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DPPt/HGSS I need a bit of help...

I need a team that is well-rounded and just all-around good for competitive battling. If there's anything that needs to be changed, please, suggest something. I also suck at deciding what EVs and/or items to give, so...
I also happen to be new to the competitive battling scene.


-Stone Edge/Rock Slide
-Waterfall/Aqua Jet
-Night Slash

-Heat Wave
-Energy Ball
-Dark Pulse

-Baton Pass
-Swords Dance
-Stealth Rock

-Giga Impact
-Sleep Talk
-Shadow Claw

-Shadow Ball
-Calm Mind
-HP Ice

-Zen Headbutt
-Meteor Mash

Thanks for any help that is given!


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Here are my suggestions for you:

- If your Kabutops has the Swift Swim ability, Rain Dance is a must for you. Kabutops's Base 80 Speed isn't bad by any means, but it could be better for the job that Kabutops is generally meant for: Sweeping. Also, consider putting Earthquake somewhere on the moveset to take out Steel-types, since your current moveset would get completely walled by Empoleon. If you run Swift Swim/Rain Dance, Rock Slide becomes the move of choice for your Rock STAB, since its flinch-hax chance is pretty good, and it is overall a more reliable move than Stone Edge. You could use a Damp Rock to make the rain last longer if you choose to use it, or Life Orb if you prefer doing more damage.

- For Ninetales, Flamethrower is generally superior to Heat Wave due to Flamethrower's better accuracy. Otherwise OK though.

- For Gliscor, find some way to stick at least one attack on there. If someone comes in on you with Taunt, you're left with nothing but Struggle, and Taunt users are not uncommon (Gyarados and Umbreon are the most popular Taunters.) Any attack of your choice will do, although I'd avoid Earthquake since it still leaves you helpless vs Taunting Gyarados. A Yache Berry will help protect you from Ice attacks, since Ice Beam is very likely an OHKO in every situation for Gliscor without it.

- Having Sleep Talk without Rest on a moveset is a bit odd, since it relies on your opponent putting you to sleep, and not every team has a means of putting you to sleep. Slaking's defenses aren't bad either, so you could switch Earthquake for Rest to make a more defensive attacker. Leftovers would work well with this.

- Mismagius is fine as it is. A Salac Berry to give Mismagius a speed boost would help you.

- If you have a Liechi Berry knocking around, Metagross would love Agility. If not, then the moveset is fine as it is. Choice Band allows Metagross to hit very hard, whilst Choice Scarf lets you catch opponents out who expect you to be slower than them.
Gliscor can survive some Pokemon's Ice Punches. And I say some.

If Gliscor is to have an attack, I'd be dropping Stealth Rock first. If you don't want to drop Stealth Rock, drop one of the boosting moves that isn't as important.

Steon Edge will still work nicely as STAB in the Rain if you prefer the higher Base Power. Just watch that you don't run out of PP.

Nasty Plot is a great option on Ninetales as well. A lot of Pokemon wish they could get a stat boosting move like Nasty Plot.