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DPPt/HGSS Help me with my Pokemon team!!!

Hi, I want people to rate my team. Is it good :) or not :'(?? please tell me! ???

My planned team is"

Hyper Beam, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse and Blizzard

Pidgeot (shiny)
Fly, Aerial Ace, Steel Wing, Wing Attack

Safeguard, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Overheat

Razor Leaf, Solarbeam, Giga Drain, Frenzy Plant

Hydro Pump, Aqua Tail, Aqua Ring, Dragonbreath

Ice Beam/Egg Bomb, Fire Blast, Water Pulse Last Resort

How is it??


Bearded Trout Warrior
Sorry to be blunt... but your team is bad... in fact, your team is horrible.

read this and you'll know why. Take note of number three on the list.


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
Your current team is appalling, principally due to the fact you have multiple attacks of the same type on the same Pokemon. Please read Plapti's Explanation: Basics to a Competitive Team. Four Grass-type attacks on Venusaur is the most n00bish thing ever! It's like some of the movesets I made when I first started playing Pokemon, and got too obsessed with the Same Type Attack Bonus.

You need to have different Types of move on each Pokemon so that they're flexible. What will you do if your Venusaur faces an opponent where Grass-type moves are not very effective? And if your other Pokemon are all knocked out? You'll be completely stuck. Venusaur needs to have moves to cover its Type weaknesses and give it the flexibility to face different opponents.

This is official notice that you have 24 hours to fix your team before asking for help again. It's ok if you can't make it fantastic immediately. But you must read the Pokedex and the Type Chart available on Pokecharms or other sites and consider the strengths and weaknesses of each Pokemon. Failing that, this thread will be locked - or merged with the Pokemon Mistakes thread.


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Sigh. I don't know why I'm even bothering, especially with a team like this, I don't post very often here anymore. But eh. To put it bluntly... its not good... really. I don't know if this is just for in-game or with friends or competitive or whatever. >> So I'll just give you the basic stuff here.
One big issue with your team is well... Venusaur for example. It has FOUR Grass-type moves, and that's bad. Why have four of the same type of move?
Also, I'll be giving out natures, though I'm not sure if you're willing to re-breed, especially that Pidgeot.

-Dragon Rush/Outrage
-Iron Tail
-Dragon Dance
-Return/Waterfall/Aqua Tail/Protect

Dragonair has better Attack than Special Attack, so all these moves are physical. You don't have much of a choice for the STAB Dragon-type move. Dragon Rush has low accuracy and Outrage lasts for 2-3 turns and leaves you confused. Your choice.
Iron Tail also lacks in accuracy but its your only defense against Ice-types.
Dragonair's attacking power isn't the best, and its Speed is even worse, so Dragon Dance will help.
The last move it just a filler, choose what you feel would be useful.

-Aerial Ace/Brave Bird
-Steel Wing
-U-Turn/Agility/Quick Attack

Aerial Ace has the same attack power as Wing Attack but it never misses... so why have both when Aerial Ace is better? Brave Bird is only received through breeding, and yeah, since that thing is shiny, I doubt you'll be training another.
Return makes for a nice move and it gets a boost in power from STAB.
Steel Wing is so you're not totally helpless against Rock and Ice-types.
Last move again is a filler, U-Turn makes a powerful hit and run type move, especially if used against an unsuspecting Psychic-type. Pidgeot is already kinda speedy, but Agility can make it better so it can keep up with other things. Quick Attack makes a nice move, coupled with that fact that Pidgeot has high Attack and it gets a STAB boost, it would prove handy if you need to hit first. Note that this could also go in place of Return.

-Dark Pulse/Confuse Ray
-Extra Sensory/Sunny Day
-Energy Ball/Solar Beam

Flamethrower is, obviously, for STAB, and about the best move you're gonna get, Fire Blast has ugly accuracy and low PP, and Overheat lowers your Special Attack which is already kinda low.
Dark Pulse would give you some coverage against Psychic and Ghost-types. Confuse Ray is always handy though, and has the potential to turn any fight in your favor. Your choice.
Extra Sensory is also for coverage, plus its a decent move. In order to get Extrasensory you have to hold back evolving Vulpix until its level 44. Or you could give it Sunny Day and then Solar Beam as the last move, but I'm afraid Ninetails doesn't have the Defense to set it up, so you'll have to take care if you decide to go that route. Solar Beam would be your only defense against your three weaknesses; Water, Ground, and Rock.
OR, you could give it some effort and breed Energy Ball onto it. Unfortunately, this can only happen via Smeargle and its Sketch. Very worth it though in my opinion, and that means you're not have to waste a move slot for Sunny Day.

-Energy Ball/Giga Drain
-Sludge Bomb/Toxic
-Synthesis/Leech Seed

The Grass-move is your choice, either is good. Just remember that though Energy Ball is stronger, Giga Drain can help gain some badly needed health in a pinch.
Sludge Bomb is also another STAB move and a powerful Posion-type move, although its not particularly effective against anything other than another Grass-type, it'll deal nice damage to anything not resistant to it and may poison them. There's also Toxic is you just want to go with that...
Synthesis is also helpful for regaining HP, but I prefer Leech Seed, since it steals from the opponents HP and is a constant source of minor healing.
Earthquake is a powerful move and will help against your Fire weakness, its also just an all around good move and a good idea to have on any team.

