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Open Just Your Average Pokemon Trainers 2.0

(Since my last RP featuring disabled pokemon trainers didn't go so well even though I really liked the idea, I figured that I would reboot it. Hopefully, some people will actually want to RP here this time)

The world of Pokémon is a diverse and beautiful land, home to pokemon which come in all different varieties. This is also true for the people who live and work with them, placing their trust, their dreams, and even their lives in the hands of pokemon. In Kalos, there lives a group of talented young men and women, who like many others, are aiming to become the Kalos Queen, or pokemon masters, or top coordinators. They are just your average trainers; the only difference between them and all the others, is that they are all disabled in some way. They do not want to be called 'inspirational', nor do they want to be seen as 'helpless'. All they truly want is to be the best at whichever path they have chosen to take.

(Now, here are the rules:

1.) Your character MUST be disabled in some way or another.

2.) You can have one starter pokemon, and no more than one shiny. You can also have a service pokemon, if you like. A service pokemon is a pokemon which has been specially trained to help its master, usually by someone other than its master. For example, you could have a chansey pushing a paraplegic trainer's wheelchair, or a mightyena or other dog-like pokemon being used as a guide pokemon, for a blind trainer. Be realistic, though; a particularly small pokemon, like eevee, could not be used to push a wheelchair, for example, because it is too small and does not have the strength to push.

3.) Any disability is allowed, physical or mental.

4.) Aside from this, standard rules apply)

(Now, here's the character sheet. I will use my character as an example)

Name: Daniel

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Trainer class: Coordinator (Your character can be whatever you like; performer, coordinator, or trainer)

Pokémon: Serperior (Male), Mightyena (Female), Shiny honchkrow (Male), Plusle (Female) Lopunny (Female), and Machoke (Male)

Service pokemon: (If your character has a service pokemon, explain what they do for your character): Lopunny, who is trained to push his wheelchair, and pop his joints back into place when they dislocate (Which happens very often). She was trained by a breeder, who specialises in training pokemon to help the disabled, and then bought for Daniel by his mother.

Disability: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Daniel has loose, unstable joints which dislocate easily, as well as chronic pain, due to this condition. He also needs to use a wheelchair.

(Onto the RP)

"Please give a big hand to today's inspirational winner, Daniel Diaz! This brave young man is truly an inspiration to us all!"

Ugh. Was it possible to use 'inspiration' that many times in a congratulatory speech? Was it legal? Daniel reckoned that the presenter of the Vaniville Town pokemon contest ought to be jailed for abusing the word. He was in a wheelchair, and he'd won a contest. Big whoop. Oh, wait. She was to play to the cameras, wasn't she? That presenter had to present a disabled coordinator succeeding at what he did as some inspirational feat, to make everyone feel all warm and fuzzy, all the while making a spectacle over Daniel's wheelchair, and not over the fact that he had won the contest by miles. His opponent's minccino had been no match at all for his machoke.

"Lopunny, the pokemon centre, please. Mum texted just now, to say that she sent me a package. Nurse Joy's been holding it for me."

The rabbit pokemon pushed him at a brisk pace, until the automatic doors of the pokemon centre swung open, to welcome them.
Name: Molly Hills
Age: 13
Gender: female
Trainer class: Psychic/ Coordinator
Pokémon: Elygem(Male) Houndoom(male) Clefa(Female) Levanny(Female) Blastoise(Female) Banette(Mega/Male)
Service Pokémon: Elygem can use his psychic powers to communicate with Molly and can tell her directions. He can also guide her hands and legs using Telekenisis.

Disability: Blind
Appearance: She has long black hair that covers her eyes. She wears a short red and black dress that has a large white ribbon that ties to the back. She also carries an earring that holds a keystone for Banette. The keystone is held in a red sun ring that is attached to her earring. Banette has a mega stone that is on a Necklace with the same design.

RP: Molly sat in the Pokémon center with Clefa in her hands. Elygem float above her having a nice chat with Molly through the Psychic abilities they share. The tv in the pokemone center goes on sharing the next Pokémon contest and it's location. Clefa was her friend as a child and she would play with her. Clefa has a gold band around her arm that is studded with everstone so she won't evolve. Elygem pulls out his map and projects it into Molly's mind. She smiles and nods her head of the idea of entering the next Pokémon contest.
Name: Jason Holl
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Trainer Class: Pokemon Doctor
Pokemon: Treecko(Male) Kirlia(Female) Kirlia helps him with his Schizophrenic hallucinations, previously trained by his mother
Disability: Schizophrenia
Appearance: Black Led Zeppelin T-Shirt, Blue jeans, Black hair and black eyes with pale skin

