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DPPt/HGSS Help me put together an Emerald team


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
So, I picked up my Emerald cartridge again. Emerald is the one 3rd Gen game that I never finished, principally because I was burned out after playing both Sapphire and Ruby. I have the rudiments of an in-game team: three definites, two possibilities. But the changes between 3rd & 4th Gen have made it rather odd going back. Also, I don't want to spend time raising Pokemon that aren't portable to my "real" team in Pearl.

As a lot of us have forgotten 3rd Gen tactics, I'm going to put a star in front of the moves that are Special in Emerald.

Groyvle - male, GRASS. Will eventually evolve to Sceptile.
1. *Leaf Blade - GRASS - high power, high critical-hit ratio & STAB, what's not to like?
2. *Crunch - DARK - bred on.
3. & 4. *Thunderpunch - ELECTRIC / *Dragon Claw - DRAGON / False Swipe - NORMAL / Counter - FIGHTING / Aerial Ace - FLYING

  • Leaf Blade & Crunch are definites, but I haven't decided on the others. One possibility is to make Groyvle a Special Sweeper, with four good Special moves. Ironically enough, all of the Special moves I'm considering are Physical in the 4th Gen, meaning that when he's migrated, I'll have to lose all of Groyvle's Attack EVs and replace them with Special Attack EVs. Gah.
  • Grass is weak to Fire, Ice, Poison, Flying and Bug. Annoyingly, four of these types could be eliminated with a Rock-type move, but the only one that Groyvle can learn in Emerald is Rock Tomb, which is relatively low power and only 80% accurate.
  • Thunderpunch is 2 x Super Effective against Flying types and normally effective against most other types. It is also one of the Emerald Move Tutor moves that can be learned over and over again, although at the relatively expensive cost of 48 BP. Though I'm not sure if you can even visit the Battle Frontier prior to completing the Elite 4?
  • Dragon Claw is only Super Effective against Dragon types, and I'm not quite sure why I'm considering it, though it is power 80 and normally effective against everything other than Steel.
  • I'm not sure that False Swipe is useful for anything other than catching legendaries, but they are annoying enough.
  • And I'm considering Counter purely and simply because it would return an Ice- or Steel-type hit at twice the power, and I don't currently have anything on Groyvle that's Super Effective against Ice, nor any moves that are even normally effective against Steel.

Aron - female, STEEL/ROCK. Will eventually evolve to Lairon then Aggron.
1. Iron Defense - boosts Def by 2.
2. Headbutt - NORMAL
3. Iron Tail - STEEL - for STAB
4. Earthquake - GROUND - because every moveset must have an EQ, it's the law!
  • Having a decent Steel-type move + Earthquake are par for the course (Earthquake was bred on so didn't cost me a TM). I'm not sure whether Iron Tail is the best Steel-type move, though. It's twice as powerful as Metal Claw, but only 70% accurate, and it seems to fail an awful lot of times.
  • Not sure whether to replace Headbutt with another Normal-type move. Facade seems pointless due to Aron's immunity from poisoning, but Return, Secret Power or Body Slam are possibilities. Unfortunately, she's a Sturdy Aron, not Rock Head, otherwise I'd be going with Double-Edge all the way.
  • Iron Defense vs a Rock-type move? I may not have used the Move Tutor in FR/LG, meaning that Rock Slide is a possibility - much less crap than Rock Tomb. However, currently Iron Defense has been saving my Aron in fights against e.g. Norman's Vigoroth's Counter. Perhaps this won't be necessary once she's evolved to Aggron?

I have a Mew in Emerald that I can't trade due to not having finished Emerald, so I might as well use her. I have no freaking idea of a moveset though, and am guessing that it'll be best to choose one after I've finalised the rest of my team.

Kirlia - female, PSYCHIC
I've been thinking about raising a Kirlia "properly" i.e. with a decent moveset and EVs, rather than the horrible mess that is my Gardevoir from Sapphire. For example:
1. *Psychic - PSYCHIC. For STAB.
2. *Shock Wave / Thunderbolt - ELECTRIC
3. *Magical Leaf - GRASS. Obtainable by trading Kirlia over to FR/LG & using the spare Tinymushrooms at the Move Tutor. But can I be bothered?
4. *Ice Punch - ICE / *Fire Punch - FIRE / Memento / Calm Mind. Not sure if it's worth spending valuable BP on moves that'll be Physical in the 4th Gen, and see above question about Battle Frontier. I have Memento bred on.

It's not actually possible to fix my Sapphire Gardevoir, unfortunately, due to Magical Leaf only being available to Kirlias.

Bagon - female, DRAGON
currently ~Rock Head~ but will become ~Intimidate~ when evolved to Salamence
Choose four from:
Headbutt - NORMAL
Rock Tomb - ROCK
*Crunch - DARK
*Dragon Claw - DRAGON, gets STAB.
Aerial Ace - FLYING, will get STAB when evolved.
*Flamethrower - FIRE.

