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Ask to Join Jackson City and the Anime Highschool (Sign ups and Discussion)

Hello fellow 'Charmer's! I had a dream one night, and it's time to bring that dream to life-in the form of Role-play!

In this Role-play, you're a teenage anime character, who just moved, or has been living in a City named, "Jackson City". You have recently gotten a hard-to-get acceptance letter, allowing you to go to a very special highschool, named "Trenton High". It's a very large building, and it has just as many activity's you could think of. Classes go as far as your schedule says they do. Have fun, and enjoy life in Jackson City!

This is the discussion thread, and here is the bio set-up/my bio.

Name: Alexis "Alex" Burg

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Looks: Alexis has long dirty blond hair, that is elevated into a high ponytail. She wears the additional school uniform on school days, and free days ( girl uniform: a49b5985f1193b6fe5707f71574350a7--uniforms-for-school-school-outfits.jpg ) ( boy uniform: Anime-Haikyuu-Kanasuno-High-font-b-Japanese-b-font-font-b-School-b-font-font-b.jpg ) Her eyes are a dark emerald green, and her skin is light. She has big eyes, and small eyelashes. She wears a brown leather satchel, to hold all her schoolwork in. (school shoes: Japanese-school-uniform-shoes-with-thick-round-student-shoes-A8-Japan-Japanese-School-Uniform-shoes-wind.jpg (Boys wear the same, just without the heels)) Alex's socks are high, black socks. she has a small nose, and not fat, but not thin lips.

Personality: Alexis is a fun, bubbly teenager, who doesn't sass back, unless absolutely necessary. She likes making new friends, and hates when others bully. She sticks up for everyone, wether she knows them or not. She is quite shy when it comes to new people. She tends to blush a lot, especially when someone compliments her. Even though she wouldn't seem this way, she's a complete tomboy.

Likes: Alex likes sweets, books, video games, and she loves to eat. Her favorite food genres include Seafood, Mexican food, and any kinds of Soups or Pasta's. She enjoys hanging out with friends, and having friends over, or going over to friends house. She also likes to shop at places such as Gamestop.

Dislikes: Alex doesn't like homework, or when people swear. Other than that, all she really hates is celery.

Backstory: When Alex was a little girl, her father broke up with her mother, and her mother took care of her since then. She recently moved into Jackson City, rented an apartment with her mother, and got a letter, welcoming her to Trenton High, which she happily accepted.

Other: No other info to fill out.

Rules consist of these...

No swearing
No inappropriate actions
You can date and kiss, but nothing too inappropriate
Have Fun.

https://pokecharms.com/threads/jackson-city-and-the-anime-highschool.17595/ this is the link to the RP thread
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Name: Ace Ryder

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Looks: Ace is a dirty brown haired, with dark red eyes, He wears a white jacket along with a red t-shirt, and he prefers to keep the jacket unzipped, he wears dark blue jeans and red and black Jordan, he wears a black satchel bag, using it as a regular school bag and much more.

Personality: Ace is very lazy and apathetic, which is his downfall when it comes to anything physical, but to make up for this is his smarts, excelling in all of his grades, math being the only other exception. Ace can be founds most of the time in the School's computer lab or at home doing the exact same thing, playing video games, mostly rpg's or beat em up style games such as Fire Emblem, or Super Smash Bros Wii U.

Likes: Video Games, Sleeping, Doing Nothing, Drifting off into space, Sweet and Spicy Foods, Reading Books, Passing Tests, Homework ((HE'S A HUGE NERD ;)))

: Sour and Bitter foods, Vegetables, Failing at anything.

Backstory: Ace lived a life of luxury and fame, mainly due to his mother being a famous actress which has affected him ever having a father, his father leaving him as soon as he found out his mother was pregnant. Ace still lives in his mansion with his mother which is relatively close to the school.
Name: William "Will" Matthews
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Looks: Short, scrawny with pale skin and spiky white hair and blue eyes. Wears a white t-shirt with blue horizontal stripes. Wears black pants with grey tennis shoes. Also wears a golden locket around his neck with a picture of his mother in it.
Personality: Shy and anti-social, but kind and selfless. Always encouraging, but has a sever lack of self confidence.
Likes: Animals, Family, Nice People, Reading, Writing
Dislikes: Athletics, Bullies, Crowds, Ghosts, Public Speaking
Backstory: Mother was proud owner of a jewelry & fine crafts store when she tragically passed away while giving birth to his younger sister. Now their father tries his best to run the store and he does his best to raise his kid sister while trying to overcome the traumatic experience.
Other: Convinced a ghost lives in his house, his sister is convinced to and calls it Penny the Phantom.
Name: Toby, or Bee, Silverette



With a thin build and small height, Bee is a very cute young lady with fairly pale skin and bright crimson colored eyes and long, black lashes. Her hair is a white-silver, and it's tied into two messy buns. She wears an oversized black jacket, with red embroidered around the hood and cuffs, black skinny jeans, a loose white tank top, and black high tops. For every school day, she wears the uniform with black tights, and a loose black jacket.

