( I like to use these -> ( ) for OOC bubbles, if you wish me to use
the tag instead i will, anyway! My typing isn't the greatest, I think much faster then my poor fingers can handle, but i love imagination and story! So heres me first attempt! )
Viridian Forest was quiet on this fine spring day, save for screeching of caterpies and weedles in the brush. The sun was setting and the sky was just turning orange. Most Trainers ran off to there homes before nightfall, which made this forest nice and peaceful.
Suddenly the sounds of wheels on grass could be heard to all
those around the forest clearing, as a figure pushing what seemed to be a wooden cart into the clearing. The Figure dressed in a fancy Purple, offset by the Violet Jesters Cap upon its head and the even creepier wooden grinning mask hiding the figures face.
The cart itself, was as Unorthodox as the pusher. Its Frame wooden. Its Violet and green Paint peeling. It was colorfull, which tended to be signs of welcoming to many. ( as everyone luvs dere colors ) Upon it sit what looked to be a lifeless Doll laying upon it. The doll looked to be, what many trainers would identify as a banette. Also upon the cart, lay Six Pokeballs, with there own carved holdings which lay about the doll.
Suddenly the rumbling sounds of the cart would come to an end. Back the the peacefull silence of Viridian Forest. The masked man would look up and around, Observing the area Surrounding him.
" Well how perfect is this hexx? "
Amused tone would escape through the grinning mouth hole of the wooden mask. Just as he spoke the lifeless Doll would suddenly sit up. Its eyes Jutting open showing its haunting, and quite menacing Red eyes.
"Aww, do not look so unamused! The people around here live in such a boring area. Hicksville! They will pay out the Rear to see This wonderful show! ... Just watch! These kids cant Resist bells!"
and at that. The Masked Man would hold a black gloved hand up to the jesters cap, and begin to flick each bell on each edge. Each making a diffrent sound which started to sound like a welcoming cheerful, yet oddly haunting Song.
" they'll...come hexx they always come."
the tag instead i will, anyway! My typing isn't the greatest, I think much faster then my poor fingers can handle, but i love imagination and story! So heres me first attempt! )
Viridian Forest was quiet on this fine spring day, save for screeching of caterpies and weedles in the brush. The sun was setting and the sky was just turning orange. Most Trainers ran off to there homes before nightfall, which made this forest nice and peaceful.
Suddenly the sounds of wheels on grass could be heard to all
those around the forest clearing, as a figure pushing what seemed to be a wooden cart into the clearing. The Figure dressed in a fancy Purple, offset by the Violet Jesters Cap upon its head and the even creepier wooden grinning mask hiding the figures face.
The cart itself, was as Unorthodox as the pusher. Its Frame wooden. Its Violet and green Paint peeling. It was colorfull, which tended to be signs of welcoming to many. ( as everyone luvs dere colors ) Upon it sit what looked to be a lifeless Doll laying upon it. The doll looked to be, what many trainers would identify as a banette. Also upon the cart, lay Six Pokeballs, with there own carved holdings which lay about the doll.
Suddenly the rumbling sounds of the cart would come to an end. Back the the peacefull silence of Viridian Forest. The masked man would look up and around, Observing the area Surrounding him.
" Well how perfect is this hexx? "
Amused tone would escape through the grinning mouth hole of the wooden mask. Just as he spoke the lifeless Doll would suddenly sit up. Its eyes Jutting open showing its haunting, and quite menacing Red eyes.
"Aww, do not look so unamused! The people around here live in such a boring area. Hicksville! They will pay out the Rear to see This wonderful show! ... Just watch! These kids cant Resist bells!"
and at that. The Masked Man would hold a black gloved hand up to the jesters cap, and begin to flick each bell on each edge. Each making a diffrent sound which started to sound like a welcoming cheerful, yet oddly haunting Song.
" they'll...come hexx they always come."