RP: Jason was thinking about how he could get out of the Pokemon center when, suddenly, he started hallucinating. It wasn't as bad as before. When he was first diagnosed he would see visions of ghost-type Pokemon coming to take him to the shadow realm. His mother gave him her Kirlia and the visions got better, but not completely. This vision was about him being attacked by a strange Pokemon with six arms. He got up to run but Kirlia forced him down into his chair with psychic. He started screaming and panicking, but then it stopped.
Molly hears the commotion but is so calm about everything. "Elygem... what is that..." she asks. Elygem uses his telekentic powers to explain the situation with the boy. Clefa gets scared and hides in Molly's hair. Elygem guides her hand to her pokeball. She sends out her blastoise. "The him please..." Molly told blastoise and she did. Blastoise walked over to see if she could help.
Jason calmed down and looked at the Blastoise walking toward him. He waved it off so he could keep thinking of a way to leave. The Blastoise started talking to Kirlia and then returned to its trainer. Kirlia said, in Jason's mind," I explained that you where having a schizophrenic hallucination, he just went to tell the girls Elygem,"
"Thank you Kirlia," Jason replied," Well their goes my chance of escaping, the Pokemon. contest awardsceremony started."
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Elygem informs Molly and she nods. "A relationship between human and Pokémon. Touching isn't it... A Pokémon helps their trainers in need of assistance. Hmm our distant future will contain improvement with stunning Pokémon performances in technology..." she says softly to her Blastoise as it sitc next to her in the bench.
"There you go. Your machoke should be feeling just fine now," Nurse Joy said warmly, as she handed the pokeball back to Daniel.

"Thank you, Nurse Joy," the boy replied, taking the pokeball along with his mother's package.

He ordered Lopunny to wheel him into the lounge, where a girl with an elgyem, and a boy with a kirlia were sitting, watching the repeat of yesterday's contest on T.V.

"Presenters. Am I right?" He remarked aloud, as he tore the brown paper off of the package.
Jason glanced at the boy, then turned back to the TV, the awards started. " Please give a big hand to today's inspirational winner, Daniel Diaz! This brave young man is an inspiration to us all!" Jason looked at the boy next to him, he looked remarkably like the boy on the screen. "Are you by chance, Daniel Diaz?" Jason asked," if so you're on TV"
"That's me," Daniel answered coolly, "Daniel Diaz, the big 'inspiration'. I know that they only call me that because I need a wheelchair!"

He opened his ribbon case, to show him the Vaniville ribbon. "Next time, I'll just have Lopunny carry me around the stage. At least that'll force people to pay attention to me, and not my wheelchair."
Molly sat there and swung her feet on the bench with Clefa still in her hands. Elygem puts the images on the television in her head so she can visualize it. Molly sees a boy winning a contest and she chuckles. "Banette can do better then they can..." she said as Banette evilly laughs. He rubs his hands to together.
Daniel's attention was suddenly turned to a rather slight girl, with her elgyem and cleffa sat with her. A banette was sat to her left, laughing as he rubbed his torn-cloth hands.

"That's rather presumptous of you," Daniel remarked, "With an attitude like that, you won't win over the judges."
She smirked and looked in his direction. She gave a creepy doll like appearance that gave him the chills. "I see everything... my Pokémon are flawless... I'll show you..." she Said softly. She turns to walk out the door with the help of Elygem. "I don't like your attitude..." she said as she stopped in front of the door. It swings open and they head down the street.
As he said that it was as if an invisible force slapped him. Elygem used telekinesis to slap him across the face. Molly stood outside looking in and giggling as she danced off with the help of Elygem.
Daniel glared after the elgyem, his big brown eyes narrowing into slits. Judging from that elgyem's markings, it was the exact same one which had belonged to that arrogant girl, who claimed that her pokemon were 'flawless'. He wouldn't wheel down the street after her. He'd wait until she appeared in a contest with him, and then obliterate her so-called flawlees pokemon with his team.

"Say, it sure would be a shame if that elgyem came back," Daniel said loudly, pretending to speak to the boy sat near him, as he opened his Mightyena's pokeball, "My Mightyena's awfully protective of me. Why, she'd be on it within seconds!"
He heard something in his head. "I'm not an idiot" a giggle then began to echo in his head. Meanwhile, Molly walked onto the following route. She stopped at a tree and sat down. She let out all her Pokémon. Her Blastoise cooked some food for everyone, Houndoom sat down next to Molly, Clefa sat in Molly's lap, Elygem talked to her for a while, and Banette practiced his contest moves. Molly fell asleep leaning against Houndoom.
(Ace Trainer Kyra, that's autoing. You can't control my character without my permission. Don't do that again)

"Who does she think she is?!" Daniel scoffed, "She's worse than my old rival Sophie. At least Sophie didn't claim to be the best coordinator in the whole wide world!"

He shook his head, and decided to go through his package. Most of it was a fresh supply of his pain medication, but there was a new jacket in there, some tea and cookies, and a new seal. A really cool one at that.

