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Open Fallen Heros

Which Soul Represents You? (Not Me, Blu Ace)

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Hi Guys! This is a romance RP. "No surprise there." This will be another Mystery Dungeon RP. "Once Again, no surprise there." You will fill in an aplication to join the Rescue Team and asssin your own team. You may have up to two characters.


Level: (Can be as high leveld as you wants)

Without haste let the RP begin!!!


Vanilla walked into Hydro City in hopes of joining the famous Serperior Guild. The Serperior guild was the most famous thing in Hydro City since five years ago when it opened. Walking to the front of the Guild there was nothing but a Serperior's mouth. Without haste Vanilla jumped in and slid down to the bottom which was an Secret underground guild. There were pokemon teams from Bronze Rank to Diamond Rank. Vanilla walked toward a desk with a Delphox sitting behind. Meeting eyes he fox gave a slight smile and slid a paper across the table being an application into the guild. Vanilla smiled and grabbed a pen from the desk and filled the application.

Name: Vanilla
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Sylveon
Level: 30
Bio: I'm a strong willed girl with a extremely powerfull physical attack. I can proove helpful when help is needed or assistance is called for. I only have one sibbling, and my parents passed away. Me being the strong one I provide helpful reacourses and carry tremendous amounts of berrys with me always!

Vanilla finished the Application and handed it back to the fox who smiled and read. She nodded and took a call on her phone. In a minute a Serperior slithered into the area holding a bag, and badge and with a smile, handed them to Vanilla. "Welcome to the Guild!" The Serperior smiled and slithered away again being on a buzzy scedule.

"Hey! Why dont you go to the Market Area. There is gonna be an Anouncement there later on for the five year aniversery of the Serperior Guild." The delphox said. Vanilla's eyes filled with surprise. She dashed out of the room yelling thanks and left the building to bump into a Shiny Umbreon sitting in front of her. "Ugh." She let out before getting lectured.
"Heh. Hey Sis." The Umbreon said with a smirk. Midnight had already joined the Guild along time ago. He was part of Team Boulder Blasters. He was just there so that the entire team could go but him. Midnight's purpose was to stay at the Guild and not accept any requests or interact with other Teams. After hearing his sister want to join a rescue team, Midnight quit his Team and registered a new one the day after. Team Soulless. The Name was to look cool, the reason was because Midnight didnt have other ideas. Midnight told the Guild about Vanilla and happily accepted, and so they were a team. Of course when joining the new team he had to redo the Application.

Name: Midnight
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Umbreon (Shiny)
Level: 32
Bio: Im usually a Ranged attacker instead of physical. I have an IQ of 270 and I come up with easy Strategies that help in winning battles. Im slightly better than my sister in Age and Level, but if she gets close enough to me, I'm doomed, same with others. But my Phychic and Shadow Ball can leave a dent in opponents.

Midnight let out a sigh and handed Vanilla a Attack Band. When she left it home. He also grabbed her bag and handed it to her also equiping a Defense Scarf. After a While when they were both prepared, Midnight yelled out " Beat ya to the Market!" He dashed off into the market.
A lucario and a zoroak walk in to hydro city hoping to find and join the superior guild

Special features-wherever there is black there is white
Bio-he and shadow have been friends for five years and while they got separated in the events of x and y they met up again and shadow told him about a guild he was told about so now they have come to hydro city looking to join

Special features-the colorations of red and black are switched
Bio-when separated from Luke he was met by a shiny greninja who told him about the superior guild and shadow kept this information until him and Luke met back where he told Luke now he is on his way with Luke to the guild

Shadow and Luke look around for what would be the superior guild where they find the entrance which was the mouth of a superior
Luke: is this it?
Shadow:from what I was told this should be the entrance and from some of the posters I saw
Luke: if this is so popular how com I've never heard of it
Shadow:because we lived in a different region for a while
Shadow:well let's go in

As shadow and Luke attempted to walk in they trip and fall in to the underground base entrance landing in front of the delphox
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The gallade had memorized his application form and read it in his head to make sure he had handed it in with all the relevant information.
" Name: Yang Dusklight
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Gallade
Level: 87
Bio: I am the son of a prestigious family of warriors. I hate to be reminded of it and i want to live a normalish life. I have always worked solo helping others but now i realize i have to have someone to rely on. I am a friendly pokemon and am loyal to the end."
He smirked and nearly ran over a Sylveon." Sorry about that, are you new here as well?" He asked casually and cursed after a thought entered his head. He had ran away from his family to get here, Hydro City, what if they chase him?
A small but determend Piplup walk into hydro city looking for help. This Piplup has been wondering for years! She has always been wanting to see her hero Skylar the famous Empoleon. Who was apart of the serprior guild.

