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Iron School Region: Illinois, U.S.A.

This would be a casual Slice of Life RP. Automobiles, Homes, but the Elementary School happens to be in a Plains-Type of Village. The Middle School isnt near the Elementary School it's at a Suburban Boundary of it's District. The High School is on the Burough of what happes to be the Town. No Cities near by locally but the Suburbs are now merging into a Vale thanks to Economics.

I dont mind having all generation of pokemon possible.
I picked casual and free writing styles for every Player to try being at ease about this. I'll be fulfilling being a Proctor for Teaching, and Referee when there. To begin with elementary would habe Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and half of 3rd Grade a spectating lifestyle. For that reason I feel an ease style of writing should be accomplished.
And when this is UP I'll be tagging every Person playing in the OOC section twice a week, Monday and Friday, for the casual writing style to feel in place.

Pokemon Elementary School.
Class Education. 4 Studious Subjects; Reading first, then Recess, Language second, Lunch, Math third, GYM, History last.
Typically Civilian Schools. Some Pageants Occurs giving Students options to have Pokemon Subjects in Middle and High School. Elementary doesnt have Pokemon Subjects, but there are Pokemon Camps for Boy|Girl Scout, and Fandom Groups created Yearly to aspiring Students and Personel with Pokemon. Several Pokemon is not allowed on School Grounds.

Pokemon Middle School. Beside the taught Subjects from Elementary Pokemon Battling Occurs 1v1 here Seasonally. These Battles help Coordinate with Citizen Jobs that allow Pokemon on their Frontier. And Double Battles. Pageants. So Class Subjects in Middle School are primarily Battle Field Types, and Pokemon Types. Pokemon Eggs can become Prizes, and since GYM is also involved Daily the Student may have up to 3 Pokemon Registered by the 3rd and last Year of Middle School. The maximum amount ever available.

Pokemon High School. High School returns to normal class subjects, having Pokemon Battling Subjects a procession of their time. Or Students can try the Gym Tournament. Students vs other High Schools with their Pokemon. The maximum is 3 Pokemon but as long as you haveva Record capability of 1 Pokemon you can try. Seasonal Winners can try the Elite Challenge after Graduation. Thats the Anime Gym Leader Crucibles, then. 8 GYMs across Countys within a 8 Month Conference. The Students who wait the full Four Years of High School as Rangers from each following Year's Season get to Register a New Pokemon; finishing to Six Pokemon. 1 Seasonal Loss though after the Initial 9th Grade Test and its done for that Student's Career as a Pokemon Trainer; a School Title. Back to Subjects and or other Contests theyre still Participants in.
So, 1 Seasonal win is acceptance to the Tourny if 3 Pokemon are actually Registered. Can be saved to another Year till those 3 are accounted for. These are Publuc Schools, of course. Not military schools, boarding schools, or private schools essentially with Pokemon the focus of education. I’m playing my luck of School with pokemon satiability processions.
So, Battling would be the Elementary Term pragmatic idea of it being practice; Solo, Teams, and so on of whoever had combat.
Middle School opened up using that Combat into Contests where then the Trainer and their pokemon work on harmony and style.
High School is when then Ward Challenges occur into leagues for Third Place reputation: Challenger, Second Place reputation: Elite, First Place reputation: Ward vs the unsanctioned combatives vying for Champion.

Sebastian, AGE 4, now starts at Iron Elementary School in the Carpentersville providence of Illinois. A Polish Boy now beginning public schooling with verible other Ethics.

He has a adamant-adversary personality trait, and is learning to be neutral rather than brash, so he’s not entirely interested in a full Pokemon lifestyle. Having one as a Pet suffices.

Coming from the Dabrowski Family, leaving his Mother’s Matejko Family at Poland, the Pokemon Sebastian did get to familiarize himself with prior to prefecture tutelage are as so: Grandpa Wincenty has a Manectric and a Relicanth, Grandma Danuta has a Skitty, Dad Dariusz has a Houndoom, Mom Wioletta has a Zigzagoon, and Sister Sylwia has a Morelull.

The Family would travel for vacations in the future, for now Sebastian was only keen to the Pokemon’s Domestication.
The Males of the Family owned their own Automobile Mechanic Garage, whilst the Females adhered to Maid Jobs like Cleaning and Groceries. The Pokemon had little help in those, so frequently stayed in Pokeballs. Having a Sister opened his Mom to be social with whatever Polish Families she found, thus having their Pokemon out if the Pokeballs as Pets.

Having moved from Chicago Apartments to a Vale titled Gleneagle Farm’s, a Suburb of Carpentersville, didnt sense like a Village yet to Sebastian. And at the AGE of 4 thinking about such things was beyond Him. Getting up in the Morning wasnt tumultuous, just contemporary, that his Mom had to usher him to orientate to the range: About 3 Houses to the Bus Stop. So close, learning the Street itself was obliviated.

There he and his mom waited, amongst other Locals fir the School Bus to arrive. When it did Sebastian entered along with verible Ages.

The Bus Route was fair, apparant that Sebastian lived near the end of the Suburb. Arrival to the Elementary School was also fair, getting off near the front of the Parking Lot. Beginning Kindergarten Sebastian found himself near the front doors. The other Grades of Students walked around the School to other doors.

There the talks began. Boys and Girls sharing interests, acknowledgements, and according to life style. Few spoke of Pokemon but a few Taillow flew about the place, and a surreal Eevee dashed across the fresh grass, getting Lookers.

The Morning was set, the Students lead into the School, for Time had begun. Sebastian was lead to Mrs. Macintire’s Room. She was an Elderly Teacher with a Drizzile. The Room was vast with colors and obstacles. Mrs. Macintire controlled the order of where to go, helping us find our Seats. Being young the obstacles happened to be learning areas where we’d evaluate ourselves purposely through the Year of Kindergarten. Before the Day of School was finished I had learned to spell my Name and acknowledged it as Nine Letters.
During that quaint year Sebastian learned Math’s Addition and Subtraction, Lunch, and had a Music Class instead of Gym|Recess. Some Students could read, and other’s had Birthday’s celebrated in the year, as did Sebastian on February 5th. His Dad bought Dunkin’ Donuts for Sebastian to share.
Lunch was interesting that it was more than just his Kindergarten Class. And Music Class was fair.
The Year went by flat, Sebastian would get in trouble during the day being absent minded that the Class Teacher was preferring being English for a Pension. Other than that the year finished, and what Sebastian grew into out of School was Suburban Ranging, and Social Activities with which Boys and Girls used the Bus Stop. Because he didnt befriend Students in School the Students living near his Home were affable.