houndoom in Leafgreen I could have bred but... Well look at Mewtwo's)
Any other Legendaries

Warning: I prefer eggs, but I will take already hatched Pokemon or their evolutions. Also I will take Mewtwo no matter how weak he is or how you got him. (I miss mine...)

Items I want:

Rare Candy
Razor Claw
Dawn Stone

Warning: I will trade the Pokemon that had been holding the item back if you'd like.

Anyway these are what I have:


Eevee with Wish, Shadow Ball, and Quick Attack (The Father and Mother both know Wish and Quick Attack, the father knows Shadow Ball.)
Skorupi x2 (both hatched, both male, and both nicknamed)

Daisu (M) - Lv. 1

Daru (M) - Lv. 1

Mime Jr. x1 (Hatched, nicknamed)

Mimi (F) - Lv.1

Piplup x30 (all are eggs)
Pichu with Volt Tackle x4 (all have hatched. 3 boys, 1 girl; All nicknamed.)

Yumi (F) - Lv. 1

Mamou (M) - Lv. 1

Voultai (M) - Lv. 4

Piki (M) - Lv. 1

Riolu with Sky Uppercut, Blaze Kick, and Shadow Claw

I'm still trying to get all the Pokemon and breed the moves but (hopefully) I'll be getting some Misdeavus with Omnius Wind, Sucker Punch, and Shadow Sneak. I still need to find a way to breed the moves on though so it might take a while. Please do not ask for this Pokemon until noted otherwise.

Warning: Requesting genders is hard and will take A LOT more time. And there are only female Chanseys, so please don't ask for a male... They don't exist. It will also take longer if you want me to train them for you. Oh and requesting a nature can take a long time too, so if you ask you'll have to be very patient. Also, if it has a x# beside it, it means I already have them ready. Any color other than blue is information about an already hatched Pokemon.

Items I will trade:

Skull Fossils x4
Blue Shard x9
Yellow Shard x2
Green Shard x7
Red Shard x7
Big Mushroom x3
Light Clay x2
Grip Claw x2

Warning: These items have a limited number.

TMs I will trade:

Roar x1
Hail x1
Hyper Beam x1
Sludge Bomb x1
Rock Tomb x1
Aerial Ace x1
Torment x1
Snatch x1
Brine x1
Dream Eater x1

There is only one TM for each time.

I hope you find something you like.
How would we get hold of you? Is Pokecharms chat sufficient? I'm in there a lot recently.

I should be able to get you two Riolu eggs for a Skorupi and Wish-Eevee. - Code etc is in the signature.
Okay. Just let me get the eggs. Would you like them hatched with a nickname/no nickname. Or an egg, so that you can name it, and re-name it as you please.
Okay. Just let me get the eggs. Would you like them hatched with a nickname/no nickname. Or an egg, so that you can name it, and re-name it as you please.
Hatched and no nickname would be great. Turned out that I saved in the Elite four, so let me lose and breed Lucario here and I'll be ready whenever. Pop into chat and say hi :)
I can breed Blaze Kick, Bullet Punch, and Vacuum Wave on to a Riolu, if you still want the eggs. I also have a Rare candy, so I'll take 2 Proteins, or a Protein and a Carbos if you have 1 protein.
Great! I hope you don't mind a level 14 Ponyta and a level 2 Starly holding the items. If you do, I could try and find some better Pokemon.
i have D/P starters ill trade you all 3 eggs for a female pichu with volt tackle and the riolu. just trade a magicarp for the other one or something give me a time I'm available Wednesday all day and Friday all day i live in the eastern U.S. so if u could give me a time going by that or forum time that would be great.