Previously Tokki_Boki
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Leila walked into the guild with her mom, casually avoiding her father and her uncle Gray's daily brawl. The young female made her way to bar area with her mom and sat down on one of the stools, dipping her head down once in a while to avoid a plate thrown here and there. "Mommy I don't see why you gave me two of your golden keys, there are only thirteen existing ones yet you gave me Aries and Capricorn" Leila says. Lucy smiled at her pink hair daughter who looked exactly like herself and her mother Layla, "my dear Princess, you showed great strength in your celestial magic prowess and so how could I not have given you Aries and Capricorn? Those two were always your favorite when you were a baby" Lucy laughed out. Leila smiled and caressed the two new keys her mom had gifted her the night before. Sadly though, their sweet moment was ruined when Leila got smacked right on the back of her head with a beer mug. "Dad I'm going to kill you!" She roared out.
If you've been approved, please enjoy~
Leila walked into the guild with her mom, casually avoiding her father and her uncle Gray's daily brawl. The young female made her way to bar area with her mom and sat down on one of the stools, dipping her head down once in a while to avoid a plate thrown here and there. "Mommy I don't see why you gave me two of your golden keys, there are only thirteen existing ones yet you gave me Aries and Capricorn" Leila says. Lucy smiled at her pink hair daughter who looked exactly like herself and her mother Layla, "my dear Princess, you showed great strength in your celestial magic prowess and so how could I not have given you Aries and Capricorn? Those two were always your favorite when you were a baby" Lucy laughed out. Leila smiled and caressed the two new keys her mom had gifted her the night before. Sadly though, their sweet moment was ruined when Leila got smacked right on the back of her head with a beer mug. "Dad I'm going to kill you!" She roared out.