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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros. Ultimate - The Muspell Campaign

NIFL. The Kingdom of Ice. It was a cold, northern land known for its icy mountains and deep pine forests. Despite it being a harsh place, the people there were known to be surprisingly kind and caring. It was a land named after their patron, the Divine Ice Dragon which shared the name of the land. MUSPELL. The Flame Kingdom. A land of fire and brimstone, known for its volcanic mountains, scorching deserts, and intense heat. Like Nifl, this land also shares its name with its patron. The Divine Flame Dragon, Muspell. The lands of Muspell and Nifl were no strangers to war. Their conflict stretched back even to the time the Divine Dragons walked the lands. No amount of meddling or interference from the Nexus could change that.

SURTR, King of Muspell, led an invasion of Nifl. Empowered by the will of the Divine Flame Dragon, Surtr laid to waste all in path. No matter the defense the royal family of Nifl attempted, the forces of Muspell were just too powerful. Surtr slaughtered the King and Queen of Nifl, scattering the royal family.

It was at this point the Nexus intervened.

The forces of Nifl and Muspell suddenly found themselves in a new world. The landscape, while new, was not too different from what they were accustomed to. In the chaos of the change, Princess Fjorm and Princess Gunnthrá made their escape. Prince Hrid and Princess Yglr were not as fortunate, and were captured by Muspell forces. Surtr took to this new land in stride, burning and enslaving all in his path.

Princess Gunnthrá departed for the mountains, seeking a way to commune with the Divine Ice Dragon, or whatever force had brought them all to this strange new world. Meanwhile, Princess Fjorm moved to strike down Surtr…

Part of Laevatein was impressed at these new warriors Surtr had chosen. The throne room of Fortress of Cinders was the hottest place in the volcanic castle. Part of it was from the lava that poured down parts of the wall. Another part was from the jets of flame that constantly burned behind the throne. But everyone knew the true source of the nearly unbearable heat. The pink haired general merely glanced at the imposing figure that sat on the throne.

The heat came off King Surtr in waves, constantly pulsing. A massive figure, over seven feet tall and adorned in heavy gold and black armor. His eyes, red and piercing, stared down the scout that was giving their report to the war council. They were a Contracted Hero, a younger girl by the name of Morgan. A mage, pressed into service from the World of Awakening. If Laevatein could remember correctly, she was the daughter of the legendary tactician Robin. Like all Contracted Heroes, the familiar red halo floated lazily around her head.

“... As such, we have encountered remnants of the Nifl forces. They are scattered and unorganized…”

Laevatein turned her attention to the others sitting at the council table. In the old days, it was just her and Laegjarn. That was, until that woman appeared. Loki. Laevatein wouldn’t be surprised if this whole strange new world was this woman’s doing, she didn’t trust Loki in the slightest. There was something off about her. The way she had simply appeared one day, offering her services as a tactician. Laevatein had expected King Surtr to destroy this woman on the spot. And yet, somehow, Loki had managed to talk her way into Surtr’s service. She had been quite useful. Her tactics, trickery, and magic had done well deceiving the Nifl forces and making their invasion that much easier. And yet… There was that strange smile she always wore. Like she was up to something.

But Loki was much more preferable compared to her ‘pet’. Being transported to this new world, others had offered their services to Surtr. One of which, the strange creature known as Fakemon. Laevatein glanced at the digital creature. An unsettling creature that Laevatein didn’t like in the slightest. From its strange mask, to its strange voice, to the way it easily and smoothly could take the form of anything and anyone. Laevatein watched Loki and Fakemon. The pair were currently messing with a creature they had captured. On a patrol, they had come across some sort of creature made entirely of water. They had captured the creature in a bottle, and seemed to take much joy with finding various ways to torment it.

“... Other strange forces have been sighted as well. Men in white armor with energy guns, who all have the same face. Humanoid, alien creatures as massive as bears, armed with…”

The next warrior was also one that was clearly not human. Unlike Fakemon, it wasn’t even humanoid. A small, circular creature with bat-like wings and a gray metal mask. A creature that called itself Dark Metal Knight. This creature was at least a skilled warrior with a sword. Laevatein had seen it in battle. It moved with incredible speeds, and had a strange connection to mirrors. It was a cold, calculating fighter, and appeared to take no notice of the great heat of the throne room.

“... No sign of Princess Gunnthrá or Princess Fjorm. The Nifl remnants are also unaware of the current location of…”

Laevatein glanced at the next new warrior. He was the one that was the most ‘normal-looking’ in Laevatein’s mind, but that was saying something. A pale human, one with dark hair and scar on his cheek. Nikolai, as he called himself. Laevatein found his attitude and drinking unpleasant, but she had witnessed the man’s power. His strength and toughness was remarkable, perhaps even rivaling her own. He was staying cool here in the throne room.

“... I shall continue expanding my search to the south, and will report once more the moment I locate Burnt-Bone Gorge or a suitable location for a shrine to Muspell. So reports General Laegjarn.” Morgan concluded. Surtr sat, unmoved. Even after all these year, Laevatein had no clue what her father was thinking.

Just beyond the throne room doors, there was the sound of combat! The clashing of metal and screams of pain. Laevatein leapt to her feet, drawing her blade. At the same time, Dark Meta Knight was already in motion. Morgan dove out of the way as the doors to the throne room slammed open. For the first time, Laevatein felt a cold breeze blow through the throne room. The source was a young woman with short blonde hair, dressed in blue and gold armor. Laevatein recognized her instantly. It was a member of the royal family of Nifl, Princess Fjorm.

“SURTR!” Fjorm cried out, pointing her steel lance at the King. Princess Fjorm walked towards Surtr.
“You will pay! For the death of my mother, for the death of my father, for the sake of all my subjects you and your countrymen slaughtered, I will avenge them!”

Laevatein and Dark Meta Knight moved to intercept Princess Fjorm, but a single wave from Surtr stopped them in their tracks. A grin spread across his face, and he slowly stood up.
“What is this? The burning flame of revenge, in a small piece of ice from Nifl?” Surtr said in a deep voice. The King drew his weapon, one Laevatein knew well. A massive gold and red scythe, one with sinister barbs in the blade and a glowing red crystal embedded within. A gift from the Divine Flame Dragon itself. The everburning reaper, Sinmara. Jets of dark red flames flared to life on the underside of the blade.

Surtr let out a deep chuckle.
“It is good you are here. Come, wench. Come, and show me the extent of that flame of revenge. Entertain me!” Surtr said. With a cry of rage, Fjorm charged towards Surtr. Laevatein quickly moved back. Loki was finally one to move as well, uttering an incantation. Her and Fakemon abruptly vanished, teleporting to the opposite side of the room. Dark red flames erupted from the ground, covering the entirety of the throne room. Even Surtr’s warriors and generals were not spared. Laevatein could feel the flames licking her legs, but there was no pain. The magic flames of Sinmara would not harm her, or the other warriors of Muspell. That was, as long as Surtr willed it to be so. Princess Fjorm was not as fortunate.

The fight was a short one.

Princess Fjorm was already tired from her earlier battles. Laevatein watched as Surtr battered the Princess around, as easily as if she was a mere child. Fjorm’s Ice Mirror was no match for the relentless flames of Sinmara, and Surtr moved with deceptive speed. As they fought, Laevatein watched the familiar golden flames coating Surtr. In a decisive move, the fight was ended. Fjorm was barely able to raise her lance to block a powerful strike from Surtr. Her lance snapped from the blow, and Fjorm was sent flying into pillar. She cracked the stone she slammed against. Fjorm slumped to the ground. She could barely move, trying weakly to push herself back up. Surtr’s smile faded to a scowl, and the flames of Sinmara extinguished themselves.

“Hahh… I will… I will… avenge you… mother…” Fjorm gasped, weakly reaching for her lance. Surtr stared down at the Princess with contempt.
“How weak you are. Your strength is already fading. You can't even fight back. To think you pointed your weapon at me- a king! Did you think you would survive? Did you? You'll suffer for that impertinence.” Surtr growled. He extended a hand towards Fjorm, and jets of flame suddenly burst from the ground below the Princess! Fjorm screamed in pain, and Surtr grinned. He reached into the flames and grabbed Fjorm by the throat, pulling her out of it. He looked her over carefully.
“Feel that pain, child of ice. Feel it... and tell me what you desire most. Should I scar your face with flame? Or should I burn your fingers to ash, one by one... As I did to your mother? What would you have me do, hmm?” Surtr asked, choking the Princess. Fjorm gasped for breath, pulling desperately at the massive hand at her throat.

“Surtr!” Fjorm cried out. The King laughed, turning towards his warriors. He held up Princess Fjorm for all of them to see.
“That! That is the fate of the weak- To be trampled. So it goes…” He turned Fjorm to face him once more, leering at the Princess as she struggled in his grasp. “Strike at me! Show me your last, lingering flame- before it flickers out!”

