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DPPt/HGSS Hail Team


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
This is basically an idea for a Hail team I will likely be making upon Platinum's western release. As of right now I'm not sure which 6 Pokemon to use and am not certain which moves to opt for. Here's what I have so far:

Abomasnow @ Big Root
Snow Warning

- Focus Punch
- Leech Seed
- Protect
- Substitute

Abomasnow will come out first to murder the field with his Snow Warning. That said, I want him to be there for more than just the Hail. This is what I have so far, although I'd like to fit Toxic on here somewhere. Any suggestions for a more effective item would be appreciated for this one too.

Weavile @ Salac Berry/Liechi Berry

- Night Slash
- Ice Punch
- Brick Break
- Swords Dance

Standard Sweeper Weavile. Probably doesn't need much explaination, but it's basically just Swords Dance stat up, then sweep. Double STAB on Night Slash/Ice Punch and Brick Break for Steel-types.

Mamoswine @ Chesto Berry/Brightpowder
Snow Cloak

- Ice Shard
- Curse
- Earthquake
- Rest

Cursing Mamoswine. Curse up, Rest off all damage, then sweep. Ice Shard will be the main attack of choice here since Curse's Speed drops don't affect it, with Earthquake for double STAB and some extra coverage.

Glaceon @ Choice Scarf/Wise Glasses/Brightpowder
Snow Cloak

- Blizzard
- Shadow Ball
- Signal Beam
- Water Pulse/Hidden Power (Fighting/Fire)/Mirror Coat

Standard Special Sweeper Glaceon. Blizzard never misses in the Hail, so it's the attack of choice here. All other attacks are for extra coverage, except for Mirror Coat which is there as a surprise option if anything.

Castform @ Icy Rock/Choice Scarf/Choice Specs

- Blizzard/Weather Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Hail/Energy Ball/Water Pulse
- Flamethrower

Carmen suggested using Castform in chat, and it did pique my interest as a potential applicant for the team, if mostly as a gimmick option. Weather Ball isn't as powerful as Blizzard, but the extra PP combined with the fact that it still hits pretty hard (150 Power on WB, 180 for Blizzard here) makes it viable. Although Glaceon beats Castform in stats, Castform's HUGE movepool trumps Glaceon's pitiful excuse of a movepool, with all sorts of powerful moves available to use. Hail is there in case of emergency, if the weather gets changed and Abomasnow has already been wiped out.

Jynx @ Cutsap Berry/Wide Lens

- Lovely Kiss
- Mean Look
- Perish Song
- Substitute/Protect

I'll probably get blasted for even thinking of this, but here it is: Perish Song Jynx. Lovely Kiss for obvious reasons, Mean Look to trap the opponent and then Perish Song to kill them off. Substitute/Protect is there to keep Jynx alive until Perish Song does its damage. Effective, if unbelievably predictable for anyone aware of what moves Jynx learns.

Froslass @ Brightpowder
Snow Cloak

- Blizzard/Ice Beam
- Spikes
- Confuse Ray/Thunderbolt
- Destiny Bond

Mostly here to cover up the Fighting-type weakness in the team. STAB'ed Blizzard hurts, as mentioned ample times before, Spikes is there to cause some extra damage on top of the Hail, and either Confuse Ray or Thunderbolt will be there depending on what direction people think I should take with Froslass. Destiny Bond is there for a sneaky KO.

Cloyster @ Shell Bell/Scope Lens
Skill Link

- Icicle Spear
- Spikes/Toxic Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Spike Cannon/Explosion/Surf

Standard Physical Wall. Icicle Spear wrecks Subs and works very well with Skill Link. More Spikes from Cloyster helps cause some extra damage, and Toxic Spikes is also available here too. Rapid Spin is there to take care of Stealth Rock specifically, and the last attack is filler - I'm tempted to pick Surf to get rid of Fire-types, but I'm willing to go with anything that works for the last slot.

Regice @ Leftovers
Clear Body

- Blizzard/Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Rest
- Thunder Wave/Toxic

Anyone who has known me for a while on 'Charms already knows the deal with this guy. Ice Beam/Blizzard for the STAB attack - Ice Beam seems the most likely choice here due to the extra PP (and the fact that Regice is a staller anyway,) Thunderbolt for extra coverage, Rest for healing, and either Thunder Wave or Toxic in the last slot for status.

Any other Pokemon you guys think are viable for this, please mention them. I'm almost 100% open to suggestions here - the only thing I want to keep is the mono Ice-type theme in the team, just to make it more interesting (and so I don't get chewed apart by my own Hail.)
So...there you go. Also, any EV spreads for Abomasnow, Froslass, Jynx and Mamoswine in particular would help a ton. Thanks.

EDIT: Just realized I don't have a PHazer in this. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.


Bearded Trout Warrior
As I said when I suggested it to you, leftovers would be far more fitting for that Abomasnow, and your Regice is already very capable of taking hits through rest even...
I know you love leftovers on Regi, but I think Regi would do just fine with something like a Sitrus or Chesto Berry..

And an alternative Abomasnow:

Calm Nature
-Leech Seed

Since you wanted toxic on a set, and I told you I'd post something with Blizzard XD
Blizzard over grass STAB for it's immense power, perfect accuracy and grass coverage.

I've thrown this out before, usually as a Sneasel, but you can try this on Weavile if it's fitting XD

Weavile @ Focus Sash
Adamant Nature
-Brick Break
-Ice Punch/Ice Shard/Psych Up

Weavile is less likely to need priority, but I run Ice Shard on the Sneasel.. and I've explained the set to you before, so I don't think I need to here XD

A final note for now: Cutsap berries aren't legal yet XP
I'll be back for a more in-depth post at a later time, or the next time I get a chance in chat


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
I'm thinking of swapping Regice out for Articuno now anyway, since that gives me an alright Sp.Defender and a Cleric/Hazer if I get the one from XD, which means the Leftovers can go over to Abomasnow now.