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DPPt/HGSS Diamond Team (for before the Elite Four)

This is my Diamond Team, I'm still very much in the beginning, having only three badges, but I would like to start correcting and thinking about my Elite Four team as soon as possible, to avoid any long backtracking.

First off:

Monkeybone (Monferno) lvl 31
Flame Wheel
Mach Punch

Pulsestar (Lucario) lvl30 (he was the egg from my Pearl, transferred over before hatching)
Force Palm
Dark Pulse
Metal Claw
Bone Rush

Darkstar (Honchkrow) lvl29
Fly (flyslave)
Night Shade

Bonzaitree (Grotle) lvl28 (transferred as an egg from Pearl)
Razor Leaf
Mega Drain

Emperor (Prinplup) lvl28 (ditto on the origins)
Metal Claw
Bubblebeam (will turn into Surf later)

and my HM Slave

Slave (Bibarel) lvl15
Rollout (Rock Climb when able)
Tackle (Waterfall when able)
Rock Smash

Yes, yes, I know, I know, very original nicknames.

And Flash and Defog will have their own Pokemon, which I will only use when I absolutely need to, i.e. my Abra for Flash and a Wingull for Defog.

Like I said, this is NOT a competitive Pokemon team, I am going to wait until I beat the Elite Four and have access to all the Pokemon and have more time to breed the right ones, before I try making that, but I would like some help in making my movesets for my In-Game Pokemon Team as n00b-less as possible. Slave will be removed from my team when I go to the Elite Four (can you imagine a lvl15 Bibarel against a lvl66 Garchomp?) so what I am looking for is any suggestions for a sixth Pokemon I can use against the Elite Four, so that I can start training it as soon as possible.
Ice Fang/Protect-breeing required for Ice Fang
Howl/Swords Dance/Rest-Filler
Crunch/Sleep Talk-Sleep talk for rest Crunch for Lucian's Psychic types


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
You will be able to capture a legendary Pokemon before you battle the Elite Four. I won't say who just in case you don't already know (no-one likes spoilers) but since it's just for the Elite Four, it'll do fine.