Fjorm’s struggles grew weaker and weaker.
“Surtr! I swear... that I... You will never…” Fjorm’s voice grew quiet, and her struggles stopped. The Princess went limp in Surtr’s hand, and the king scowled.
“Is that all? She's already lost consciousness. What a joke! Not even fit for a toy…” Surtr carelessly threw the Princess aside, and her unconscious body thudded onto the very table the warriors were once sitting around. From her position by the door, Loki strode forward.
“What next, my king?” Loki asked.
“We march. My flames will soon reach every corner of this new land. And when we have taken that Nexus… Every land.” Surtr said. The King strode out of the throne room. Loki stared after the king, chuckling.
“You don't waste any time, do you?” She asked, half to herself. As the other warriors began to filter out of the room, Loki turned her attention to the fallen princess.
“As for this one... You're just going to cast her aside here?” Loki strode over to Fjorm, gently brushing the hair from the Princess’ face. “Well, well, well... I'll give you plenty of attention, sweetie... Hee-hee!”
In an instant, Fakemon was right next to Loki.
"Oh! A prisoner for me?? YAY! I was already thinking of plenty of new games to play! Tell me, which sounds better: Hangman while being hung, hide and go seek but the room is being filled with lemons or-"
“Now now, Fakemon.” Loki purred, cutting off the digimon. “Remember dear. Sharing is important…

Atop a mountain, a pink haired woman stood within a frozen fortress. She looked over the sprawling mountain range around her, her gaze eventually falling on the distant plumes of smoke to the south. She clasped her hands together, bowing her head in reverence.

Nifl, god of ice.
Nexus, strange power of this strange world.
I beseech thee.
A great evil has taken these lands.
One we cannot hope to stand against on our own.

The Flames grow ever stronger with each soul they consume.
I beseech thee.
As you called the darkness from their distant worlds.
So too call the light.

Rise, heroes from another world!
Let not this, and all worlds, fall to the undying flames!
Come forth, heroes!
Save us

As the woman completed her prayer, a blue comet streaked across the sky. It broke apart mid-air, smaller chunks scattering across the lands...

Streak of icy-blue light shot down from the sky. It pierced the dark overcast clouds, unaffected by the icy wind and falling snow. In the middle of the snowy plains, the beam of light struck the earth. It quickly faded away, but as it did, something was left behind. Some… ones… were left behind.

Anakin Skywalker

Akira Tadokoro

The Little Crow

Shovel Knight

Nikki Prez


As the six individuals came to their senses, they were able to get a better look at their surroundings. They found themselves on a large platform of icy-blue crystal about 50 feet wide, and a foot from the ground. It was in the shape of a hexagon, and there was a symbol of a snowflake carved into the platform. Despite the snow falling, there was no snow on the platform. To the north of the platform, a stone pillar stood. It was around 12 feet high, and depicted what appeared to be some sort of tree. The pillar itself was cracked and broken, with chunks of it broken off.

To the south, the more perceptive members of the group would be able to make out plumes of smoke rising over the distant hills. To the north, a small fort could be seen on a distant hill. Beyond it, a range of mountains could be seen. A cold gust of wind blew across the plains…

So starts...



Previously Blatant Mokery
“You’re always just thinking about yourself. You’re going to get her hurt too, because you think it’s better to run away than to speak your mind when something bad happens.”
“Just can it, won’t you!? I’ve been trying to make things right for two years now, and you just won’t let me! It’s because you’re just a big, mean, half-glass full kind of person! You always want a reason to be mad!”
“It’s glass half-full, you dummy.”
“You’re missing my point!”
“Oh, was there a point in there somewhere?”
“Argggh! You’ve gotta be the most annoying person I’ve ever met!”

Nikki Prez

“Arrrrrrghhhh… blaaaaarghh…”

Disoriented was the only thing Nikki could feel in the moment, as she blinked, quickly coming to the realization that she wasn’t where she remembered being last- she was laying on a strange platform of blue crystal, her surroundings completely unfamiliar, new questions arising in her head every time she looked in any direction. Pushing herself into a sitting position, she asked herself- who exactly were all these strangers?? What was up with the weird-lookin’ Corvisquire? No, that wasn’t a Corvisquire at all! Auuuugh!!

She was on high alert, slowly getting up, trying not to make any sudden movements. The trainer in her wanted to pull out the Pokedex and try to get some kind of answer out of it, and maybe scan everything in sight, but she held back that urge- for now. Partially because she wasn’t certain about her battery percentage right now, seriously, what awful timing.

Looking around at the falling snow, she wondered if she’d somehow found herself in Northern Porto, though it looked a bit different than the pictures had described it. No, this was something else- was she even in Porto at all, right now? What region was this?? Certainly not Alola!

Okay, okay, this wasn’t even a big deal. All she had to do was chat up with another one of these trainers, and go from there. Surely one of them would have some answers, maybe she could have it kindly explained to her how she’d, in an instant, gone from unwillingly dive-bombing a plate of lasagna to being in this mysterious land of snow. It was cold, but the spot she was kneeling on didn’t have any accumulated frost. If worst came to worst and she was stuck out here for a while, she had Carbon to keep her warm.

But first, an inventory check, of all her important stuff. She looked down at her wrist, spotting her prized friendship bracelet, and the Destiny Marble attached to it. Check.

She felt at her belt, her fingers tracing over the six Pokeballs. Check.

Well, on the bright side, at least that seemed to rule out this being some kind of plot that the WOE cooked up… with that, she was free to scan over the others, her eyes locking onto each one individually, trying to determine who was trustworthy. The not-Corvisquire? Metal dude!? Pretty suspicious how two of these boys weren’t at ALL dressed for cold weather! She was doing a pretty bad job of hiding her judgments, letting out a ‘hmmm’ for every suspicious detail she found.
The day had been going rather normally for him, before it, as they tend to, went completely downhill.
In a park, in a city, in Japan, there was a food stand. At that food stand, was a teenager, with hair striking out as if reaching for the corner of the world, who worked alone. He was preparing a larger Taiyaki, a fish-shaped snack cake, for a small child.
"Um...how much'll that be sir...?"
"One sec." The teen sighed, finishing up that part of the task, before putting a hand on the counter. To a most unwise one, the finger movements on that hand would just seem like fidgeting, but in reality...
"Hopefully it's not too expensive...Wouldn't bear seeing how sis would react!"
True thoughts were revealed. The deliquent-appearing teen smirked, putting the snack forward.
"Say, how about 150 yen, special deal." The kid seemed very, very, pleased, easily accepting and putting the money forward.
"Thanks Sir!" The kid walked away, but in that moment for the vendor...

A voice reverberated in his mind, the teen registering as the world seemed to slow to a crawl.
"Nifl, god of ice.
Nexus, strange power of this strange world.
I beseech thee.
A great evil has taken these lands.
One we cannot hope to stand against on our own.
The Flames grow ever stronger with each soul they consume.
I beseech thee.
As you called the darkness from their distant worlds.
So too call the light.
Rise, heroes from another world!
Let not this, and all worlds, fall to the undying flames!
Come forth, heroes!
Save us"

...Fuck, not again-?!"
And in a flash of light, he was gone, taken in a bolt of icy-blue light.

And where that bolt landed, the delinquient appeared by it's fade.
Akira Tadokoro
"-?!" The last syllable left his mouth as Akira Tadokoro's eyes blinked open again.

Okay, so the day had gone downhill, taken...somewhere, probably somewhen, knowing his luck. And with a massive headache, because that's just how it rolls.

AND there was other people there. Great. At least he'd arrived mostly on his feet this time.
What kinda mess did I get into this damn time...
A quick scan of the faces around him - And it seemed the others knew as much as him, or so he hoped. Unlike someone like Nikki, who was careful not to make sudden movements, Akira instead let out a loud groan, kicked up the back of his jacket, and moved hands to pockets, and took another look at the others.
Some...bird, thing, stood upright.
A robed guy. It looked like robes, anyway, Armored? Weird.
A Knight. A blue, fully armored Knight. That definitely lent credence to the 'somewhen' thought.
And two who looked sorta close to his age. Tough to tell from the faces, but one of them seemed more outfitted like an adventurer while the other had been locking eyes onto each one. Including him, which Akira answered with his own direct glance.

He held up a hand. "Hey, one sec." Akira saw this, as good a time as any, to quickly scan the minds of those around him for names. Saved awkward introductions, if needed. He waved that hand, shut an eye for a second, and...
Anakin, Shovel Knight, Bennett, and Nikki.
Easy enough to remember for names. Granted, some of them didn't give the nicest feelings in looks, but they didn't seem like total assholes yet. The little bird guy didn't seem to...well, when he tried to read the mind for a name it wasn't on the surface at least. Strange.

"Alright, cool. Now, where the hell are we." Akira now actually took his time to look around, not asking anyone in particular...nor, really asking in actuality.
Last edited:

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


One moment, he was being chased by an imposing Metachurl, now he found himself in a circle with other characters. Knights, brave looking individuals, a bird(?), and what appeared to be a normal albeit fashionable girl. What had just happened? Did he stumble on another ruin trap and get warped somewhere again? The snowflake symbol made him wonder if some kind of Cryo entity was behind this, archon forbid the Tsaritsa herself.

The punk like one spoke up first, just as confused as him. It looked like they were taken against their will too. Ah...did he cause all of this by stepping on a trap?

"Wait, did we all get warped here against our will? Ah geez, my bad luck might have gotten us into some trouble. But I usually find myself out of pickles like this, so I'm sure we can get ourselves out of this one! Are you guys adventurers too?"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


“Anakin! Anakin, please! Save me! Save... me...!”

“Padmé...!” Her name escaped his throat as the jedi knight pushed his elbows beneath him, sitting up quickly, misty fog billowing out from his mouth. The cold stung his senses immediately, and made him sharply attentive.

