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Geek Mind!

Very cool game I found, its about recognizing games by only looking at the cover art, or a screen shot!

Lets try it out and compare!
No cheating, no 2nd trys!

Im gonna start off with my high score:

Started off really good, then I got nervous. You have to type in the exact name too!
I got 1600. ; __;
I had a lot more but I kept having to skip. I got a lot of Final Fantasy titles but I don't know any of the exact names of those.. never played them.
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Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
1750 here. I'm surprised how many I got right, all told.

ETA: Nevermind. Second attempt netted me 4850.


Doctor Oak

Staff member

It's a bit annoying when you're cheated out of time or points because you can't figure out what precise way the thing wants the game name to be written out. Zelda works for describing Link's Awakening, but The Force Unleashed doesn't work without putting "Star Wars:" in front of it.

Way too inconsistent.
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7250, bleh, if I'd have actually known those blasted "indie games" I wouldn't have to constantly skip them. Though, I knew a lot more of the titles than I expected to.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
My top record was 10950. There are some pretty obscure things in this game, but a lot of blatantly obvious stuff.

The most frustrating part is recognizing a game but forgetting its exact name. I had two moments like that with Beyond Oasis and Rocket Knight Advenure. X_X

EDIT: I've now reached 16775. O-o

EDIT THE SECOND: 19675. Yeah. I know a lot of obscure shit.