The ad for this one game keeps popping up on IGN. A free MMO RPG. But is MapleStory actually any good?
I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about it or has any experience playing it. Is it something people who don't want to pay MMO fees could get into and enjoy, or is it not even worth the time of day?
I wouldn't mind signing up and checking it out if others were interested or already had accounts, otherwise I'd probably just ignore it. The ads are taunting me, tho. TAUNTING ME! >>
That said, what other free MMO games are there that you guys actively play?
I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about it or has any experience playing it. Is it something people who don't want to pay MMO fees could get into and enjoy, or is it not even worth the time of day?
I wouldn't mind signing up and checking it out if others were interested or already had accounts, otherwise I'd probably just ignore it. The ads are taunting me, tho. TAUNTING ME! >>
That said, what other free MMO games are there that you guys actively play?