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DPPt/HGSS Dragon help...


Bearded Trout Warrior
I'm not trying to build a Dragon team, but dragons are good to have on a team... So I've posted some of the Dragons I want to raise, and my Ideas for move sets...

Nature: Adamant/Jolly
Item: Persim if Outrage is present, Starf Berry for some last minute luck if Roost is present, not sure what else...

-Dragon Claw/Outrage
-Brick Break
-Aerial Ace
-Dragon Dance

Not actually my Idea for a move set, so much as it is copied from two other threads I saw people seeking help with a dragonite in... I was wondering if this really is a Dragonite's best moveset, or if there is some way to worm Roost in there for recovery...

Item: Bright Powder or something of the sort. :p

-Dragon Claw (I can breed it with Outrage if anyone would recommend that more)
-Fire Fang/Iron Head
-Double Team/Swords Dance

Almost guaranteed to be teamed up with my Tyranitar (Sand Stream) So I went with an even further evasion up with the held item. I can't decide between Double Team and Swords Dance... I also couldn't decide between Iron Head and Fire Fang...

Nature: Rash/Naughty
Item: Choice Scarf maybe?

-Draco Meteor/Dragon Pulse (Depending on position in party)
-Aerial Ace
-Crunch/Thunder Fang

I actually didn't put a whole lot of thought into this one... the first time I've considered one... :p

Thanks for the continued help with my Pokemon everyone ;D
Okay I'm okay :p with Dragon Types.

Dragonite Modest/Jolly/Hasty
Item:persim Berry/Leftovers
-Dragon Pulse
-Ice Beam
"Dragon Pulse for STAB, Ice Beam to hande the Dragons when Dragon Pulse can't. Flamethrower to cover up weaknesses. Thunderbolt is a filler"

Garchomp Jolly/Naughty/Timid
Item:Maaybe Brightpowder

-Giga Impact
-Stone Edge/Earthquake
-Aerial Ace/Air Slash
-Dragon Dance/Swords Dance

I'd advise Earthquake over Stone Edge, mainly cuz Earthquake has more PP and can cause more damage.
Giga Impact...powerful, nice move...Dragon Dance or Swords Dance...your choice.

Salamence Naughty/Jolly/Hasty/Adamant/Brave
Item:Draco Plate
-Draco Meteor
-Dragon Dance
-Fire Fang/Flamethrower

Earthquake for those baad Electric types who love to try and KO Flying Types. Fire Fang or Flamethrower both good moves it's your choice. Dragon Dance to power up Draco meteor. Hopefully you find this helpful!
Watch out for the natures:

For Dragonite: if he's a special sweeper avoid Jolly natures because that lowers special attack. As a general rule all sweeper should avoid natures that lower defenses like Hasty natures. Modest and Timid work

Garchomp is a physical sweeper so avoid Timid (which lowers attack) and Naughty (lowers special defense). Adamant and Jolly work

Salamence should avoid Naughty, Brave, or Hasty natures. Brave lowers speed which is also undesirable on a sweeper.

I know natures are a small part of it but you want the Pokemon to be the best Sweeper/tank/annoyer it can be right?


Bearded Trout Warrior
@C. Lopez: I can't tell if you were trying to give me advice... or if you are trying to give advice to the person advising me...

@Mewgirl: Why would I give my Dragonite a Persim berry if it doesn't know Outrage..
er... Giga impact is a NO for my Garchomp... Earthquake will have the same power after STAB.
And isn't Draco Meteor Special? meaning Dragon dance will not help in the slightest with it?
Your advice really wasn't that helpful...

My Dragonite is meant to be a physical sweeper (Hence Dragon Dance and all physical moves) I'll probably go with Adamant for it... It's defenses are better than a Garchomp's, So speed isn't as much of a necessity.

I'm going to shoot for a Jolly Nature on my Garchomp, since speed is something my Sandstorm team otherwise lacks... Plus, it suits someone with an automatic double evasion up :p

The Salamence I'm hardly considering doing anymore...
~Totally sorry for the ambiguity there~ I guess I just wanted to clarify any confusion about natures so I was trying to help you as well. As an apology here's some advice.

Honestly the Dragonite moveset the way you have it is pretty good. Depending on the rest of the team Dragonite will be on, Earthquake, Thunderpunch, or Fire Punch are also options for coverage to take into consideration.

I can't find anything wrong with using Outrage in place of Dragon Claw, but Dragon Claw is fine. It's your decision really.


Bearded Trout Warrior
Thank you!

I'm getting more confident in my pokemon building skills now...

and I already found out that Garchomp is good... All of the IVs of the test Garchomp I got were above 20... ALL of them. and the moveset worked well.
I prefer DRagon Claw over Outrage, beacuse if you KO a pokemon with it, then they could swich out to say ... a ryperior or any pokemon with good defences and that resists it. Then you couldn't stop using it for the next two turns whilst they were killing you. It isn't really bad, (unless you dont have an item to ure you of confusion) its just sometimes a bit un-reliable. But apart from that its a really good move.