I received Digimon World Dusk for my birthday and, after giving it a bit of time, I've really gotten into it now. The problem is, I originally wanted Dawn version for a couple of its version exclusives, but most importantly for Guilmon and its evolutionary stages. No Guilmon access makes me a very sad Linkachu.
So... Any chance that someone here owns Dawn version and has WiFi access?
And please, for the sake of our sanity, if don't own the game and have no plans to buy it or you dislike Digimon in general, don't reply to this thread. Thank you
So... Any chance that someone here owns Dawn version and has WiFi access?
And please, for the sake of our sanity, if don't own the game and have no plans to buy it or you dislike Digimon in general, don't reply to this thread. Thank you