Anakin was still adorned in his jedi robes. His general armor was back on the cruiser with the 501st, where it would likely remain, assuming Obi-Wan’s “aggressive negotiations” with General Grievous panned out.

He could last remember... anxiety. Uncertainty. Fear...

The wind brushing against his stern-lined face, the metallic and fainty smokey smell of Coruscant so familiar he didn’t notice it anymore.

“A sith lord?”

Master Windu’s voice echoed in his mind.

That was right... Chancellor Palpatine had revealed himself to Anakin. The feelings of confusion, betrayal, and hurt was prominent, but so was that uncertainty and fear. Not of the Chancellor, but of his demise as Windu took some other masters to arrest him. The Chancellor claimed to know how to save others from death.

And the force had been warning Anakin for weeks now that Padmé would die in childbirth. She was pregnant, swollen, ready to deliver in just days now. He couldn’t wait any longer, her life hang in the balance and—

The knight let out a short gasp, lowering his chin against his chest, the icy wind coldly reminding him of what came next.

He’d been on his way to the Chancellor’s chambers when that void had appeared and pulled him in. Like the universe itself was trying to stop him from saving Padmé’s life. Now, here he was...

Lifting his head, Anakin took in those around him for the first time. He’d felt their presence, but now did he see them. Humans and a bird-like alien. They seemed as disoriented as he was, they’d been pulled through something similar, he was certain of it.

Rising to his feet, Anakin’s gaze was drawn to the cold landscape, and the landmarks that surrounded it. Smoke in the distance one way, mountains another with some kind of structure shaded against it, closer than the natural formations. Then there was the carving underfoot, and the pillar of stone nearby. A summoning ground of some sort? There was an energy Anakin could detect from the pillar... it reminded him of the black hole’s energy.

He felt confident in guessing that this pillar had summoned them, sure it was the only answer. Perhaps it had broken from overextension in the act. He didn’t know. The force here felt strange, like there was a slight buzzing in his fingertips. It was the force, he couldn’t mistake that, but it felt... young. That’s the best word he could describe it with.

The smoke could have indicated a few things. A distant fire was obvious, but maybe it was a crashed ship - CIS or Republic was up in the air for the moment, if it was like that. However, that distant building on a hill seemed like it was a little closer, not to mention gaining a high vantage point was the most strategic thing Anakin could think of doing right now.

He had to get back to Coruscant, he had to get to Padmé. He was surely too late to stop whatever happened between Palpatine and Windu, but he had to get home before his children could be born. He had to save Padmé.

Usually one for quips and general friendliness, Anakin was all business as he turned and began to walk away, heading in the general direction of the small fort. Even if it didn’t provide a superior vantage point, it meant civilization, which meant people, which hopefully meant answers.


Previously mallard
The Crow
What appeared to be nothing more than a particularly large hooded crow, aside from the glowing red sword on its back, appeared among the rather colorful bunch. Its head twitched and tilted, as a bird's head is ought to do when it was curious. The Little Crow looked around his surroundings. He was no stranger to the bitter cold, and it did not bother him.

However, this was a new area. He assumed it was a world he hadn't been to yet- perhaps even one he hadn't even heard of. None of the others seemed hostile, and the crow was contented in that. After making direct eye contact with each other character, he noticed that one of the humans had began making his way forwards.

This was something the Reaper could get behind- it had always preferred actions to words. After nearly slipping on the ice, he hopped off the platform and began making his way after Anakin.


Previously Gamingfan2
"Gah! I can't...hold my ground! Stay back, Shovel Knight!"

"Shield Knight!"

"Shovel? What are you-"

"No! I won't lose you again! HRAH!"

"Shovel Knight!"

Shovel Knight
The renowned Hero of The Valley awoke with a start, quickly jumping to his feet before wincing. Fuzzy memories abused his brain, feeling like he had just awoken from a nightmare. He could faintly recall...something attempting to swallow Shield Knight...and in a desperate move, he pushed her out of the way...and now he was here, surrounded by unfamiliar people, most of which looked as confused as himself.
Shovel Knight stabbed his Shovel Blade into the ground, using it to pull himself up, and gave a hearty wave to his compatriots.
"Well met, fellow travelers! My name is Shovel Knight! And you are?"
Before he knew it, one of them turned away and began walking off, followed by a bird man. Shovel Knight hastily followed and jumped over Anakin.
"Halt, friend!" He exclaimed, attempting to reason with him. "It can't be by coincidence we've all ended up here! Can't we take a moment to introduce ourselves before setting off?"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


The jedi knight was halted for the moment when the blue-armored individual leapt through the air to land in front of Anakin. “Halt, friend! It can't be by coincidence we've all ended up here! Can't we take a moment to introduce ourselves before setting off?”

“Uh, Anakin,” the jedi answered simply. “Look, maybe another time we can stand around and talk about ourselves, but I really need to get back to where I was before... this. I’d be thankful if you moved.”

It wasn’t worded as the most polite of requests, thinly veiling a threat brought on by desperation.


Previously Blatant Mokery
Nikki Prez
Okay, well, people were moving around and talking, and from what she could tell, none of them were hostile or malicious. They were probably in the same situation she was, so there was no need to be skeptical, for now.

“Adventurer- yes, I’m an adventurer! And a trainer! Nikki Prez is the name, the fiery spirit from the islands of Alola!” she announced- then blinked. It didn’t seem like any of them knew any more than she did about their location- evidenced by the words of the strangely open-shirted guy. Reminding herself that the open-shirt in cold weather wasn’t really his fault if he was in the same situation as her, she turned her attention toward the two who were already trying to leave, frowning- finding herself in agreement with the talking metal guy. That ruled out him being a Pokémon.

“Shovel Knight is right, there’s something fishy going on! We should try and work together!” Nikki called out, trying not to let the peculiarity of the name 'Shovel Knight' affect her tone. She’d have to ask about it later. “I've got places to be too, but wandering off into the snow is bad news- snowy places can be full of strong, aggressive Pokémon that’ll freeze ya solid!!”

The smoke was intriguing, at least, though. Pursing her lips, she clipped one of her Pokeballs off of her belt and tossed it into the air. In a flash of red light, a creature appeared next to Nikki, a huge bird with visible muscles underneath its feathers. It was about twice her size, with sharp talons and an oversized casque on its long beak that curved over its head, resembling some kind of helmet.

None other than her darling Windrome, Gazpacho! She gave the Pokémon a big hug.

“Gazpacho, let’s get up in the air!”

The creature took a beakful of her hair.

“The air!! The air, I said!!” she protested, the Windrome freeing her and allowing her to climb upon its back.

With a few flaps of its wings, it was up in the air, and she could see… well, not a lot. The source of the smoke in the distance was completely obscured by the thick falling snow… but her eyes did fall upon an interesting happening… a group of people, a little over a dozen, just over the southern hill. They wielded axes, and most wore gold and crimson armor, looking quite dangerous, and completely unusual. Who in the world wore suits of armor in this day and age?!

But what was more concerning was the woman at the front of the group.




A spear pointed against her back.

The sight made her blood run cold- this lady was utterly battered! Tightening her grip on Gazpacho, she wasn’t sure what to do. Send her whole team on a rescue? It seemed super dangerous, these people weren’t even trainers, right? They’d probably be waging battle with those axes. And who were those smuglords in the back??
She needed to relay this to the rest of that group down there, and hope they found this situation similarly disturbing.

Gazpacho hit the snow with a loud thump, and Nikki wasn’t sure where to begin, her dark hair covered in snowy particles.

“P-P-People!! South!! Armored guys- weird! Real weird!! Megaweirdos!! They have these weapons, and t-t-this- this lady- they’ve got her barefoot and ch-chained, and she’s all b-beat up, and, and, and…” Nikki tried to continue, but her teeth were chattering a lot after her trip into the sky, so instead she buried her face into Gazpacho’s feathers.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


He glanced back at the tan-skinned girl as she spoke, but she was quick to hop on a large bird, and rode it into the air. For a moment, he didn’t think anything of it. He was so set on his plan he’d developed, that as he continued to walk (whether Shovel Knight moved or not) that it took a moment for him to realize a birds-eye-view was FAR superior to some shack on a hill.

He paused, looking back up into the clouded sky in time to see her returning - and she bore news. Unpleasant news.

“P-P-People!! South!! Armored guys- weird! Real weird!! Megaweirdos!! They have these weapons, and t-t-this- this lady- they’ve got her barefoot and ch-chained, and she’s all b-beat up, and, and, and…”

Patting at his leg, Anakin felt his lightsaber hilt was still firmly attached to his belt - good. What the girl, “Nikki” if he’d heard right, had described was unsettling. Anakin was so used to fighting droids, he’d forgotten aspects of organic cruelty.

He was reminded for a moment of some of the slaves he’d seen on Tatooine, and the knight’s molars ground together.

Moreover, these marauders, assuming Nikki’s description was accurate, could have information Anakin needed.

“I’ve got it,” Anakin shrugged, and immediately took off at a sprint, leaping up to the top of a nearby boulder and cooking off with far more agility and grace than most people could probably pull off. His lightsaber hilt left his belt, flying into his hand as he moved, though he didn’t yet ignite it. The man appeared like a blur as he darted in the direction he’d seen Nikki fly toward. Obviously he didn’t know the precise location, but there was a hill nearby. He could get a better view from atop it - unless Nikki decided to provide directions and completely align the knight.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Ah! So there was an adventurer! Maybe they all were! Different styles and personalities were only natural, best not stress over the little details. Though, little details...didn't she says she was a trainer? A trainer of what-

It soon became apparent as she brought out a 'Gazpacho' from one of the spheres she carried around. She could summon animals to help her! She must have a vision on her for sure! She had such a nifty ability, that would surely tell them where they were in no time!

