
My first spritings. New-, De- and Recoloured Lyra and Crys.

My first scratched sprite.
It's more or less based on this drawing: hier von

My boyfriend and me as Trainers

My first retyping tries. Mareep, Flaafy and Ampharos as fire types.

Retyped Gen1 Starters.

Retyped Gen2 Starters.

Retyped Gen3 Starters.

Retyped Gen4 Starters.

Retyped Gen5 Starters.

Retyped Gen1 Starter Evolutions.

Retyped Gen2 Starter Evolutions.

Retyped Gen3 Starter Evolutions.

Retyped Gen4 Starter Evolutions.

Retyped Gen5 Starter Evolutions.
Since I was in need of small animated Shiny sprites, so I quickly recoloured the original ones.

I made myself a Lick Icon with Hoppip.
Base by BakaMichi aka Yo-Angie.

My Ponysona Buttercheese as a Trotting Pony Icon.

Trotting Pony Blitzle.

Ponyta as a Trotting Pony Icon.
I'm not really satisfied with the Mane- and Tailanimation,
I'll probably do some rework on that later.
Trotting Pony base by medli96

I saw some autumniced Pokémon on Filb.de and tried to make one by myself: Autumn Blubella :3

Cacnea as a Jack-o-Lantern.

My contribution for the current Spriting-Practice Project on Filb.de, the Pumpking. We were supposed to fusion a Ghost type Pokémon with a Dark type Pokémon and making it Halloween themed. We were also allowed to use additional sprites but it was forbidden to do any selfs, except for transitions.
Since these two badges are missing in the actual Trainercardmaker, I simply made my own ones

After I saw an retro reiew on Kirby's Dreamland, I felt like making a recolour on this Screenshot here.
The colours are from "Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land".
Wallpaper Version