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That's not how it goes! Let me give you an example on what SHOULD be done:

[SPOILER="Nina Woods (Next Generation)"]

Name: Nina Woods

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Homeplace (Town or City, Region)/(Planet, Universe): Postwick, Galar

Age: 12

Trainer Class (PokéVerse only): Pokemon Trainer

Hair/Mane Style and Hair/Mane Color: Brown pigtails

Eye Color: Brown

Skin Color: Tan

Aura Color: Yellow

Cutie/Harmony Mark: She does not have a Harmony Mark due to an accident that prevented her from even unlocking her potential.

Personality: Very cheerful and sweet

Element of Harmony: Bravery

Part of Team (optional): Neo-PokeFaith

Skills: Nina is very knowledgeable and uses her Pokemon's abilities to help her.

Magical Abilities: She has not been able to unlock them fully, but her aura is still accessable.

Spells: None yet

Power: Unknown

Stats [F- to A+ or infinite]:

  • Destructive Power: B
  • Magic Power: C
  • Attack: B
  • Defense: A
  • Special Attack: B
  • Special Defense: A
  • Speed: C
  • Accuracy/Precision: C
  • Evasion: B
  • Development/Magic Potential: B
  • Form Persistence: None

Partnered With: Pero IV (Dream Animal), SparkleDex (her PokeDex)

Family: Victor (father), Gloria (mother), Lea (younger sister)

Love Relationships?: None


But since it looks as if you're not creative enough, I'll create another character for you.