But grim news soon came back, someone was in danger? As she came back to the ground, shivering up a storm, the tall guy with curly hair took off in a hurry, leaving her to herself. Bennett understood this behavior, but also couldn't just leave her like this. So Bennett ran up to her, unclipping his pyro vision from his side.

"Hey, Nikki! You don't look so well. Here, take this. Don't want you to catch a cold."

He handed her his vision, putting it to her palm, the red nature of it and something about its contents breathed warmth - as if all the chill of the world began to melt away.

"That was really cool, you guys were totally in sync! Oh yeah, I'm Bennett by the way. I'm an adventurer too, nice to meet you!"


Previously mallard
The Reaper
The knight with brilliant blue armor sped to stop Anakin in his tracks, and, once the Crow caught up, him by extension. They wanted to do introductions. However, The Crow, being unable to speak, just cocked his head and stared at such a suggestion. This man reminded him of Pothead, another knightly fellow who the Crow considered a friend. He looked past the Shovelrous Knight, at the building. He wondered what could be in there. As Anakin started to move again, the Crow fell behind again, having to use a lot more effort to push through the deep snow.

Slightly annoyed at the environment, he looked up- to see a much mightier bird soar overhead as he went on a reconnaissance run. Instead of continuing to follow Anakin, he waited for Gazpacho to land- with Nikki bringing important news. A person in trouble. This immediately got the Reaper's attention. He hopped through the snow, over to the powerful Gaz, and tilted his head.


He was asking permission to board- having no flight ability of his own, and assuming they were going to go back over to combat the undesirables. He wasn't having a good time in the deep powder snow, and would rather be able to get there as fast as possible.


Previously Blatant Mokery
Nikki Prez
“Sh-Sheesh, that guy is f-fast…!” Nikki commented choppily as she watched Anakin disappear. What exactly was he expecting to do against a group that size? It was admirable, in Nikki’s opinion, but surely they’d have better odds going in as a cohesive unit…

But even with the logical side of her head telling her that, she could still understand his actions. That spear against her back, the frost nipping at her ankles, the chains binding her- she needed to be saved.

That was when she was approached by the blonde adventurer boy, and he set some kind of amulet against her palm- it sort of reminded her of her Destiny Marble, but Nikki soon found that the boy’s amulet was a lot more practical for cold weather. Almost instantly, she could feel such warmth, like she wasn’t even in the middle of all this snow at all! It was like hugging a Lamba and a Heatmor at the same time…

“Woah… that was… awesome!! Thanks, Bennett!” she exclaimed with a huge grin, rocking back and forth on Gazpacho’s back, full of life and energy once more. “Are you like, a psychic? Is that some kind of fancy Ancient Portonian charm? I feel like I just drank a bunch of warm soup, but the soup was like, magic!” she let her unfiltered stream of thoughts out, staring down at the vision, before shaking her head. “Argh- I wanna know more, but- she’s gonna get some wicked frostbite if we keep her waiting much longer! And… I dunno what that guy is planning, but it’s still at least a baker’s dozen against one! We should go help, it’s like, our duty as adventurers, ye!” she tried to rally the rest of them, hoping the rest of them were, in fact, adventurers- or even better, Pokémon trainers.

Meanwhile, Gazpacho was engaged in a riveting exchange of his own, staring down at the smaller avian as it requested to board. The truth was, Windrome, as a species, weren’t the brightest- but their protective instincts? Difficult to match. So upon spotting this critter through his half-lidded eyes, Gazpacho turned his head and leaned forward a bit to make a more thorough examination- before letting out a few squawks. And that’s all it was to the human ear, squawking noises- but not to the Crow. To the Crow, it was permission to climb upon the Windrome’s feathery back.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Oh, no no no. I'm not nearly that's interesting I'm afraid." He laughed sheepishly. "Have you seen a vision before? It was given to me to help protect myself, it's kinda good at anything heat related, so no psychic stuff here!"

Would explain as to why he wasn't disturbed about the icy environment. What did disturb him though was why the bold one of the squad already went far ahead and growing further away. Not to mention the state of the girl, which it seemed Nikki shared. Bennett nodded firmly.

"Right! We have to go help, hope your bud Gazpacho can hold another?"

From the looks of it, the bird guy already hopped aboard, seemingly without permission. But the relaxed avian didn't mind another passenger it seemed, so Bennett figured it was okay. Taking the vision and clipping it back into place at his side, he came up to the pokemon, hopping aboard it.

"Excuse me sir." He said, sitting behind the bird man. "Ready when you are, aviator Nikki!"
The Muspell patrol was uncomfortable. It was an excuse easy for the soldiers to make. They were soldiers of Muspell, home to the land of fire, brimstone, and lava. These cold, snowy northlands were strange and foreign to them. Sure, they were suited well enough now to survive the cold, but that didn't mean they had to like it. At least, that was what they kept telling themselves. Each of them knew the true reason.

Loki and Fakemon.

The tactician of Muspell had taken charge of squad of soldiers, even bringing a few Contracted Heroes and Fakemon, under the claim of a 'scouting patrol'. In total, Loki and Fakemon had 12 soldiers with them. 8 normal ax fighters of Muspell, and four Contracted Heroes. Each of the heroes from the World of Mystery. Merric, the Wind Mage of Archanea and childhood friend of Marth, the Hero King. A green haired young man in a red robe, carrying a heavy green tome. Navarre, the Scarlet Sword, a wandering mercenary that lent his skills to the liberation of Archanea. A taller man in a red robe with long brown hair, armed with a lethal-looking curved sword. Minerva, the Red Dragoon, Princess of Macedon. A red haired woman in red armor, armed with a massive battle ax and riding a wyvern. Caeda, Talys's Heart, Princess of Talys. A woman with long blue hair and red armor, armed with a thin silver sword and riding a Pegasus. Each of these heroes bore the same thing that every Contracted Hero had, a halo of red energy that floated lazily about their head. The soldiers of Muspell had heard the legends of these four heroes, stalwart allies of the Hero-King Marth. And overkill for what they all knew was Loki and Fakemon's true intentions.

It was clear to both soldiers and heroes the true reason Loki and Fakemon had came out here. An excuse for the pair to inflict even more torment and torture on their prisoner. The soldiers of Muspell had no love for the royal family of Nifl, but a few of the soldiers chose to avert their eyes from the scene of torment. It was already freezing out here with their warm cloaks and coats, none wanted to imagine the sensation of being forced to march barefoot in this weather.

Princess Fjorm staggered forward, barely conscious. How long had she been marching like this, without rest, without food or drink? Where was she? She was cold, so cold...

Her legs gave out from under her, and Fjorm collapsed into the snow. With a chuckle, Loki stood over the girl.
"Oh, so tired already? Perhaps lord Surtr was right, she is hardly fit for a toy." Loki said. She nudged the Princess with the butt of her staff, and Fjorm let out a small groan. Caede stepped forward, reaching a hand to help Fjorm, but a glare from Loki stopped the Contracted Hero in their tracks. With a smile, Loki turned her attention back to Fjorm.

"Rise and shine, Princess! Our little games are not yet done..." Loki said. She looked back to Fakemon. "Hm... I hope we didn't break her yet..."

"Loki, look!" One of the Contracted Heroes, Merric, stepped forward and pointed over the hill. In the sky, a massive bird creature flew overhead with Nikki on it's back. Loki watched the pair with interest, then nodded to Merric.
"Bring them down." She ordered. But it was too late, the pair had already retreated back to the group.
"We can go after them." Minerva offered, but Loki shook her head.
"No." The tactician said, smiling to herself. "How very interesting... Fakemon, dear. I believe there are some new toys in the area..."

Loki gestured to Fjorm, and dark magic surrounded the princess. With a flick of her wrist, she cast the Princess headfirst into a snow drift.
"Congratulation, little Princess. You've earned a small rest. Don't go anywhere! The rest of you, with me."

The snow fell heavier as Anakin quickly made his way up the hill. About halfway up, he was able to spot a figure emerging over the crest of the hill. The figure approached, but instead of an armored guy, or megaweirdo, or a barefoot woman, Anakin found himself face-to-face with... himself?

It was him. A perfect copy, down to the dark cloak and scars. 'Anakin' smiled at the real Anakin.
"Hello there." He said, even in the same voice! "This must be very shocking for you, mustn't it?"
As 'Anakin' spoke, the other members of the Muspell patrol also came into view on the crest of the hill. The soldiers and Contracted Heroes watched Anakin carefully, their weapons at the ready.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The digital jester seemed disappointed at the state of their prisoner, whom was already reaching their limits.

"Aww, she's tired already? What about the mile long needle road race...!"

But new company was also new fun, and what was a clown without an audience to entertain? Best not have Loki hog all of the fun! With a giggle at the thought, he looked over towards the hill, his mask's eyes that appeared painted on curved into a happy expression before vanishing in a streak of red light.
Akira Tadokoro

Looks like things were on the move. Introductions were being made, and the robed guy- Anakin, was wandering off. Rude.
Meanwhile, the one who had looked around first- Nikki, had taken to the skies on a weird beast she had called 'Gazpacho', only to rearrive shortly after, talking in a panic of what she saw.

