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DPPt/HGSS Dusclops and others

I need good move sets, natures and what to EV train for the pokemon below,
Well thats all for now i will post more later.
I had similar questions about IVs and natures..
however KingofLucario was nice enough to find this information from the FAQS.

IV's, Individual Values, are values that can't be trained, since they can never actually change. The IV's of a Pokemon are completely random for those caught in the wild, and the IV's of a Pokemon you have bred will have half of them from the parents, and the other half completely random as far as I know. There is a way to determine where your highest IV stat is without a calculator: on the menu which shows the Pokemon's Nature, there will be a short description at the bottom, something like "Alert to sounds" or "Likes to eat." This indicates where your highest IV is. Here's a table for you I got from an FAQ (credit goes to the FAQ's owner for this.)

As you can see, it repeats in the same pattern over and over down to zero. Another thing to note is that these IV values will also affect the Type and Power of the move Hidden Power. I have no idea how to calculate this though, and since it is generally by pure luck that people get the right Hidden Power these days, it's not worth breaking your back just to get the right Hidden Power type.

EV's, Effort Values, can be trained, as I'm sure you know since EV training is a frequently mentioned topic. For each Pokemon you kill, that Pokemon will give up to 3 EV's in one or more stats. For instance, defeating a Machop will give +1 EV to your Attack stat, whereas a Machoke will give +2 EV's to Attack. Infernape, when beaten, gives +1 Attack, +1 Sp.Attack and +1 Speed. The more EV's you put on a particular stat, the higher that stat will go, so if you wanted to focus on increasing your Attack stat, killing nothing but Machop and Machoke would be a very good way to do it. You can have up to 255 EV's on one stat (although since you get +1 on your stat for every 4 EV's, 252 is best since it is divisible by 4), and up to 510 altogether, so you have to choose wisely where you want those EV's to go. A example I'll give is Alakazam - Alakazam is a very fast Special Sweeper, so you'll want to put 252 EV's in his Sp.Attack and 252 in his Speed in order to get the best results from him.

Here's my favourite spots for EV training:

HP: Training HP EV's is fairly easy. Bidoof gives +1 HP for each one you kill, and since they are on the very first route in the game along with Starly (Route 201), they are easy to find and easy to beat.

Attack: Best place I find for this one is just east of Celestic Town. You'll need Defog for this, but you'll find Machop, who gives +1 Attack, Machoke will give +2 Attack, and Bibarel will give +2 Attack as well. It's best to do this during the day, as tons of Noctowl start popping up at night which severely drops the rate at which Machop/Machoke/Bibarel will turn up.

Defense: Iron Island is best for this, as tons of Graveler live there who give +2 Defense for each one you kill. Onix pops up occasionally also, to give you +1 Defense. Ignore the Golbat who occasionally turn up.

Sp.Attack: Old Chateau is the best place for this by a mile. Nothing but Gastly/Haunter/Gengar in there (assuming you've already caught/killed Rotom.) Gastly gives +1 Sp.Attack, Haunter gives +2 Sp.Attack and Gengar gives +3 Sp.Attack. Rotom will give +1 Sp.Attack and +1 Speed if you kill it, but since there's only one he certainly isn't worth killing for this.

Sp.Defense: Surf around just north of Sunyshore City (next to where Jasmine is.) You'll find Mantyke there who gives +1 Sp.Defense, and Tentacool will give +1 Sp.Defense also. Occasionally a Tentacruel will appear - he gives +2 Sp.Defense.

Speed: Back to Route 201 again - Starly gives +1 Speed for each one you kill. Show them lv.2-3 Starly who's boss.

In response to when it is too late to start EV training, it's too late if your Pokemon is already lv 100, or if it would reach lv 100 before you've finished EV training it. Other than that, you can start anytime just so long as there are no EV's on it already, since that could screw things up for you.

I think that's all there is to it. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask. :)

Regarding Shedninja.. I believe when your evolving the previous pokemon to Ninjajask or whatever its called.. you must have a extra pokeball in your bag and and extra spot in your party ;D
Dusclops third evolution when you use the reaper cloth,

Dusclops' third evolution is Dusknoir, which is obtained by trading a Dusclops that is holding a Reaper Cloth

[quote author=Joshie007 link=topic=4252.msg57530#msg57530 date=1208940051]
Aron's third evolution,

Aron's third evolution is Aggron, simply obtained by evolving it to a Lairon at 32, then to an Aggron at 42.

[quote author=Joshie007 link=topic=4252.msg57530#msg57530 date=1208940051]
Shrllder's second evolution,

I am assuming you meant Shellder here. It evolves into a Cloyster when you use a Water stone on it.

[quote author=Joshie007 link=topic=4252.msg57530#msg57530 date=1208940051]
Rhyhorn's third evolution (or the one where you use the protector)

Rhyhorn's third evolution is a Rhyperior, obtained by trading a Rhydon that is holding a Protector.

Hope this was the info you were looking for.