People are usually hesitant towards her, but she has good intentions. She's one for romance, but never likes to admit it. Bee is actually a sweet, likeable character, but has her dark side.

Reptiles, rain, and cold weather.

Public speaking, dancing, and loud noises.

Bee's father is a well known criminal around Jackson City. He's been on the run from the police for a few years, and only ever comes home to hide or crash for the night. He's divorced to Bee's mother, who is a popular clothes designer, and is easily considered wealthy. Bee and her mother live in a penthouse apartment near the high school.

Her mother is Japanese, giving her more doll-like features.
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(Sorry, didn't know if signups was done or not, hope you got room fer one more,
feel free to say naw. :p)

Cartien 'Aro' Ficher- Prefers Carter

Age- 17

Gender- Male

Appearance&Apparel- Carter has a basic 'Swoop' style of hair- which is naturally an oakish color; he has brown eyes, and a fairly tan body set; slim but holds some muscle; casual clothes for Carter are mostly grey button long sleeves, and a brownish-black beret. While matching his overall color, he has tan khakis he likes to wear.

Personality- Very self-righteous and picky, but defends those who he finds interest in. He is a very whimsical fellow, always ready to do something- never mind the place or time.

Likes- Some classic French jazz, a good tune to dance to, also into photography

Dislikes- Foul moods (Especially when directed towards him), rock/band music, getting shunned and ignored

The wondrous place of Paris seems nice, but for young Cartien, it was horrid. His father was an artist, and his Mother, worked at a factory- making hats'n'such. But the two resent each other, and not little fights here and there, full out riots and screams. So they decided to escape the life style they inhabit in, and start anew. And the simplest way to do so, was to move to the simplest country, and to the simplest city.

Jackson City.

Other- He's quite the romantic.

Yes, in case you didn't know...
He is french :-O
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Name: Rin Tananka

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Looks: Rin has an average build slightly taller than the average 16 year old, he has a pale complexion sharp features. His striking purple eyes are slightly rounded, of an almond shape and gradient from bright purple near the iris and expanding to a more dark shade of blue as the reach outward. Rin's hair is straight but slightly longer, and messier than his brother's. He has slightly prominent bangs that cover his forward and otherwise strands simply sticking out in every direction, Rin's hair is an elegant shade of purple near the roots and fades into a baby blue by the time it reaches the strands which tickle his neck. When not in uniform, Rin wears sophisticated clothing typically tight jeans, an over shirt, and a scarf. With his school uniform he wears his black bracelets on his left wrist and his black glasses, his unifrom is kept neat, never a crease in it and everything is always in order.

Personality: Rin is just about as mature as a teenager can get, he is a mostly quiet boy but is very persuasive when needed. He is not shy or afraid to speak up, but finds that wasting his words is not necessary in most situations. He has learned patience after dealing with his brother for so many years, but still finds other's immaturity rather amusing. Rin excels in academics and athletics although he isn't really on any teams. He finds himself superior than many people in his grade but tries to be as respectful and humble as he can even if its not what he thinks. Besides when he keeps to himself, Rin typically is willing to hear other peoples opinion's and advice as he also doesn't mind giving his own.

Likes: Having 'grown-up' conversations, debating, studying, silence, praise

Dislikes: Immaturity, being scolded, being blamed, ignorance

Other: Twin brother of Yoshi

Name: Yoshi Tananka

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Looks: Yoshi's body is similar to Rin's he is a mostly average boy, his muscles are slightly defined and his skin is a just slightly tanned coloring. Yoshi's eyes are rather large, with a slight upturn only at the corner and sizable bright blue pupils. His eyes darken slightly when in the sun but otherwise keep their natural neon tint year round. Yoshi's hair is straight and well styled, it is parted towards the left side and bangs sweep down to cover part of his eye when he doesn't have it pulled back. Unlike Rin's, Yoshi mane is a bright blue, matching his eyes, at the roots and fade into a hardly differing blue as it moves downwards. Yoshi dresses to impress, he usually wears a nice shirt buttoned down to show most of his muscular chest and sports jeans with expensive sneakers. When not wearing a choker, Rin wears his beaded necklace with a cross on it. Yoshi doesn't practice much of the school rules for the uniforms, he wears it, but doesn't wear the undershirt and keeps the first few buttons undone. Yoshi has a pair of large white glasses but he doesn't usually use them unless taking a test in class.