"Megaweirdos? Wow, terrifying." He chuckled, before frowning hearing the rest. "Well, is that really our proble-"
Before he could finish that, Anakin began to move again, in an incredibly agile move as he began towards the situation Nikki described. And not only that, the words he heard before arrival rang in his head again.

"Bull shit." He muttered under his breath, clenching a fist - It sounded like a call to action as he thought on it, and this situation was probably why. The adventurer-looking guy took care of Nikki in the moment, letting Akira focus on other things. Like how to get over to the people Nikki mentioned. The bigger bird seemed like an option, but Akira's psychokinetic powers were very much screaming that such a thing wasn't a safe move without permission, if not for 'Gazpacho' potentially reacting. Not that such a thing stopped Bennett, which led Akira to quickly deduce he wasn't lying to Nikki when he said he wasn't Psychic.

"I'll try and follow that guy." He sighed out, "It's cold, so I guess it's best to get moving, I'll introduce myself later if we aren't dead in the snow." There was no way he was pulling off that feat Anakin did to move so fast, so he'd have to go the old fashioned route. Walking - thank goodness the platform was only a foot off the ground. He wasn't exactly slow, but it obviously wasn't the fastest thing, leaving the teenager grumbling that he wish he had his motorcycle with him. But still, the annoyance at this forced transporation to...wherever, whenever, he was, forced Akira's body warm in the cold. At least he had that going for him, though he'd still much prefer this wasn't the case.

Reaching the foot of the hill, he looked up to see....Two Anakins.
"Aw, dammit." He growled, trudging his way up slowly while the other soldiers appeared at the crest of the hill. By the time he'd be able to reach the pair of Anakin, there would be more than enough time for them to act.


Previously Gamingfan2
Shovel Knight

Before they could discuss it further, the girl who introduced herself as Nikki flew off on a flying steed. She returned soon after, bearing some rather disturbing news. A patrol was approaching, carrying with them what Shovel Knight could only assume was a prisoner.
Suddenly, Anakin took off towards the hills. The others seemed to make preperations to follow, which earned a nod from the Shovelrous Knight.
"Very well! Introductions can wait until we deal with these...erm, MegaWeirdos! Let us be off!"
With that, Shovel Knight pulled out an odd looking contraption, The Mobile Gear, out of seemingly nowhere. It was a huge gear with a platform on it, and it roared to life once Shovel Knight hopped on it. The gear worked like a wheel, rolling forward and carrying Shovel Knight across the terrain at impressive speeds, all while barely sinking into the snow.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


For a second time, the knight was stopped in his tracks. Not by an armored sentimentalist, but this time... a mirror.

Skidding to a halt, Anakin’s brows converged in a mixture of confusion and suspicion. The illusion carried his face, and used his voice...


Anakin swept aside his bewilderment, narrowing his eyes. He stood completely open, arms at his sides, appearing as though he weren’t prepared for a fight - signature to his Form V, of the Djem So teachings. His “open” nature was an illusion in itself. The jedi knight was primed for any response.

“You underestimate how many shocking things I deal with,” Anakin replied, snark lacing his tone. “You’re not me.”


Previously mallard
An Actual Crow
As soon as he gained permission from Gazpacho, the bird hopped upon and scrambled up the side of the larger avian. He readied for takeoff, sitting down and looking over the side of the mount.

He scoot over to make room for Bennett, letting out a small chirp of discomfort as he was sandwiched between two larger humans, but he was content with putting up with the situation for a short time if it meant getting to the action quicker. He didn't exactly know what to expect from these "Megaweirdos", but they sounded like something that fell in line with what he usually battled against.


Previously Blatant Mokery
Nikki Prez
Gazpacho didn’t seem to mind as Bennett and the Crow both got on his back. The Pokemon seemed to be impressively strong on the physical side of things, and truth be told, this wasn’t the first time he’d carried multiple people on his back.

…Geez… she was probably worried sick right about now…
As soon as this was settled, Nikki needed to check her phone, her pokedex, anything, to try and get into contact with someone in Porto or Alola.

Spreading his wings, Gazpacho once again took to the air, his trainer guiding him in the direction where Anakin had disappeared to. Nikki was delighted to see that the rest of the group had intentions to help out as well- she felt a little bad for being so skeptical about all of them earlier. Maybe she’d get a chance to get to know them better, after this fight- while they were all coordinating an effort to get back to their respective regions, of course.

It wasn’t long before Nikki could once again spot the group of people, though they had drawn considerably closer than when she’d spotted them just a few minutes prior.

“Okay, Gazpacho, just land next to the dark-robes guy- Anakin, he said?- and we can start beating up on some- uhh there’s two of ‘em,” Nikki clicked her tongue in annoyance. It was confusing for a second, but she figured the one standing opposed to the group of megaweirdos was likely the one that she’d ‘met’ already.
“Land like you’re about to fight the Armorouge cosplayers!” she quickly reassigned the command, just to prevent any possible confusion. She was a longtime Windrome trainer at this point, she knew how to prevent certain miscommunications.

Diving downward, Gazpacho landed just as Nikki ordered, standing opposite to the armored soldiers at the crest of the hill, and near the open-armed Anakin, letting out a fierce cry.

Not-Anakin chuckled, pointing a finger at Anakin. He walked back and forth, looking the Jedi up and down.
"Confident! I like it. You've been here what, an hour? A day? A strange hero in a strange world, and you're standing strong. And what's this?" Not-Anakin looked at his belt and drew the lightsaber. He activated it, and the blue energy blade sprung to life with a hum. Not-Anakin tested the weapon, swinging it back and forth before grinning at Anakin again.
"That's very fun. Compensating?"

The bird creature landed nearby, letting out a loud, fierce cry. Minerva's wyvern growled in response, flapping its wings and glaring at the Pokemon, but Minerva was quick to keep control on her beast. Merric raised a hand, green magic swirling around it at the ready. In an instant, Not-Anakin had changed. Where the false jedi once stood, there was now Nikki Prez? The fake trainer looked over herself before shiver and rubbing her arms.

"Brrr! Not good clothes for this weather, hm?" Not-Nikki asked Anakin in Nikki's voice. She turned to the others, waving cheerfully. "Wow! There's quite a few of you, aren't there? And check out that hunk still walking up here. Nice abs, but next time wear an undershirt!"
Not-Nikki giggled, and once more her form changed. Loki emerged in her true form, and winked at Bennett.
"But I suppose I'm not one to talk, am I?"

With that, Loki bowed dramatically and waved her staff.
"Greetings, heroes from other worlds. Welcome to these strange new lands. I am Loki, loyal servant of his royal Highness, King Surtr. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I am even more pleased to bid you farewell..." Loki sighed, equally as dramatically as she had bowed, and tossed back some of her hair. "Though I must apologize, I suppose. You will be dying here."

Loki turned and began walking back up the hill. She gestured carelessly over her shoulder.

"Kill them."

The Muspell fighters let out a battle cry, charging down the hill towards the heroes from another world! Three fighters charged towards Anakin, swinging their axes and trying to cut him down. Four others attempted to rush past Anakin, charging down the hill towards Shovel Knight and Akira. One of those fighters drew a smaller hand ax, flinging it at the Knight!

The last ax fighter fearlessly charged towards Gazpacho and the three heroes that rode it. At the same time, Minerva urged her wyvern to the sky. Her poleax in hand, the Princess of Macedon swooped towards the bird Pokemon and aimed a powerful ax swipe at its riders! The swordsman, Navarre, moved between Loki and the other fighters, sword at the ready in case they should somehow get past the Muspell soldiers. Both Merric and Caeda stood at the ready, waiting for an opening to strike at!


Previously mallard
Action. The soldiers closed in, most importantly a woman atop a draconic beast, which dove to attack all three of them currently on the Windrome's back! While the crow had nothing to protect them with, he attempted to slow the wyvern's advance.

A bow of brilliant red energy appeared in the Reaper's wings. He quickly drew the bowstring, causing an arrow made of the same energy to appear, already notched. He let fly the arrow just as it appeared, firing at the wyvern before it could close the distance.

Then, the crow dove off of Gazpacho's back and into the snow- clearly not wanting to turn into mincemeat.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


“How’s that for a welcoming committee?” Anakin muttered under his breath, before he deftly front-flipped over the swings of the men’s axes, simultaneously activating his lightsaber and swiping at the men to remove all three heads from their shoulders before landing on his feet.

Raising his free hand, Anakin called upon the force and let loose a powerful force push to try and launch the four running by off their feet and through the air for a painful landing. Even though he managed to perform this, it was weaker than anticipated, and somewhat sluggish. Anakin pulled his hand back in mild confusion.

The force here didn’t just feel young, it felt unrefined. Almost as though... it was something trying to imitate the force, not the force itself. He couldn’t hear it like normal. Like a song in memory.

What in the world was this place?

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

What a strange thing. Whomever they were speaking to changing their shape, remarking about the casts's body types, fashion choices, and overall appearance. It wasn't very nice, but it wasn't outright evil per se? It reminded him of a shapeshifter he met as well, one that took the form of a friend of his - Albedo. Maybe it was like that? Misunderstood.

Well maybe they could talk to this shapeshifter, maybe they had some answers to-

"Kill them."