-Water Pulse/Surf
-Ice Beam
-Dragon Pulse
-Recover/Aqua Ring

I'm not a fan of Milotic's myself, but I cannot deny their potency. Water Pulse or Surf, either is good. Just remember that while Surf is stronger, it also hits your partner in double battles. Water Pulse still has decent strenght and it can confuse the enemy.
Ice Beam is for defense against Grass and is there for that fact the you lack an Ice-move.
Dragon Pulse is just an overall good move to have, and will prove useful against Dragon-types along with Ice Beam.
One of these two healing moves is a good idea to have, simply because I recommend giving your Milotic the Flame Orb item. "What? Why would I give my Milotic an item that gives it a burn status?" Well, its simple really. Milotic's ability raises its Defense by a significant amount when under a status effect. The side effect is the burns cause damage, so a simple Recover would take care of that. Even if you don't choose to have Flame Orb on it, a healing move is still a good idea.

-Seismic Toss/Counter
-Ice Beam
-Aromatherapy/Thunder Wave/Attract

It seems Blissey can't learn Seismic Toss in 4th gen, which means you'd have to migrate it from FR/LG if you want that move. If that's not possible then you could breed for Counter.
Softboiled is obviously for heal purposes.
Ice Beam is just a flat-out good move for Blissey, especially with its Serene Grace ability, higher chance of freezing.
Your choice here, any move would prove useful. Aromatherapy also takes some breeding though, so you might find yourself hard at work.

So yeah, that's about it...
Sem, you're losing the touch. How about Dragon Claw for a Physical STAB?
Fire Punch also hits Ice-types, along with Steel-types. It's learned by the Move Re-Learner.

Fast Fact for all. Vulpix can learn Energy Ball via Nuzleaf when Nuzleaf learns Energy Ball via TM. So Smeargel is not needed.

Otherwise, very nice.

Also, please do read my topic stickied for your convience to help you get a good foundation built for your team.
Sem, you're losing the touch. How about Dragon Claw for a Physical STAB?
Fire Punch also hits Ice-types, along with Stell-types. It's learned by the Move Re-Learner.

Uhmm, Dragonair cannot learn Dragon Claw or Fire Punch due to the fact they have no arms. Unless its evolved to a Dragonite you could use Flamethrower and Dragon Rush/Pulse.
Meh, I read it as Dragonite, so yeah, all of you can go run off somehwere. :p

Personally, I like Special Attacks on Dragonair combined with the Choice Specs. for hard hitting.

Dragonair@Choice Specs
-Dragon Pulse
-Ice Beam

Dragon Pulse for STAB.
Thunderbolt to hit Water-types that have Ice Beam.
Flamethrower to hit Ice-types.
Ice Beam is to hit other Dragons and works well to fill up the awesome coverage or Thunderbolt and Ice Beam.
Here is my new, revised, team, with help of all the very nice people

Dragonair- Draco Meteor, Blizzard, Iron Tail, Return,

Pidgeot(the shiny is Jolly)- Fly, Aerial Ace, U-turn, Steel Wing,

Ninetales(modest)- Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Extrasensory, safeguard

Venusaur (bashful)- Frenzy Plant, Toxic, Razor Leaf, Synthesis

Milotic- Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Aqua Ring, Dragon Pulse

Blissey(bold)- Softboiled, Ice Beam, Counter, Thunder Wave
I say you should get rid of Fly on Pidgeot for Return. Fly will never have anything on Aerial Ace in battle because Aerial Ace never misses and isn't a two turn move. The last thing you want is for your opponent to switch to a counter while Pidgeot is in the sky. Not to mention you don't want two moves of the same type on a Pidgeot.

Frenzy Plant....no.
Replace it with Earthquake just like Sem said. And Energy Ball or Giga Drain would work better than Razor Leaf. Petal Dance might even work too if you're willing to breed and can work around the confusion.


Bearded Trout Warrior
that's much better than your original Team... but you still have a couple of problems...

Draco Meteor, Overheat, Leaf Storm, etc. Those attacks that sharply decrease your special attack stat are really not worth it in the long run... a sharp decrease is pretty close to cutting its power in half, meaning the second time around it will only have a power of about 105[after STAB], plus, your Dragonair knows only special attacks, all of the rest of them will be weakened as well.

On your pidgeot, you should Drop either Aerial Ace or Fly, there are very few cases in which you should ever have two of the same move types on a pokemon for attacking. Since fly is predictable, and Aerial Ace never misses, you should drop fly. Try replacing it with either Agility or Quick attack, Quick Attack gets a STAB boost, and though still relatively weak, the chance at a first attack can make a difference. Agility will provide a major speed boost causing you to go first [most likely] from then on.

