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Club Nintendo in North America


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Just wanted to start up a general discussion about the new Club Nintendo that recently started in North America (yet has existed for years elsewhere around the world). If anyone previously had a MyNintendo account, Club Nintendo has replaced it, which isn't a bad thing considering all the freebies you can get now.

For any North Americans who've never had a MyNintendo account before, nor understand what Club Nintendo is about, it's basically an online service offered on the official Nintendo website that allows you to register your Nintendo products. For consoles, it can score you an extended warranty, but for games you can take short 6-questioned surveys to earn coins, and once you've earned enough coins you can redeem them for free gifts. Registering a Wii game scores you 50 coins, a DS game gives 30, and Wii Shop Channel purchases earn you 10 coins each - but only after doing the associated survey. If you manage to earn 300 coins you'll gain Gold status, while earning 600 coins will land you Platinum status. Supposedly at the end of each Club Nintendo year (June 30th) they send out these special freebies to Gold/Platinum status members, but we won't know what they'll be for awhile.

A paragraph from Ninty's press release:
Once they become Club Nintendo members, Nintendo fans and former My Nintendo members can create a profile and register select Nintendo products on the site by inputting a product serial ID (a list of compatible products is posted on the site). The user is then asked to complete a survey about the product. Coins are awarded once surveys are complete. That's when the fun begins. Some of the exclusive rewards include the Game & Watchâ„¢ Collection for the Nintendo DSâ„¢ and a set of traditional Hanafuda cards printed with Nintendo characters.

I've already earned over 200 coins just from doing 5 surveys, so it's not that difficult to reach Gold status. At the moment I'm not overly interested in any of the offered gifts, so I'm going to sit on it for a bit to see what else pops up in the future. So... anyone else taking advantage of this yet?

Edit: I can has Platinum status.
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It was a pain to get a lot of my old stuff transferred over; it took a while for the surveys to show up. But I got them eventually and am sitting on a fair amount of points; once I get access to my Wii games again I should have 800+ points. I'm debating getting the playing cards or waiting to see what pops up.
I'll more than likely get as many coins as I can then save them for any future releases of prizes. The Mr. Game and Watch game looks tempting, but I don't if it'll be worth it