Battle began, Anakin naturally getting first crack being further up from the rest of the ensemble, preforming excellent swordsmanship with...a glowing blade? He DEFINITELY needed to ask about that later. In the meantime, a wyvern approached. As the avian companion fired and arrow to slow it down, Benny readied his sword.

"It's okay, I'll protect you....!!"

Charging up his sword with a crackle of raising heat, he took a step forward to lead a swipe against the wyvern when-


His shoe slid across the sleek nature of the bird's feathers, slickened by the now melted snowflakes. Bennett stumbled and fell off the ride, tumbling down into the snow and smacking into a clump of it.


As Bennett slowly began to raise himself up from the snow, something was playing games in the shadows behind Merric and Caeda. A quiet giggle was heard to them as a familiar voice reached out to them.

"Fake Fake Fake!" The voice chuckled in hushed laughter. "I have faith in you two, you can do it!"

He pat both of them on the back, although they could not see where he was, they'd surely recognize him. And it appeared as though he vanished yet again.
Akira Tadokoro

He could hear them talking. Because of course, there just had to be talking. At least Anakin seemed to not get surprised, so that saved time. He missed some of the sight, what with making sure he didn't slip on the way up, but Akira still heard it.

"I wasn't planning to get dragged to frozen wastes, dumbass..." He muttered with a scowl, finally looking up right as 'Loki' retook her real form. At the dramatic speech, he simply rolled an eye, not even both. And she called for their deaths, ordering soldiers to charge forward. Seeing the four gunning past Anakin towards both Akira and the Shovel Knight, the teen cracked his knuckles and raised them...Only to see Anakin sling out a hand and seemingly shove the air. And before that, swing an actual laser sword.

"Huh? Is he...?" Akira pondered for a second - He didn't think it at first, and this DEFINITELY was not the time to read minds to confirm -, but perhaps Anakin was also Psychokinetically gifted...?
Regardless, it seemed to focus the people who had tried to charge past him. Also regardless, it didn't seem to work particulary well, if Anakin's expression was anything to go by. With a huff, Akira began to move forward himself. Had even one of the chargers remained standing after the push, he'd launch an elbow directly to the closest standing soldier's nose. Meanwhile, he noticed the little crow, whose name still undetermined, attack for the wyvern (dragon? This really wasn't something Akira cared about) - With Bennett trying and seemingly falling to assist, so Akira himself decided to focus elsewhere. He threw out a foot, in a low kick...Straight below the belt of one of the Soldiers nearest.
His fault for thinking I'd fight fair.
His thoughts laughed off the battle.

"Bet you scare easy..."
Behind You.
It took a noticeable second to charge, but Akira's hands waved. Assuming no interuption, 4 grey images of Akira appeared, for just an instance, before transforming into sleet cutters and shooting out to his sides. This attack, psychic in nature, would damage his enemies mentally and - with any luck - would freak them out, force them to look out for other threats as if the foes they fought were always behind their shoulders. It wasn't the widest area of effect, longer out to his sides and barely in front or behind him, but it was still an attempt.


Previously Blatant Mokery
Nikki Prez
No way that person had just shapeshifted into her! Was she a Zoroark or something!? A Ditto!? The disrespect! And Nikki didn’t even have time to make fun of the woman back, as she made a killing order and began to leave.

Combat was underway now, but nobody was actually using any Pokemon, much to Nikki’s confusion. Aside from maybe that poleax-wielding lady up above, who was using a creature that Nikki didn’t recognize. Come to think of it… where were the wild Pokemon? Was the unnamed avian on Gazpacho’s back the only one around here? What were all these powers that her allies were using? Were they ALL some kind of psychics?? She had so many thoughts and questions that she had to force herself not to dwell upon for the time being, pushing so many unanswered ponderings into the back of her mind that it was getting overwhelming.

As two enemy assaults began to close in on her, she steadied herself upon Gazpacho’s back, unclipping a second Pokeball from her belt. First came the aid of the Crow, firing off a brilliant scarlet bolt into the air toward the wyvern- and then came the… attempted aid of Bennett. She winced as he went to slash, only to slip and plant himself into the snow.

“Gazpacho, Headbutt!” Nikki ordered her companion bird, the Pokemon’s beak and casque shining a brilliant white, empowered as the Windrome cocked his head toward the wyvern, wings extended, ready to block the incoming attack with his sturdy bill- and hopefully, the Crow’s aid would throw a wrench into the creature’s momentum to make it a more favorable clash for Gazpacho.

Nikki leaned down, sinking into Gazpacho’s snow-covered feathers, thrusting her Pokeball-wielding hand outward, sending out a second Pokemon to intercept the incoming armored ax-wielder- in a red flash, a wisp-like entity appeared. It was simple in its roundish shape, with long noodly arms, and a layer of a torn fabric-like substance draped across its shy face. It didn’t look especially strong, but the Ghost and Fighting-type known as Lininth (with Nikki’s being nicknamed Skyr), packed a pretty nasty punch, and that’s exactly the attack it attempted- floating upward and forward with a forceful Shadow Punch directed at the ax-wielder’s face, which hopefully, compounded with the psychic attack Akira had launched, would deal with this enemy smoothly.
“LIGHT ‘EM UP, SKYR!” Nikki encouraged.


Previously Gamingfan2
Shovel Knight

Thanks to the Mobile Gear, Shovel Knight had mostly cleared the hill before hearing a battle cry. On instinct, he brought up his Shovel Blade just in time to catch four warriors sliding towards him and Akira! One raised a hand axe at Shovel Knight who hopped back, Shovel Blade at the ready, until the aggressors were suddenly knocked over as if pushed by an unknown force. The axe wielding fighter's projectile went an entirely different direction, and he was left open as the Mobile Gear ran him over! Shovel Knight blinked in surprised as he watched the fighter get driven into the snow, before noticing Anakin stance and look of disappointment. Regardless of what he meant to do, the Knight flashed him a grateful thumbs-up!
Another fighter charged in, swinging their weapon with a cry. Shovel Knight blocked the attack with his shovel, but the soldier's taller stature and his momentum from going downhill threatened to overpower the Knight. Well adjusted to be strongarmed however, Shovel Knight used their weight against them, scooping them with his weapon and tossing the fighter overhead.
The soldier yelped in surprise, but landed on their feet and charged at Shovel Knight again. Both fighters clashed weapons for a second, swinging back and forth before the soldier went for a strong but risky slash to Shovel Knight's side. With practiced agility, Shovel Knight would punish the attack by jumping over, positioning himself for a Shovel Drop, and using his full weight drive the solider into the snow as well. For good measure, he would bounce back towards the axe fighter and bury them deeper, leaving both vulnerable to Akira's cutters while he reached the hilltop!
The sound of combat erupted across the hillside, and gave Loki pause. Reaching the top of the hill, she surveyed the battle and smiled. Delightfully chaotic. As she watched Anakin's impressive feats of acrobatics, she gestured to her own swordsman.
"Navarre, dear." Loki said. With a flick of her wrist, a faint red energy enveloped Navarre's Killing Edge. "Have fun."

The Crow's arrow of energy struck the wyvern, slowing the dragon slightly. Sparks flew as Minerva's poleax clashed with the Windrome's hardened beak, her attack momentarily repelled. The wyvern moved in for close combat against the Pokemon. It roared angrily as it lunged forward, attempting to sink its fangs into the neck of Gazpacho.
"Please understand." Minerva called out to Nikki, the red halo floating around her head lazily. "I have no desire to cut down the unarmed. But I have my orders, ones I cannot disobey."
As her wyvern and Gazpacho entangled in battle, Minerva leaned forward and aimed a swipe of her ax at Nikki!

Meanwhile, beside Gazpacho, an ax fighter clashed with Skyr. The Shadow Punch struck the fighter across the face, and he staggered back. Faced with a strange, powerful creature, and affected by Akira's psychic assault, the fighter swung his ax at the Pokemon. Even so, he was distracted, so the attack was slower and weaker than usual...

The three ax fighters that charged Anakin were surprised at the Jedi's incredible agility and sudden weapon! However, his attack had varying success. The first fighter fell easily, his head rolling from his shoulders. The second and third one were a little quicker. The second one attempted to dodge, but wasn't quite fast enough. Anakin's lightsaber cut a deep gash across the fighter's throat, and the fighter fell to their knees clutching their neck. The third fighter managed to avoid Anakin's attack, albeit just barely. The third fighter quickly pivoted, attacking Anakin with a powerful two-handed strike!

Loki raised her staff, and the crystal at the end let off a bright green light. That same green light surrounded the grievously injured fighter, and in a moment the deep wound had been healed into a shallow cut. The second fighter picked up his ax and charged at Anakin, following up his companion's attack with a slash of his own!

"Fake Fake Fake!" The familiar voice of Fakemon chuckled in hushed laughter. "I have faith in you two, you can do it!"
Caeda and Merric shared a look, cringing. Whatever Fakemon had planned, they were sure they would not enjoy it. But the two heroes spotted their openings. Caeda urged her Pegasus to the sky. It flew through the cold winter air, and rapidly descended towards the Crow! The Pegasus attempted to crush the Crow with its hooves, and in the same instant Caeda slashed at the Crow with her sword.
"You, boy!" Caeda called out to Bennett, panic tinged in her voice. "Quickly, get out of here! They're going to kill you, I can't stop them!"

