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DPPt/HGSS Flygon


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
I was looking for a sixth pokemon for a long time and finally settled with Flygon.

My team is:

I'd like to use this team in competitive battle, but I'm kinda stuck on Flygon's moves. (Fourth Gen)

Flygon @leftovers
Hasty Nature
Often dozes off

Rock slide

Earthquake and Dragonclaw are for STAB. Rock slide so far has served me well in-game, and is the only rock move I have on my team. I'm looking at Flamethrower to replace Crunch. Is that a good idea? Any suggestions are welcome.

(I know there are better Dragons out there, but Flygon suits my style best - Hit first and hard!)


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
I'd say no to Flamethrower, since Flygon's Sp.Atk isn't that great (Base stat is only 80). However, Fire Blast or Overheat will do just fine since they are stronger, and will certainly catch the opponent off guard if they plan to wall you with Skarmory (which many will).

Also, I'd give Flygon an item that boosts its offensive capabilities instead of Leftovers if you can, and also get rid of Rock Slide for Stone Edge, since Stone Edge hits a lot harder.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Out of Fire Blast and Overheat I'd probably opt for Fire Blast, mainly because I don't like the Sp. Attack decrease that comes with Overheat. Flygon's base stat doesn't need lessening even more.

I agree totally on the item choice, leftovers is just my default item until I think of something better. Not sure about Stone Edge though. I know it hits harder but combined with Fire Blast... Flygon's accuracy doesn't seem so good 0_0

Hmmm, thanks for the good advice. I'll have to experiement a little...
Out of Fire Blast and Overheat I'd probably opt for Fire Blast, mainly because I don't like the Sp. Attack decrease that comes with Overheat. Flygon's base stat doesn't need lessening even more.
The build he suggested was a physical build, loosing S.Attack doesnt change the power of the pokemon in this case.

You pretty much have my usual build for Flygon, a suggestion is to make him a choice bander, since it has a good amount of resistances to the common types like rock and ground.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Oh, I meant I don't want Overheat to lower Sp. Attack. If it does I'd only be able to use Overheat once to any effect. You never know, someone might send out a Skarmory and and Bronzong :p

Choice band is something to consider... I hadn't thought of that. I'm not the best when it comes to items.

Thanks Jeydis
The idea of the fire move is to cover, so you would only use it if a skarmory or some other bulky steel type would get in the way. :p

I still like Fire Blast better overall.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Lol, that's true. It is only to cover. Fire blast would be my choice anyway, though I dislike the accuracy. To be fair I still want to give him Flamethrower, but that's just me stuck in my old ways ::)
If you plan on using a Choice Band with Flygon, Overheat will work because if you switch, the lowered stat will be restored to normal. Also, personally, I like Flamethrower over Fire Blast just because of the accuracy and PP. Also, Roost is a nice option because Roost eliminates the Flying-subtype, but Flygon doesn't have a Flying-subtype, so it will be immune to Earthquake still. Nifty huh?


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
If you plan on using a Choice Band with Flygon, Overheat will work because if you switch, the lowered stat will be restored to normal.

Hmmm, didn't think of that. But I don't really like overheat that much anyway. Flamethrower has always been my fav, and like you said, it has 100% accuracy. I have bad luck when it comes to moves with less than 90%