Then again, I have several Salamences already courtesy of their appearance in the various GameCube games. I need to evolve this one to Shelgon for my Dex, but do I really need to evolve it all the way?

Marshtomp - female, WATER/GROUND
Mudkip was my Sapphire starter, and just as with the rest of my Sapphire team, my Swampert has a rather n00bish moveset. However, I'm not sure I can think of anything better. What else is there apart from:
1. *Muddy Water / Surf - WATER, STAB
2. Earthquake - GROUND, STAB
3. Ice Beam / Ice Punch - ICE. At least Ice Punch will be Physical when she's migrated to 4th Gen.
4. Random other move e.g. Brick Break - FIGHTING ?

Other Pokemon I haven't used yet and will consider:
Raichu, Wigglytuff, Muk, Lanturn, Linoone, Manectric (has a really awful 3rd Gen movepool!), Wailord, Cacturne (though I think its type is already well covered by Groyvle), Crawdaunt, Machoke?, Vibrava?, Claydol?, Dusclops?
What, no Swellow? :p

Anywho, you can't visit the Battle Frontier until after the Elite 4.

-Anyways, if you plan on porting it over, Dragon Breath(s) could work (Same chain through Salamence) since Dragon Pulse is a 4th Gen move, otherwise, Dragon Claw is nice.
-Brick Break (p) could be put in somewhere, since Sceptile has a decent Attack stat. That solves your Ice and Steel.
-Also doesn't Counter only work on Physical Attacks? And it's also a move to be found at the Battle Frontier.

Aron looks fine, but I'm clueless on why it learns so many great Special moves, but gets a really bad Special Attack stat.
-Just for some kicks, it does learn Flamethrower(s), Thunderbolt(s), Ice Beam(s,) and Solarbeam(s), as well as the more powerful but less accurate versions of Fire, Electric and Ice.

Yes, since Mew has such a wide movepool...

Dunno if this helps, but just as an added catch, I just restarted my Sapphire, so I'm kinda in the same sopt, but that's off-topic, no?

-(s) means Special Move based off the Special Attack Stat.
-(p) means Physical Move based off the Attack Stat.


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
Not sure if I've played a Swellow before. I know I had one in Sapphire for Cool contests, but I don't think I battled with her.

While going through stuff in our spare room today to (finally!) send out the prizes for the Christmas competition, I found a pile of hilarious old Pokemon notes. They include the "wonderous" moveset of my original Sapphire team, which I know I've posted on 'Charms for people to laugh at before, though I can't find the post right now. Mmm, level 44 Gardevoir with Calm Mind, Confusion, Psychic & Reflect. Yay, level 45 Gyarados with Surf, Thrash, Dragon Rage & Hydro Pump - and Timid nature! Woo, level 48 Mightyena with Bite, Crunch, Sand-Attack and Shadow Ball! Oh dear.

Groyvle - male, GRASS. Will eventually evolve to Sceptile.
1. *Leaf Blade - GRASS - high power, high critical-hit ratio & STAB.
2. *Crunch - DARK - bred on.
3. *Dragon Claw - DRAGON / False Swipe - NORMAL. Probably will learn False Swipe by level up and I'll see if it's useful for legendaries.
4. Brick Break - FIGHTING / Aerial Ace - FLYING. Probably will be Brick Break, but I'll leave Aerial Ace as a possibility in case I don't end up with a Flying type.

Aron - female, STEEL/ROCK. Will eventually evolve to Lairon then Aggron.
1. Iron Defense - boosts Def by 2.
2. Headbutt / Body Slam / Return - NORMAL
3. Iron Tail - STEEL - for STAB
4. Earthquake - GROUND

~Volt Absorb~ *What nature??*
1. *Surf - WATER
2. *Thunderbolt - ELECTRIC
3. *Ice Beam - ICE
4. Confuse Ray / Protect

I know Lanturn isn't the most high-powered Pokemon on the planet, but its stats aren't completely horrible, and I'm amused by that Water/Electric type. I suppose if I feel like playing a particular Pokemon, I probably should. Lanturn or Crawdaunt appeal more than Wailord, which appeals more than argh Marshtomp again.

Crawdaunt - WATER/DARK
~Hyper Cutter~ or ~Shell Armor~? & *What Nature*?
1. *Surf - WATER - STAB
2. *Crunch - DARK - STAB, although I already have Crunch on Groyvle
3. *Ice Beam - ICE
4. Brick Break / Counter - FIGHTING / Sludge Bomb - POISON / Aerial Ace - FLYING

As Crawdaunt has much better Attack than Special Attack stat (and is "fixed" by the 4th Gen, learning mostly Physical attacks) I'm tempted to go with a mostly Physical moveset. But if I do that, who will learn Surf & Ice Beam? I'm thinking it'll be Lanturn OR Crawdaunt not Lanturn AND Crawdaunt, but I dunno...