Merric frowned, shaking his head.
"Sorry, kid." He said, opening his tome. Muttering an incantation, he gestured towards the fallen form of Bennett. Wind whipped around the mage, kicking up the snow. The wind condensed into a large, curved blade of wind! With great speed, the massive blade of wind shot towards Bennett. If it hit, it would not only slash the adventurer, but explode into a tornado of razor wind that would surround Bennett!

The four ax fighters charging down the hill suddenly felt a powerful force shove them, causing a few of them to trip and stumble. The first ax fighter regained his footing, only for Akira to suddenly slam their elbow into his face! The fighter staggered back as blood leaked from their nose. The second ax fighter climbed to his feet, only to be greeted with a swift kick to the groin! The fighter cried out in pain and fell to the ground, nursing his injury. Akira unleashed his psychic attack, hitting many of the ax fighters. It was an incredibly effective attack, knocking out the ax fighter he had kicked in the groin and finishing off the pair of ax fighters Shovel Knight had dispatched.

Pushing through the psychic assault, the ax fighter with the bloody nose roared in anger and swiped his ax at Akira!

As the pair of ax fighters continued their assault on Anakin, Navarre began to walk towards the Jedi Knight. A blur of blue caught his eye, and the swordsman watched in surprise as Shovel Knight landed nearby.
"... You're quite agile, for a knight in armor. And a shovel? An unusual choice for a weapon, but you use it like no other. Truly, you have great skill." The Scarlet Sword said. He took a ready stance, brining his sword to the level of his eyes. "I feel bad killing you, but it was your mistake to come here. Now die!"

In a moment, Navarre was on Shovel Knight! His Killing Edge flashed as he slashed at Shovel Knight, aiming for points where Shovel Knight's armor met.

Loki walked across the hill, surveying the battle. Reaching a point that suited her, she raised her staff once more. The crystal at the end glowed red. In a straight line out from her, the snow was suddenly crushed as if an incredible weight had fallen on it! On this straight line was Anakin and Akira. Both heroes would feel as if an incredible weight was now pressing down on them, making it difficult for them to move!
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d


He’d need to adjust his style a little bit, things felt too different on this planet... wherever it was. Surprisingly, one of the axmen survived the quick slash - they had reflexes almost like a jedi. After his force push, he pivoted with a block but was knocked back with a grunt as the second man’s injury dissipated.

“Okay...” Anakin cast a quick glance about, catching a brief glimpse of Loki overlooking the battle. “A nightsister, then.”

He hated nightsisters.

Both axmen rushed on Anakin from either angle, but the knight moved closer to one, slashing back his attack early, weapons connecting, allowing him to block and knock back the second strike from the other man. Launching up, Anakin backflipped over the first man’s follow-up strike, before the knight used the force to rapidly propel him down, intent on ripping the lightsaber’s blade through the man down the middle, vertically.

Snow suddenly seemed to cave in, forming a straight line, and Anakin could feel a great weight overcome him. He let out a light grunt, nearly falling to a knee - but he remained standing, arms at his side. That nightsister had some tricks up her sleeve... but so did a jedi, especially one like Anakin.

His own use of Form V was intermingled with Form VI, but with his movement debilitated through whatever means... he leaned fully into Form V, and began to walk slowly toward the (presumed) final axman, spinning his lightsaber from one hand to the next.


Previously Blatant Mokery
Nikki Prez
Nikki threw herself backward, pushing herself off of Gazpacho’s back and voluntarily falling into the snow to avoid getting skewered with the poleax. Looking up at Minerva, she stuck her tongue out, shaking a fist in the air scornfully.

“Gee, that’s just great, lady!! I’ll be sure to keep your KIND HEART and SELFLESS DESIRES in mind if you happen to cut me open!!” she shouted upward, scrambling to get to her feet in case of another attack, pulling her bag in front of her, lowering her arm down into it to explore its contents. Gazpacho took a step back, the jaws of the wyvern incoming to try and grab hold of the avian Pokemon. Once again, the Windrome’s beak glowed brilliantly, but this time, instead of white, it was a brilliant sky-blue. A powerful, rotating force enveloped the beak, before Gazpacho ducked his head and then thrusted it upward, attempting to drive a powerful Drill Peck directly into the roof of the wyvern’s mouth.
This happened to be a similar strategy to the one he and Nikki had recently utilized, against a monstrous Gyarados, brought into the world by the WOE. Nikki watched the execution of the attack proudly- if there was one place in the world where 'Pacho had some serious IQ, it was combat.

Skyr was having some success as well, landing a successful Shadow Punch against the psychically-assaulted ax-wielder, before the ax was swung toward her. With a fearful yelp, the cowardly-by-nature spirit Pokemon swiveled around with her hands on her head- perhaps the poor speed and power behind the ax strike would work in her favor, as she continued to weave and levitate around the fighter’s helmet to try and avoid getting struck, throwing a Power-Up Punch his way in hopes of landing a KO.



Previously mallard
Little Crow
This... was a battle. Significantly more allies and enemies to keep track of than the crow was used to. He turned to the wyvern, preparing to make a counterattack to help alleviate the pressure on Nikki, but soon realized he had problems of his own as a winged horse descended on the bird. He realized that it'd be smarter to focus on saving his own tail first and hope that the others could handle themselves.

The Reaper dove through the snow and under the pegasus just before it crashed down- at that point being out of range of Caeda's blade. He whirled around, and with a flash of neon red, he slashed at the equine's hindlegs. Then, the rider of the horse began pleading. Not for her life, but for theirs. Was she a puppet, unwillingly serving a master? If so, the corvid knew what that was like- at least somewhat.

If so, who was the master? ...And where was the mage? The crow hopped away from Caeda to avoid being attacked again, and then looked around. The mage was on the hill, far from conflict. As if she was watching pawns doing her dirty work. That settled it in the crow's mind, and he began making his way towards Loki as fast as his little legs could carry him, while still keeping his head on a swivel to avoid attackers.
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Akira Tadokoro

Seeing the ax-fighters fall, Akira smirked to himself...Shortly before the last one, bloody nosed, swiped an ax straight at him. With little time to react in his confidence, the ax connected with Akira's chest, straight along the present scar and causing Akira to stumble back.
"Ugh...Back me up..." In the moment after the hit, Akira's growl caused him to shake his hands with energy floating around them. Pulling his fists down to his hips, that energy unleashed.
Guardian Angel
A lady with white wings, an Angel, appeared with a blade in hand. As soon as she appeared, she dashed forward, slashing that blade in an attempt to go through the Ax-Fighter before disappearing, the effect of the blade clear as a psychic attack.
"Peh, stay down." Right after saying that, though, Akira didn't get much to act with before gravity seemed to increase on his body, a powerful weight on his shoulders slowing his movements. Still, he had to act somehow - First, by looking at his wound. "That hurts."
Channelling energy into himself, Akira allowed happier thoughts to flow through him. The injury wasn't gone, but it's pain and showing lessened, and thankfully it was a quick move to use.

It was after that Tadokoro allowed himself a moment to hear his surroundings, of one pleading for the group to run so they wouldn't be forced to kill. It clicked in his mind after a moment, a reminder of the fate of a man in Livingstill's Lab, trapped in a robot and forced to do battle with him - Anger induced in Akira great enough to boil the snow at his feet, the teen beginning to move forward under the weight with the aim of getting into a good position for an ability of his, beginning to charge under his hands...And with a small smile, watching the Crow run in the direction of a Mage on hill who taunted at the start.
"Sleep it off."
Sleep In Heaven.

A wave of energy, purposed to send enemies around Akira to sleep or at least make them far drowsier, went out in the form of 4 copies of Akira that swiftly transformed into glowing sparkles that spread out. The area of effect was wide, not enough to reach the likes of Loki but enough to cover the primary site of battle. Enemies better equipped for Reason, or Magical resistances, had much better chance to resist. And besides that, his slowed movements from the weight increase more than provided time for interuptions.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

They are...giving me advice? I thought they were supposed to be enemies? Why would they be trying to help me out and still attacking me? They sounded remorseful, but couldn't they stop?

He sprung up to his feet, bringing his sword up defensively, Merric already making his move. Harnessing a power that could be described as elemental, a wind blade was cast in his direction. Bennett decided to harness a bit of element himself, his sword glowing red as a pillar of flame erupted from it.


He slashed the blade of wind with a blade of his own, however, the hostile air blade dispersed on contact, surrounding him from all sides. Startled, he looked around for an exit, but there was none.


A cut from the razor wind sliced against his cheek, drawing a bead of blood. Bennett cringed, tapping his wound with his glove, finding a red print on the glove when he did so. Sharp...wind?

Slash! slice!

More and more, the wind became furious, not letting up on him.

Hack! Scrape! Slick!


