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“Yes of course.” Marcel smiled as he looked at Fuyuko. Then Samael chimed in. “Sounds similar to Zalthereon, right Marcel?” Marcel froze and looked at Samael. “Dude. I was gonna keep that a surprise.” Marcel shook his head. And then looked to Fuyuko. “Demonic abilities are my specialty. I can use an energy called Sulfurous Brimsoul to make swords around my hands or use as energy bolts or something. Just whatever I need. I can also manipulate ashes, whether that be mine or someone else’s to blind, bind, or offensively. The main thing though is that your draconic takeover sounds like an ability I call Zalthereon’s prowl. Where I change into more of a demonic state. It isn’t perfected yet. It’ll take time for me to truly perfect it.” Marcel spoke as the then looked to Samael.

Samael cleared his throat and took his obsidian scythes from his back. “My abilities lie in my scythes. I can use scythe arts to make them more offensive or defensive if need be. One of my favorites with these are…” samael paused and focused, the scythes glowed orange before shattering, revealing magma underneath. “My magma scythes.” Samael then closed his eyes and a purple outline formed in the magma before sealing it into his obsidian scythes. “Next is my Anima Sola Chains.” Samael held a palm out and some chains came out. “I can use these to bind or inflict more damage if needed.” Samael spoke as he closed his hand and the chains faded into ash.

“Just like Marcel I have a form that is different from me. I call it, Reaperium Ultima. But I’ll show that later on down the line.” Samael spoke as he looked at Fuyuko and Marvel. “So. Can we get a move on now?” Samael looked at them, and Marcel nodded. “Right. Come along Fuyuko.” Marcel spoke as he began to walk and Samael joined his side.

[USER=248372]@Cmeriwether[/USER] (Fuyuko)