Personality: Yoshi has never minded being different, in fact if anything he enjoyed standing out. Yoshi has got a big mouth and an even bigger personality that he loves sharing with others. Although he is extremely playful and immature Yoshi like nothing more than making other's smile. Considering how little attention he actually pays in class his grades are average which is impressive, he's much rather being playing soccer with friends or flirting with girls. His ignorance of personal space can be both amusing and annoying and although he lack the knowledge of social boundaries Yoshi is an extremely supportive and loyal friend.

Likes: Playing, flirting, sports, laughing, soccer

Dislikes: Bullies, being ignored, people that are too serious, being rejected or shunned

Other: Twin brother of Rin


Backstory: The identity of Rin and Yoshi's father is unknown, their mother is a quiet woman, short and plump with black hair. She looks nothing like either of her sons yet doesn't recall ever even accidentally doing anything that would make babies. However she happily raised her children in Japan where she lived for 2 years before moving to Jackson City, Yoshi had always been a handful especially for a single mother but as they grew Rin and Yoshi traded places with their mom and began taking care of her. To this day she is ill and in the hospital, but she gets daily visits from her children.

(Sorta what the twins look like)
Name: Lexus (Lexy) Holland
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Looks: Lexy has long flowy purple hair that gradually turns to a shade of silver at the bottom, she has ruby red eyes and usually wears a pair of black cargo pants, a white shirt, a purple jacket tied around her waist, a pair of purple sneakers, a gold necklace with a small hour glass on it.
Personality: Lexus is very lively and in the moment, she sees that 16 is ment to be one of the best times of her life and she wants to try and make the most of that with her friends, Lexus is very close to her friends and always try's to help them when there down.
Likes: Acting, Music (specifically Techno), Reading (Fantacy), Video Games, History, Dancing, parties, Anything sweet and shopping
Dislikes: Sharks, Scary stories, spicy food, reality television, tests and her friends being sad.
Backstory: Lexus was orphaned at a very young age by her father who was stuggling to support her and himself after Lexus's mother died. Lexus spent a few years in the orphanage until the Holland family came and adopted her, the Holland family was a farly wealthy family but knowing how other children have to live she tried not to take advantage of it and decided that this was a new start for her and that she wanted to make the most of it.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Name: Nicholas "Nick" Krinkton

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Looks: Nick has jet black, combed hair and tannish skin. His eyes are crimson and medium. Normally, he always wears his school uniforms. His mother always buys him a large black suitcase to put his stuff in. Nick has black and red rectangular glasses, but sometimes just uses his contact lenses. He's skinny, but makes up for it by being fairly tall. Unsurprisingly, he is a picky eater and almost never eats when not hungry.

Personality: Nick is not shy, but not that social either. He is usually quiet and calm. He never does too much effort, and is sometimes lazy. But he's rather intelligent for most subjects, and he excels in math. When he gets mad, he really gets pissed. And I mean really. His entire demeanor changes and he always gives people a piece of his mind. It takes a while to calm down, but when he does he's as quiet as a newborn sleeping. He's normally kind and friendly to his friends, but is sometimes stoic and says the truth. This sometimes lead to his friends crying. He finishes his homework as soon as he gets home. After that, his focus stays, but on videogames. He sometimes gets agitated when he loses, and is incredibly satisfied after a victory. Sometimes, he focuses for so long, he forget how long he's been playing.