I have never trained a Raichu. Mostly because I find that one Earthquake & they're gone. Still, if I got a decent nature and IVs...

How freaky would this moveset be?
1. *Thunderbolt - ELECTRIC
2. Substitute
3. Focus Punch - FIGHTING
4. Protect / Toxic / Some NORMAL attack.

The other option for Substitute + Focus Punch would be:
~Sticky Hold~
1. Sludge Bomb - POISON
2. Acid Armor ?? boosts Def by 2 / Explosion
3. Substitute
4. Focus Punch


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
Bumping to add more information and ask a question.

Natures for all the Pokemon I'm currently training:
  • Groyvle is Sassy (+Sp.Def -Speed). Not great nature, but I seem to recall he has a really good Sp.Atk IV.
  • Aron is Bashful (neutral).
  • Mew is Impish (+Def - Sp.Atk). I'm stuck with her because she's legendary.
  • Muk is Serious (neutral).
  • Pikachu is Naughty (+Attack - Sp.Def). The +Attack is good, the -Sp.Def not so good - but this was the best nature of the Pikachus I had.

I hatched 3 Corphish eggs and 16 Chinchous. The Corphish I'm training is Impish with Hyper Cutter ability and very good IVs in everything except Defence. I couldn't get a Chinchou that was Modest with Volt Absorb ability (4 of my first 6 Chinchous were all Relaxed - and no, neither parent has Relaxed nature, nor were any Everstones being held!), nor indeed with any beneficial nature. But I hatched 5 eggs that were neutral natures with Volt Absorb. Of these, I'm trying to decide between two:

HP: 10 - 12 0 - 4
Att: 16 - 2310 - 11
Def: 15 4 - 5
SpA: 18 - 2125
SpD: 11 - 1222 - 24
Speed: 26 - 2826 - 28

Edited once again because I now have 7 Rare Candies in Emerald, which is enough to be relatively certain about the stats. I'm going to go with the Serious Chinchou, as I can EV train it to have the following EVs:
Def 180, Sp.Atk 252, Sp.Def 50 and have 28 left over for HP or Speed.

This will have the same or better level 100 stats as the Docile Chinchou, but the Docile one would need Def 230, Sp.Atk 230 & Sp.Def 50, which would give me none left over. Hooray for making a decision!

Also, it's highly unlikely that I will go all the way in EV training the pkmn for use in-game anyway, so better starting stats are FTW. It's a shame that the Serious Chinchou has wasted IVs in Attack, but that can't be helped.
I'm not sure if this will help you any, but in my Emerald, for my Level 100 team (I don't know if it works for any other level), I have a pair that works well together and I've recommended this pair to several people and they swear by it (Except Katie).

(Mine has Modest Nature)
-Sky Uppercut
-Blaze Kick
-Aerial Ace

(Mine has Naive Nature)
-Dragon Dance
-Ice Beam
-Dragon Claw

I hope that helps a little.
For Mew:

Psychic-for STAB
Shadow ball or some dark type move. For Ghost Types
Flamethrower or some fire move. For bug types.
Brick break or some fighting move. For Dark types.

This is my first post to help someone out so I apologize if they suck. I'll get better with time. I'm not sure if these all these moves are even available to Mew in emerald. I'm sure about Psychic, but not about everthing else. If Mew can learn all this, It has a pretty decent moveset that can wail on its weaknesses.(Bug, Ghost, Dark.) Hope I helped, if only a little.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
I have a Sceptile on my Emerald Cartridge. The moveset I had for him was this:

- Leaf Blade
- Pursuit
- Dragon Claw
- Thunderpunch

Keep in mind that this was without breeding, and was merely the Sceptile I started off with.

As far as Mew is concerned, it can learn every TM/HM in the game. One Special Sweeping set, coming right up:

- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Calm Mind/Surf/Flamethrower

Physical sweeping set. No Psychic STAB here, but since you can get Swords Dance from a tutor, it kinda makes up for it:

- Earthquake
- Brick Break/Aerial Ace/Return/Swords Dance
- Rock Slide
- Brick Break/Aerial Ace/Return/Swords Dance

Yes, I stole this one from Generation III Gengar:

- Focus Punch
- Substitute
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt

Sleep Talk set? I'm not a big fan of Sleep Talk sets, but Mew can do it...kinda:

- Psychic
- Ice Beam/Thunderbolt
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Suicune will probably sue you for copyright infringement for this one:

- Ice Beam
- Roar
- Rest
- Calm Mind

Finally, the greatest moveset ever in Pokemon history:

- Hyper Beam
- Transform
- Metronome
- Explosion

...or not. My point is, Mew can literally do anything (as you already know) so best thing to do is build the rest of your team first and then when it comes to Mew, give it a moveset that covers up whatever is missing.