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Gotta Catch Em All


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I've completed my PokeDex on two, possibly three, games so far: Ruby, Diamond, and maybe Red or Blue. I can't remember that far back anymore. It gives me a nice feeling of accomplishment to do so, especially if I did most of it myself, evolved my own Pokemon to fill the slots, etc.

While Diamond I did get some help with (I had about 15 Pokemon remaining and utilized the Charms Organise Play crowd to help me out :3), Ruby's PokeDex I completed 100% myself. I'll definitely aim to complete White's PokeDex, too, but I'm in no rush to do so. As long as it's completed before the next generation is released I'm happy. ^^
Well, without the help of cheats, I did complete the Kanto dex. It took a while, but I did it, and it made me feel good. however, that's about as far as I got as far as completing a dex. Right now, I've got 346 out of 493 on Platinum, and that would really make me happy if I caught them all, but also make me sad, realizing that I'd have to catch 150 more -_- Not that I wouldn't enjoy it though! Then I'd probably go into a cocky mood, resulting in another fan character :I

I do think Black and White have a special thingy available for catching them all though, and it looks pretty epic.