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DPPt/HGSS Furret Answer...

After some thinking...my somewhat effective looking Furret to take out Skarmory and Blissey has a big problem. Do I lose STAB to get extra coverage, or keep STAB and lose some coverage so I can maximize my damage output.

The moveset looks like this:

Furret@Life Orb/Choice Scarf
208+ Atk/160 S.Atk/ Rest into Spd
-Return/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Ice Punch/Thunder Punch
-Flamethrower/Fire Punch
-Brick Break/Focus Punch
-Return/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Ice Punch/Thunder Punch/Sucker Punch

Life Orb:

For optimal use, 208 Atk EVs (+4 for every IV point away from 26) can give Brick Break a slim chance to 2HKO, but sure to 3HKO. If Focus Punch is used, OHKO is possible, but not likely. You can then finish off an opponent with another move. If Stealth Rock or Spikes was layed, then a OHKO will almost be certain (Not counting Leftovers).


Bearded Trout Warrior
Return hits everything for slightly more damage than an SE Punch, unless they're resistant to it... This is everything but Rock, Steel and ghost types. Looking at that typing, Thunder Punch is entirely obsolete on this set, because it can't ever do more damage than return [that I can think of]

Aside from specifically trained Bronzong/Jirachi, I believe all steel types have a lower Special defense, so Flamethrower is fine for them.

as far as rock types go... Ice Beam will work best I think, since rocks that aren't combined with ground will take the same damage from Ice Punch as an ineffective return... and rocks seem to usually have lower special defense than physical.
Ice Punch on the other hand seems to be the choice for dragons.. it's up to you which you'd rather hit for more damage... keep in mind Ice beam will still 2HKO non-Yache'd Dragons.

Sucker Punch would then cover ghosts, provided you're willing to be able to predict an attack coming from them.

so... after the first scan over your attacks and numbers given.. I would narrow it down to this:

Furret @ Life Orb
-Ice beam/Ice Punch
-Sucker Punch

I'd -like- to think that doesn't have many holes in it, but I only spent about 10 minutes reading over what you'd put... Immediately, Bastiodon comes to mind as a possible issue.
Brick Break and Focus Punch were put specifically for Snorlax and Blissey. It also does a nice potion to some of the Steels. I would like to to keep it there.

But I still need opinions. Furret can hit quite a few walls for decent damage, but it's the last two slots between five moves, Return, Ice/Thunder Punch, Thunderbolt, or Ice Beam.

Note that Gyarados is 2HKO, even with the Intimidate factored in. Probably the same for Mantine at this rate. Maybe Relicanth as well.

Will-o-Wisp is enough to scare Furret away from the ghosts. I like Sucker Punch in all, but I don't think it suits my needs on this set. (For Reference I I used OU Walls, just for intent and purposes.)

And I feel like an idiot. I completely overlooked Grass Knot as an option. All the Water Types I listed give Grass Knot at least a Base 80 Power ('Cept for Vaporoen). Quite a few who take Neutral damage also are quite heavy, giving Grass Knot more power.

But, I'd like to keep the Fighting and the Fire move together. (Most likely Brick Break and Flamethrower).

I'd -like- to think that doesn't have many holes in it, but I only spent about 10 minutes reading over what you'd put... Immediately, Bastiodon comes to mind as a possible issue.

Note the Fire attack on the list there.