Anyways, to get, er, back on topic, I was staring at the picture of the next Pokemon Wonderland's cover, and I realized that the names of the legendaries aren't THAT blurry. So, I tried to squeeze out all of my two-years-of-high-school-Japanese...and see what I could come up with.
The Diamond legendary:
I'm almost positive it's Tia_ga. Bulbagarden translators came up with Tiagaga, and I can see where they're coming from with that...but I also think Tiadaga could be possible. Also, if "ya" is in a weird font, I guess it could look like "da" or "ga", so Tiadaya or Tiagaya could be possibilities. The second-to-last katakana, since it seems to have a lot of strokes (in the blurry picture, though, so it could just be the low-quality-ness), could be "ho" or "ne", I guess. Maybe "ru", even...
The Pearl legendary:
This one's a bit harder, but I think that __gia seems pretty likely (I suppose the "gi" I see could be a "ki", though, if the font is weird). The first katakana SEEMS to be the same as the second-to-last katakana from the Diamond one, and the second one just confuses me (I guess it could be "ne", but I'm not really sure). The first katakana could be "da" or "ga," I guess, giving me something like Danegia, Ganegia, or something. Bulbagarden got Ruhakia, but I really don't see that...especially not the "ha," but that could just be because I've never tried to read reeeeally blurry katakana before.
Was that interesting to anybody? I don't know enough Japanese to see if they mean anything, and since the Japanese names are a whole lot harder to split into Japanese words than the English ones (well, to me, at least), I can't come up with a whole lot...plus, they could be imported words (there was a theory that the "tia" had to do with "tiamat").
...Does anybody else read katakana? Or am I the only one...? I want some other people's opinions...-_-