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DPPt/HGSS Good Moveset For Ampharos & Lugia

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Okay Electric types I'm not to good with but I'm trying.



Charge up the thunderpunch then hit for a nice, strong hit. Earthquake...strong and fairly nice on Ampharos. Toxic...how did it learn this? This Ampharos is Traded!! So don't tell me my game is soo damned hacked (We apoligize for this brief moment of this person getting tired of being told their game is hacked!...Have a nice day!)

Nature: Modest

-Sky Attack
-Focus Blast

Nice dreams...no worries (okay a few) about the foe waking during me using Sky Attack/Aeroblast/Focus Blast.
If you have a Rash natured Ampharos then its Special Attack should be much, much higher than its attack.

Power Gem
Thunder Wave/Cotton Spore/Charge
Signal Beam

This one is a Special Sweeper. Thunderbolt is for a good solid STAB move. Power Gem is another solid Special move and I happen to like it. Thunder Wave and Cotton Spore are to slow down opponets to give Ampharos a chance to hit first. Charge if you want to power up Thunderbolt. Signal Beam is for coverage. Ampharos is only weak to Ground types and I can't think of a way for Ampharos to cover it. You can also throw in Light Screen as well.

You may want to go with a Modest, Timid, or even a Bold nature.

That's my best shot ;D

BTW: Ampharos can learn Toxic via TM 06 so that's not necessarily a hack.
Awright...I caught a female Mareep with a Modest nature...

Power Gem...hmm I like it but how to get it...is it an egg move? If so I can try breeding but with what...?
Shock wave be okay? Cotton Spore...I like it. Signal Beam...bug type yes? Charge beam? Anyway I trust you so I'm trying your moveset...Thanks!!
Power Gem is a level up move so you don't have to worry about breeding. Mareep learns it at level 41, Flaaffy at 47 and Ampharos at level 59. All of those moves are level up except Thunderbolt, which is TM 24. Shock Wave is ok I guess seeing as it never misses but Thunderbolt is an overall better move. And I've never been a big fan of Charge Beam: 90 accuracy and 50 base power. I guess it can be good in some situations but I think Thunderbolt is better.
Lugia @leftovers
Timid/ Calm/ Modest
-Move of choice
-Calm Mind

Areoblast and psychic for STABs. Calm Mind to raise your sp. atk and sp. def. Move of choice could be anything you want really: Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Dragon Pulse, Surf, Giga Drain, Steel Wing, Earthquake, Return, Toxic, Roost. You want somthing that suits your team well, or gives you good coverage, etc..
If you want to get rid of that second thread all you have to do is go back into the Clinic main page and click on the red X (not the red x from Teen Titans) next to the key and it will remove it.
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