He decided that for how, he would just let himself be happy with his gifts, and forget about her...
(Hey I didn't kill ya) Molly lay in the grass with her hair spread out. She kicked her feet as her Pokémon played. Clefa decided to lay next to Molly the whole time. Elygem told Molly the contest is going to be held in two days. She sat up and began to train with Banette and his smoke Capsule. She plotted her movements in her mind with Elygem's assistance. She could see how the performance would look. She corrected and revised her actions. She soon found the perfect combination of moves. (Can I have 2 characters)
Steven was out on a walk when he came to the route he decided even though it's a bad idea he go in he went and sat under a tree near molly not noticing she was there and he sat there pondering the questions about his disability like what could he do what are his boundaries and will anyone be friends with him even though he's different
Molly was told about his presence by Elygem and she huffed in annoyance since she was so busy. She ignored him and continued to practice the same routine of the perfect performance. She then knew how it could all come together. "You got this!!!" She yelled to Banette. They linked as one and Banette felt stronger. The performance came together even more powerful then before.
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Steven turned his head and looked at the banette as it mega evolved he had never seen anything like it in his life "holy dam" he said to himself "she must be practicing for the preformance" "hi " he called out at molly
Molly continued to practice. This was her first performance and she didn't want to screen it up. She heard the voice and she messed up her routine. She stomped her foot and turned quickly. "Are you kidding me!!!" She yelled in his direction. She huffed and plopped down on the floor with her arms crossed. "I was so close too..." she mumbles in irritation. Clefa walks over and hugs her with the little arms she has.
"I I'm so sorry" Steven called back "it it's just that was the best thing I've seen in years" Steven started crying "and I I wanted to know how you do it" Steven said "and I have been rejected by everyone I meet and I guess that's how it will stay that way forever
She sat that listening to his sons. "Welcome to life! You aren't accepted and neither am I! That's why I stay focused on what I'm doing..." She stands up with Clefa in her arms. She gathers her stuff and begins to walk. She reaches where he sat. "We need to learn to live with it..." she begins to walk off with Elygem's guidance.
(More than one character is fine)

Judging by the looks of it, there was more than one seal in the package... Daniel's uncle had probably picked those out for him. A midnight seal, exclusive to the Vitala region, and a twinkle seal... Sweet!

He decided that he'd go outside and practice... By the looks of things, that horrible girl from before was just leaving, but she'd left a casualty, in the form of a crying boy.

He didn't even have to say anything before Lopunny pushed him over to him, and Daniel asked, "What did she do to you?"
"It-it just she mega evolved her beanette and I said hi and then gos and shouts at me for trying to interact with here" Steven mumbles "it's just I'm rejected by everyone and I figured I would try to make friends here"Steven starts crying again
Daniel shook his head. He'd known that girl for less than an hour, and already she had claimed the number one spot in his brain, as the most terrible human being he had ever met. She was worse than ten Sophies, Lysandre, and Giovanni all rolled into one, in his eyes.

"You don't need to listen to her," Daniel assured the stranger, "She's kind of an awful person. She used her elgyem to attack me for no good reason!"
Molly continues to walk trying to blow off steam. She paces as Clefa follows her adorably. Molly has anger issues and if a very lonely person. She stops and bangs rests her forehead against a trees. She sighs as Clefa stands below her looking at into her silver eyes. "I don't understand... why do I do these things... out of people disliking me, I have become a source of anger..." she said to Clefa. Her Pokémon sit near the tree and comfort her. The sun begins to set as Elygem sets a up a tent. Molly sat next to warm fire, that clefa and Houndoom put together for her, in Blastoise's arms.
In spite of not knowing this boy, Daniel was at least able to relate to him over having problems with that girl. And he didn't have many friends to speak of either, at least, not in this region. So, in spite of the fact that he barely knew this boy, he was ready to accept his companionship.

"Yeah, we could be friends," Daniel agreed, carefully extending his hand.
"Daniel Diaz," the boy greeted, "I'm a coordinator. You might've seen me on TV before."

Daniel's lopunny, who had remained fairly quiet, shunted Daniel's wheelchair forwards, crying out indignantly.

"And this is Lopunny, my service pokemon," he added, to placate the huge rabbit.
"These are my Pokémon Steven says as he lets them out chimchar pichu and Aron and yeah your that dude who's judge said inspirational so many times he should be jailed" Steven says "like just cause your in a wheelchair doesn't mean your Any less a cordanator and that girl I think she acts out of nobody liking here so don't hold it against here

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member

Ace Trainer Kyra, Mega Evolutions are restricted by the RP forum rules, and you most certainly did not get the mega evolution in question cleared with staff. Please edit your posts to remove any mention of this Mega Evolution, or I may have to shut this thread down.

And for that matter, your posts are also in present tense, not past tense. Edit them to past tense, please. Further rule violations will be met with warnings.
Jason looked at the two boys under the tree. He wondered if would ever have a friend like that. His treecko ran around his feet. "Koen, relax. I'm fine, just a little down that's all," Jason decided to go up to the boys. As he got closer he saw one was Daniel the boy from the Pokemon center. "Hi, I'm Jason,"
"I know, it sucks. They just expect me to be there to inspire the able-bodied coordinators, because I'm in a wheelchair. Either that, or the other coordinators think that I'm not really disabled, because it's not that I completely can't walk, it's just that I can't walk without hurting myself," Daniel grumbled.

He turned to greet the other boy from earlier. "So, you were the one watching my contest on T.V. What did you think of my first round performance?"