Name: Aqua
Age: 5
Species: Piplup
bio: I am a young Piplup but bold the other piplups said I was crazy that I would meet Skylar. I always had hope I would meet her so I never gave up and I made it to hydro city where Syklar lives.
Violet let off a sigh as she watched an Umbreon and Sylveon duo run off to the market. Her younger sister, Flare, sighed quietly as she finished her application form. "Sis, I'm joining your team, if it's fine?" Flare asked the Espeon who was now studying the application form if her own. "Yes, I told you for the tenth time Flare, it's fine" Violet said, slightly annoyed.

Name: Flare
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Flareon
Level: 50
Bio: I love to pick flowers and swim, unlike most fire types. When I was younger, my sister and I always used to train together secretly. I'm more stronger than my sister in bron, but I'll never beat her because she always has a plan to get the victory. I'm fairly timid and barely talk when others are around.

Name: Violet
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Espeon
Level: 95
Bio: I'm very observant and won't take things lightly. I was raised by Umbreon and was taught to roam around at night, which I still do. You will barley see me in the day, even though I'm an Espeon. Me and my sister are the strongest in our family....well what's left of it. I love to walk around at night and be alone with nature.

Violet put the paper down beside Flare's "Team Ghost?" She asked, making Flare nod excitedly. Flare stood up and walked a few steps, but then she ran into a Sylveon. Flare fell to the ground and watched her sister run to the market. "Wait..." She called, but her Espeon sister was already out of her sight.

Violet ran behind a Shiny Umbreon, but jumped on his back and then jumped off, landing in front of him and zooming forward. She stopped and bowed her head, too tired to continue.
Midnight was winning the race against his sister. Being slower he had to get a headstart. He was clost to the stage after he felt a paw on his back causing him to trip. He fell across the pavement, looking up to see an Espeon. She did a bow and zoomed ahead. Midnight got up dusting himself off. "Ow?" Midnight said confused. Most pokemon would be polite and apologize, but the Espeon didnt. Looking at himself Midnight only had a few scratches, which was fortunate considering he slid across the ground, head first. Midnight turned around to see his Sister not far behind.
Violet turned to wait for her sister, who was looking at the ground while running, causing her to run head-first into the Umbreon that Violet jumped on. "Oh! Sorry! I didn't mean to run into you!" She apologised, looking down. Violet walked up beside the Umbreon "My apologies for making you skid like soap on wet tiles" She said, then out a paw on her sister's head. "You ok sis? You've been running into people a lot lately" Violet asked. "I-I'm fine, I want to know if the Umbreon is ok, you kinda hurt him" Flare said, looking up at the Umbreon with timid eyes.
Vanilla gasped after hearing a thud. She quickly turned around to see a Flareon has fallen to the ground. "Oh! Im sorry!" Vanilla exclaimed helping the Flareon up.
Before he could continue to walk he was headbutted to the ground by a Flareon, but this time into a pile of mud. He stood up, face covered in mud. He used Phychic to remove the mud from his face. He turned around to see a Flareon. The flareon apoligized, making Midnight less angry. "Well, sorry for getting in your way." Midnight said stepping out of the way. After a second he heard another voice come from behind him. It was the Espeon from before. Before Midnight could say anything, he heard the weirdest comment. "My apoligies for making you skid like soap on wet tiles." Midnight knew what she meant but, it was a funny term causing Midnight to smirk. "It's ok." Midnight said laughing abit.
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Okay. Let's stop all this now.

All of you, read the rules.

Posts here are third person, past tense, story format (NOT script format) and - this comment is viable for all RPs, not just THIS one (because this is too annoyingly common in spite of being mentioned in the rules) all these character bios in the middle of a post? they do not belong in the RP thread itself. That is what discussion threads are for. Describe your characters, unveil them as the story goes, don't just... barf the bio on your posts and use that as an excuse for character building.

Amazingjay878 - I will give you some time to fix your posts, but should they not be fixed within a reasonable amount of time, they will be removed and a warning will be issued to your account.