More and more cuts sliced against him, the pain forcing him to drop his blade to the ground and he was rendered defenseless, brought several feet into the air with the series of cuts.
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Previously Gamingfan2
Shovel Knight
As he landed on the hilltop, a soldier spoke to him. From his stance, Shovel Knight could teel he seemed to be a stronger warrior. The Knight raised his own weapon, gripping it with both hands.
"I have no reason to fight you! Stand aside!" he warned. But Navarre did not hesitate, dashing towards the Knight and strategically striking. The Knight defended himself from each slash with equal skill, parrying and slashing back when the opportunity arose. Navarre moved fast, and one slash managed to bypass Shovel Knight's defenses. His reflex were quick, but only barely enough that Navarre struck his shoulder pads. The Stalwart Plate held tough, but there a small grunt of pain from the knight. Nevertheless, he struck back with a swing of his blade, aiming to hit Navarre's own before he could pull back and ruin the warrior's balance. If it worked, Shovel Knight would follow it with a swift kick!
"Why are you attacking us?" The Blue Burrower asked The Scarlet Sword as they traded blows. "What is your goal here?"
The second ax fighter fell to Anakin's attack, a deep cut across his body. He would breath no more. The third ax fighter stared down Anakin grimly. Whether it was courage, stupidity, fear, or a mix of all, he readied his ax and walked to meet the Skywalker in battle. The other ax fighter was also having a bad time against the small ghost Pokemon. He continued to swipe at Skyr, but the combination of the mental stress and agility of the Pokemon made it impossible to hit! The Pokemon ducked an attack and threw a counterpunch of its own! The punch struck the fighter square in the jaw, knocking them off their feet. They fell into the snow, unconscious from the attack. Knockout!

Whatever response Minerva wanted to give to Nikki, the Dracoknight was distracted by the battle with the Pokemon at hand. Gazpacho unleashed an impressive Drill Peck. The move may have defeated a powerful Gyarados, but the wyvern had something the Gyarados did not. A rider. Minerva pulled hard on the reins of her wyvern, violently pulling its head to the side. The technique was just enough to save her mount from an instant knock out, and instead of drilling directly into the open mouth of the wyvern, Gazpacho's attack cut a deep gash across the wyvern's face. The wyvern reared back, roaring in pain. Minerva used the momentum of her beast, swinging her ax back-

Caede was quick to move with the Crow. She swung her blade back, parrying the birdman's attack against her Pegasus' hind legs, and brought her mount around. She urged it on, and it galloped after the Crow. The charging Pegasus was quick to catch up to the Crow. Caeda made to ride past Crow, slashing at the birdman with her sword as she charged past. Just after her slash attack, the Pegasus attempted to batter Crow with one of its wings as it rode past as well.

Akira's Guardian Angel pierced through an ax fighter, dropping them. The psychic used his next psychic attack, Sleep in Heaven. A wave of energy flowed out, but not many enemies were nearby. The ax fighter walking to meet Anakin was caught in it. They abruptly fell face-first into the snow just before they reached the Jedi, snoozing away. Minerva and her wyvern were also affected. The wyvern fell into the snow, fast asleep. The Princess of Macedon fell off her mount, falling into the snow before she could follow through on her attack.

Loki watched as the Crow attempted to make his way towards her, but was attacked once more by Caeda. She blew a kiss to the corvid, and looked back over the battlefield. Raising her staff again, the crystal glowed green once more. The ax fighter Akira had dispatched with a kick to the groin and psychic attack awoke in the snow. The fighter grabbed his ax, jumping back to his feet. They charged at Akira, swinging their ax in a two-handed slashing attack at the psychic!

The tornado of wind began to die down around Bennett, and Merric scanned the battlefield for his next target. His eyes widened at the sight of Minerva falling.
"No!" The mage exclaimed. He gestured towards Gazpacho, and once more winds whipped around Merric. They condensed into the same wind blade that had attacked Bennett, his Excalibur spell. The massive blade of wind shot towards Gazpacho. Just like with Bennett, if it struck it would transform into a tornado of razor wind that would surround the Pokemon. Unlike with Bennett, the Excalibur spell was super-effective against flying enemies!

A small smile came across Navarre's face he and the knight traded blows. The knight was fast, remarkably so. Navarre had never met one who moved so swiftly in that full of armor. Shovel Knight struck Navarre's Killing Edge with his shovel, knocking the blade back. The knight lashed out with a kick, but Navarre was swift on his feet, and quickly danced back out of range of the attack. Shovel Knight's question brought a frown back to Navarre's face. Despite the ferocity of the combat, the red halo lazily floated around the myrmidon's head.
"I am attacking you because I am ordered to do so. I am bound by magical contract. Many of us are." Navarre said, gesturing to the other contracted heroes. "The leaders of Muspell give us orders, and we must obey. There is nothing we can do to resist. They tells us to kill, so we kill."

Navarre twirled his blade, and leapt back further up the hill. He launched himself at Shovel Knight, his feet barely seeming to touch the snow as he charged. At the last moment, Navarre suddenly dodged to the side and attempted to attack with a series of rapid slashes!

Loki spotted another opening, and pointed down the hill with her staff. The crystal at the end glowed red, and another line of intense gravity burst forth. This one caught the Crow and Anakin in the line, inflicting them both with great gravity!


Previously Blatant Mokery
Nikki Prez
At long last, Nikki felt like she finally had a second to focus her efforts elsewhere- with the ax-fighter knocked out in the snow by Skyr, and Minerva and her weird Pokemon seeming to be unable to keep battling, maybe she could go over and help Bennett out after that wicked wind-cutting attack.

But just when she began to move toward him, another attack was coming her team’s way- this time, Gazpacho was the target of a ranged wind blade.

“Yikes…!” she grit her teeth. Gazpacho wasn’t very suited to ranged battles at all, way better at eating and dishing out close-up blows with his sturdy beak, wings, and talons. “Dodge it, ‘Pacho!!” she called out, but it wasn’t quick enough, the unit of a Pokemon’s attention locked onto the fallen wyvern for just a second too long. In an instant, the Windrome was surrounded by slashes of wind, letting out a loud cry as he was swarmed with painful attacks, stray feathers flying everywhere.

“Amnesia! D-Don’t just stand there, buddy!” she called out to him again, her eyes wide as she made the order. There was a strained look on the avian’s face as he stepped backward while flapping his wings in irritation, hoping to get out of the swarm while he cleared the (few) thoughts from his mind with Amnesia, psychically enhancing his durability against the attacks for the time being.

A distressed Nikki turned to see Skyr huddling against her, having finished celebrating her victory, and now just as distressed as her trainer- but for different reasons, perhaps. The Lininth looked just as nervous about the allies on the field as the enemies, pulling her fabric-like cloak downward to hide her face.

“Skyr- aaahhh.… uhhh…” Nikki gulped, knowing that Skyr wouldn’t do well at all if she got caught up in a wind attack like that- not that Gazpacho had taken it well either, though the Amnesia did help, and he was a much more naturally tanky Pokemon than her. But… still, maybe there was a way Skyr could contribute further to the battle. “Go low, okay?” Nikki finally decided as she rummaged through her unorganized bag in hopes of finding a Hyper Potion, and just like that, the Lininth disappeared, fading into the snowy ground below in silence.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


He and his last opponent neared as battle raged around them. The chaos was familiar to the jedi knight, unlike many of his... allies, he could call them, for now. He was a general, had been from battlefield to battlefield without reprieve for years, now. Had grown from apprentice to knight, undertook a padawan of his own. The chaos was where Anakin was at his best.

He never sat well with peace and order... that was part of the reason Master Windu didn’t like him very much; it wasn’t the attitude of a jedi.

Just before the two could meet, there was another gravity tether. The snow was already crushed into ice beneath the jedi general, yet his boots sank into it nonetheless and he grit his teeth, this time falling to a knee - and the axman fell as well, seemingly unconscious despite not being in the way of the gravity line.

Anakin still felt frustration rising within at this second rush of gravity. This nightsister was overstaying her welcome, and fast. Slowly rising to his full height, her turned his gaze toward Loki, his left hand calling upon the youthful force, his increasing anger feeling as though it were connecting to it in a stronger way than he’d felt with earlier use.

Raising his left hand, he aimed it toward her, face etched with lines of serious intent. The sound of air being sucked out of a tight space seemed to echo as a vice grip would force itself upon Loki’s throat, below her skin, attempting to squeeze her esophagus and lift her into the air by that organ alone.
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Previously mallard
The Crow had barely began his journey towards Loki before he saw Caede coming up behind him. He squinted in annoyance, though he couldn't say he expected any differently. He dove away from the ride-by, avoiding both attacks at once.

Then, in an instant, he felt the gravity in the area increase tenfold. The crow was compressed into the snow, but as he watched the pegasus gallop away, headed the same way he was intent on going... he had an idea. A yellow energy spike appeared in his hand.

He aimed... and fired his Hookshot spell at the horse's rear end, tethering the Reaper to the equine animal via a chain made up of the same yellow energy. It wouldn't harm the horse, feeling like a pinprick at most. But now, the Crow began sledding behind the horse like a penguin!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

As the wind funnel dispersed, Bennett was released to his knees, red scrapes and slashes across his body and tears in his clothes.

"That's gonna hurt in the morning..."

But like any other obstacle that's forming his way in the past, he had to get over it and get back up again. Standing once more despite the injuries, he saw that the enemy, Merric had already begun to attack, this time against Nikki and Gazpacho, wind slices raking across them just like they did against him! He needed to stop them from hurting all his allies, but how?

Feeling around the snow until he grasped a hold of his fallen sword, he broke out into a run, headed right towards Merric. Flames burned brightly on the blade with the thought of protecting Nikki and Gazpacho, his vision lighting up.

"Leave them alone!"

He leaped into the air, sword's cloak growing longer and longer as the flames grew hotter. Thats when he'd slam the blade right down in front of Merric, all flames extinguishing off of the blade instantly, causing an explosion to rock out from the struck area, enough to send Bennett himself hurdling back through the air, smoke coming off his clothes as he landed back first in the snow.