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DPPt/HGSS Grievous's pernament battle thread

Ok here today I am setting up my battle thread in wich people can challange me as often as they want.
Currently looking for battles

Now lets get down to the rules of the battles

Standard wi fi battles wich are

no ubers
sleep clause-no more than one pokemon may be put to sleep by you of your opponents team at any given time (after the pokemon is koed then you can put another to sleep again)
Evasion clause-basically no moves wich increase the evasiveness of your pokemon
Oh hit ko clause- no one hit kill moves eg fissure
species clause- no more than one of the same pokemon on a team
no disconecting-self explainitory
no hacks-again self explanitory

Other rules

no spamming the thread
If I am not on don't keep pming me or posting here I will be on (GTM time)
Rember to post your fc here

My fc is
[/cololor](No this is not my team)

Well all that is left to say is that i hope I give you a challange
Last edited by a moderator:

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Cut the unnecessary random pictures and text formatting, please - it's not big, it's not clever and it doesn't bode well for you.

Please also remove the large image in your sig the next time you log on or lose your sig all together and receive a warning for not reading this topic.

I'd also recommend you define what you class as "ubers", as there are different interpretation floating around there and people looking to battle you may get confused between them.

Edit: Lol, late modding.