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Riley Deimi

Riley walked along between the rows of people as she finally was near entering the dorm building, and then flinched when she heard what seemed to be a voice addressing her. She turned her head, her bright purple eyes immediately standing out, as her shock turned into yet another goofy grin.

"Oh, uh, heya-hiya! I'm Riley, nice to meet you, Jake! I assume you're already done with what you needed to do, given that you don't have a bag on ya!" She placed a hand on her hip and gave a bit of a short exhale, shaking her head with a short laugh. "Man, I wish I could have been one of the lucky ones who got here early, but me and my parents totally got caught in traffic on the way here. Womp Womp and all that..."

Riley gave some small talk, before hoisting her bag up again. "I should probably drop my thangs off in my room though, so I think I'll head there now~! It's nice to meet you though, Jake!"

She casually sauntered over to one of the walls to the building's lower floor, and pushed her way through the wall, like it was made of some kind of honey or wax, waving playfully as she slipped the rest of the way through.


Nera Vasquez

Nera would passively... mind read as she walked along. Meeting the gaze of people, many of which were fervently moving through the crowd, was not too difficult, and thus she could easily read their surface thoughts. Mostly where to go, current thoughts, emotions, etc. It was all very very standard- when you've had the power to read minds for 16 years, you sort of become used to knowing that most humans simply have the here and now on their minds at all times.

A few nudges and shoves were bothersome, but it was nothing a quick glare couldn't fix- people tended to find her more intimidating than not with just a glare, given her blood red irises. She continued to walk along, until she caught a certain heterochromic gaze, and caught her surface thoughts... and was almost INSTANTLY flooded with... many feelings of panic. Jeez, she knew going to a new place was stressful, but this girl's inner monologue was on the verge of panicking. She...

"...eh whatever, it's not like I'm in a hurry anyways..."

She rationalized to herself, as she approached... her name was Isolde... and side gazed at her, as to make the effect of her red eyes blunted. She softly spoke-

"If you go towards the treeline, you can wait out the swarm and it should be a bit less overwhelming."

...and then she just kept walking.


Maya Aofumi

Maya perked up as a young man began speaking to her, just as she was about to pull out her phone. She had for a moment thought he would confront her about her "costume change"... but he looked like he just wanted directions. That was good. She casually adjusted her glasses and nodded, swiping aside her pitch black bangs and pointing towards the freshman dorm building.

"It's a bit hard to tell, but that's where the crowd is trying to converge. The one on the far left is the Freshman dorm building, it's the one with the blue flag. The ones right of there with the green and red flags respectively are the Junior and Senior buildings. I already dropped off my stuff, actually, so I'm kinda just waiting things out now."

She sat down on one of the benches, crossing her legs and giving a small peace sign to Omar.

"Name's Maya Aofumi by the way. We might actually end up in the same class- that'd be fun. What's your name, stranger?"

She said "stranger", but she had a rather casual smile on her face, meaning she probably meant it more in jest than anything.

