"Looks like I'm not the only one grappling around!" Rebellio commented as he reached his destination, kicking off a wall and towards Chief. With a swing of his scythe, he would try to slice through the Spartan's grappling line in hopes of taking that movement option away. Whether he succeeded or not, he would then come crashing down and slam his weapon into the ground, small chunks of earth scattering upon impact. This would hopefully force Chief off him, keeping him from abusing his close-range prowess.
Throwing out another crimson wire to grapple, Rebellio decided to enter the nearby Forerunner structure, moving quickly along his thread as he entered a dark hallway. Once there, Chief would recognize a familiar sound: the Adept's Gatling gun revving up. A flurry of string energy bullets came his way, Rebellio taking advantage of the enclosed space to make it harder for the Spartan to reach him.
With Tethi having been knocked down momentarily, Copen took the chance to reload his Bullits, small silver batteries being ejected from his boots, replaced with new ones. A strange beetle hovered in the air, glowing blue, though he wasn't sure what its purpose was. Seeing as Tethi would also be inside its area of effect, he doubted it would be anything harmful. Tethi eventually got back up, ready to attack again.
"That all you got?!" She exclaimed, swinging one of her longer range weapons around.
"There's more where that came from!" Lola shot back, switching EX Weapons once again. Choosing Hailstorm Blade once again, the icy blades swung at the bolas to deflect it, Copen opening fire on Tethi again as his companion kept him safe. Once he got the opportunity, he would leap over to his opponent and attempt to tag her again, in which case Lola would activate Stellar Spark and encase her in an electric field. Otherwise, he would jump away and keep attacking from afar.