I don't have anything that other people have said to back me up on this, but consider dropping Safeguard for Confuse Ray, or Will-o-Wisp. They offer better defense than safeguard in my opinion. [A burn decreases attack]

Your Venasaur still knows two attacking Grass moves... and still no other attack move types.
try one of these two movesets:

Venasaur@Heat Rock [this one is a bit risky, as you will be even more weak to fire]
more than this one I would suggest the other.
Sludge Bomb

Giga drain here is one of the few exceptions [at least that I think] to having multiple attacks of the same type... Leech Seed will probably be a better Idea in this case though.
This Venasuar isn't susceptible to weather screwing up Synthesis either.
Venasaur@ Big Root/Leftovers
Leech Seed/Giga Drain*
Sludge Bomb
Energy Ball

Milotic looks good, did you consider giving it the Flame Orb? If you do give it the Flame Orb, consider giving Venasaur Leftovers. You should list the items you plan on giving your pokemon.

Blissey looks good to me as well... but again you should list the items you plan on giving them. Blissey is another good candidate for Leftovers, but I still think Venasaur would best use them. Consider Focus Sash to ensure counter works.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Dragonair does not want Blizzard - Ice Beam is infinitely better due to the increased accuracy. Also, the Sp.Atk dropping effect of Draco Meteor is not worth it on a lot of Pokemon, so I'd go for something like this:

- Dragon Pulse
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Surf/Flamethrower

For Pidgeot I agree 100% with Carmen Lopez - just switch Fly for Return and you're sorted. If you can though, you could use Brave Bird instead of Aerial Ace, but that would require breeding a new Pidgey from scratch. It's up to you:

- Return
- Aerial Ace/Brave Bird
- Steel Wing
- U-Turn

This is my recommendation for Venusaur, based off my own Venusaur's moves:

- Energy Ball
- Synthesis/Sludge Bomb/Earthquake
- Leech Seed
- Sleep Powder/Toxic

Milotic, being a defensive type, practically begs for Recover. Also, with the same base Sp.Atk as Starmie, Milotic can hit pretty hard too with the right moves, so I'd pick Surf over Water Pulse myself:

- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Aqua Ring
- Recover

Ninetales and Blissey seem OK to me, but again, see what other people say. Hope that helped.


Bearded Trout Warrior
I agree with getting rid of Blizzard, I forgot to mention that :p

but as for the rest... did you even read my post before posting KoL?
Describe why your Milotic Idea is better than mine, and Pidgeot too...

I think Agility, or quick attack should be somewhere in Pidgeot, if not for return, then for Steel wing since it doesn't get STAB and isn't as useful as U-Turn.

Water Pulse has its own defensive value with a 20% chance at confusion... Aqua Ring + Flame orb will increase Milotics Defense fairly well, and it won't gradually lose HP.
Combining Recover and Aqua ring could work fairly well... but takes up a bunch of space.
I think Agility, or quick attack should be somewhere in Pidgeot, if not for return, then for Steel wing since it doesn't get STAB and isn't as useful as U-Turn.

Steel Wing could be useful as it hits Rock and Ice types types. Steel moves aren't entirely useless. But yeah U-Turn could come in handy too. I just prefer Steel Wing on Pidgeot especially because it's not Staraptor who has access to Close Combat. But if you don't want to waste the TM, I would definitely pick U-Turn.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
but as for the rest... did you even read my post before posting KoL?
Describe why your Milotic Idea is better than mine, and Pidgeot too...

You posted your moveset just as I was finishing mine. When the notification came up, I figured my post was fine as it is. Guess I should have edited it...

That aside, your ideas are just as plausible as mine. I just stated what my personal preference would be for a moveset on those Pokemon. I would never consider my movesets to be superior to anyone else's, unless it was one of those stupid Empoleons with Hydro Cannon, Hydro Pump, Surf and Blizzard...but that's beside the point...

Although I will admit I forgot about Ninetales and Confuse Ray instead of Safeguard. *facepalm*
My 2nd revised Team:

Dragonair- Iron Tail, Return, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt

Pidgeot- Aerial Ace, Steel Wing, U-turn, Agility

Ninetales- Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Extrasensory, Will-o- Wisp

Venusaur- Sludge Bomb, Earthquake, Razor Leaf, Synthesis

Milotic- Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Aqua Ring, Recover

Blissey- Softboiled, Ice Beam, Counter, Thunder Wave


Bearded Trout Warrior
That looks good.

as long as you know the risk of weather when using Synthesis
[not many people DO use weather]

if you choose that moveset for Dragonair, you'll probably want a Serious/Quirky etc. Nature.

Natures and Held Items would again be nice to know however


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
That looks fine to me, the only thing I'd say is Leech Seed > Win. If you can make a spare moveslot on Venusaur for it, you can seriously mess opponents around. Either they get their health constantly sapped, healing you in the process, or they switch out to get rid of the effect and give you a free turn to attack them. Your team seems to be lacking a Phazer of some sort, so this is one way of getting one.