Likes: Nick likes going to school and doesn't mind homework either. He feels safe and at home in school. New friends are always a pleasure, but he doesn't go around asking if people wanna become his friend. He likes to play video games and eat snacks, without raisins of course. Chips, cookies, candy, brownies, soda, you name it, he'll eat it. However, when it comes to not junk food, he's a lot more picky. His choice of actual food for dinner, is a bit strange. He will eat only white rice, and sometimes black beans. He likes tomatoes, cucumbers, avocadoes, bananas for nutrition. For meat he likes chicken and hearts of chicken (weird right?), but something he loves, is non-Asian, picadillo. (props to people who like it). For seafood, he'll eat shrimp, tuna, salmon, but not all fish. For lunch: maybe one healthy thing, some snacks, and then maybe a sandwich, if he feels like it. Oh and usually juice. Usually. For dinner: listed above. For breakfast: waffles, most cereal types, chocolate milk, chicken nuggets (I know: weird), eggs (scrambled is his favorite way of cooking it), bacon, you get the gist. Oh, and his lunch is usually eaten at school. (that's pretty obvious Cosmic) Music: dubstep; nightcore; techno, basically gaming music. Nick reads to his enjoyment when he's not eating or playing. He likes to play basketball. (only sport he knows and plays really) And even though he hasn't been to any "real" parties, he dreams of going to one. (he isn't invited to these, like, ever)

I just realized Nick isn't that big of a picky eater. Oh well. Anyways, he hates seafood that isn't listed above. (you know, except some fish) He hates not that much meat. He hates most vegetables (except for the ones listed above... which I don't even know if any are vegetables) and very mildly dislikes soup (but for some reason always drinks nearly all of it.) That's all I can really think of for now. (There might be more like this) :Most scary stuff. Negative emotions, negativity in general. And that is all.........^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Backstory: Nick is a pretty average kid, besides being smart. His family is average, besides the fact he's a single child. He visits his relatives every now and then, and nothing that strange happens to him ever since the day he was born. He's an A student, and his mother and father have well paying jobs, but they live in a regular two story house. Nick's room is decorated, and he doesn't really have problems in school. Nick is excited he got into Trenton High, but almost expected it.

Other: No other info to fill out.
Dang it, why'd I forget to sign up for this earlier?! I swear I made a mental note to myself to do so. Sorry ^-^

Name: Orin Haniki

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Looks: Orin has messy brown hair roughly brushed to the right and has deep blue eyes. He has a medium build and stands at 5'6. Orin wears his school uniform when required and wears a white tee, navy jeans, and black sneakers on free days.

Personality: Orin likes to make people smile. He's a great friend, what some might call a "buddy ol' pal", and lives for nothing more than to make friends and cheer up people who might be feeling down. Of course, this doesn't mean you should press his buttons so freely, lest you want him to give you an unforgettable memory, and not a good one at that.

Likes: Orin likes to play the violin, and is quite talented at it as well. He likes to draw, play some video games from time to time, and eat.

Dislikes: Orin dislikes all of the generic dislikes that everyone else has, but he has a deep and burning hatred for one thing. Imagine all of the hatred in the world combined with all of the hate from H-E-double hockey sticks, and you have Orin's immense hatred for....... eggplant.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Backstory: Orin's father got a new job at Jackson City and the two moved in, though the mother stayed behind to work as a teacher. Due to the immense amount of work Orin's dad was bombed with, he rarely came home, so Orin got used to living at home alone, fixing his food, laundering his clothes, etc.

Other: N/A

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I'm assuming we should all stick together... come into the classroom and someone will interact with your character- my Rin is currently free
He noticed someone sitting by himself.
What I was gonna do... maybe...
Nick walked up to the person that sighed. "Hey, I guess we have first period together. Wait, that's pretty obvious. May I ask your name?"

Probably just me being stupid, but which student are you referring to here? Again I apologize if this is a stupid question.
Name: Aitor Bolibar Garcia

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Looks: Aitor is a short, scrawny little boy of Spanish (Basque) descent, with pale skin, and sharp cheekbones. He has long black hair, which he keeps backcombed, most of the time, and dark green, big eyes. His face appears to be set in a permanent frown, and he's often trembling, or twitching.

Personality: Aitor is an extremely shy, quiet boy, who is tremendously self-conscious. He's quite clumsy, often falling all over himself, and other people, and apologising for his tics (He has Tourettes', and his main tics are involuntary trembling, and saying nonsensical phrases out loud, ie, 'Pebbles and pickled onion!'). He is, however, a talented cook, and dreams of opening his own restaurant.

Likes: Cooking, especially Basque food, reading, shopping, and ballet.

Dislikes: Being mistaken for Latino, football, lima beans, and being asked if he swears when he says he has Tourettes'.

Backstory: Moved to Jackson City with his father, after he bought a restaurant there