Master Chief
The line was severed as Rebellio made haste to try and prevent Chief from closing the distance. He'd clearly come to the conclusion that hand-to-hand combat against the Spartan wasn't ideal. Chief rolled to the ground, whipping out the MA40 and opening fire on Rebellio as he retreated into the Forerunner structure, whipping about the corner to enter the hall beyond. The whirring of the gattling gun came to life as John approached, and bullets began to whiz out.
Chief took this opportunity to slide out his magazine and slap in a fresh clip, before peering about the corner. Rebellio was standing near the end of the hall, in the center, firing his weapon forward, targeting Chief as he took notice of him. Retracting his head from the combat zone, John devised a plan. Along the hall were short off-shoots, segmented by walls, their backs illuminated by the cool blue light of Forerunner electrical, or whatever that was made up of. Seven in total, four on the kid's right, three on his left. The fourth on his left was a ramp downward, leading to another hall that extended northbound to another ramp, leading to the entrance of the Silent Cartographer. Beyond that were a series of rooms, more ramps, halls, and eventually the cartographer itself.
Diving forward with his incredible speed, Chief pulled into the first segment, two bullets having been absorbed by his shields. With another dive, he shot into the second row, the segment on Rebellio's left, drawing dangerously close now as three more bullets were dissipated into Chief's shields. Whipping out a fragmentation grenade, Chief pulled the pin before tossing it up and over where Rebellio was, aiming to draw him forward as Chief dove toward the third row, the segment on Rebellio's right, and nearly right on top of the kid.
"Chief, I... think I've got it."
"Let's hear it."
Kalmiya audibly cleared her throat. "The strands are made up of a bio-energy that feeds on matter and needs it to thrive. Its weakness would be found in the basis of science and matter itself, right? I have reason to believe photon-based weaponry will be devastating for him."
"Hard light." Chief replied, finishing what she was building to, pulling what seemed to be a small silver stick from behind his back, gripping his hand around it. In a flash of light, the blade made of the purest form of light extended out four feet, energy fizzling along its surface, a glass-like hum resonating from it.