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Angus Bowie


Location: Campus, heading towards cafeteria 


  Angus studied the map on his phone intensely before growling to himself. The map told him he’s been walking in circles. It was irritating but sighing he calmed down. Stopping for a second to think he hummed, the few second break let a small swarm on beetles maybe around 30 at most catch up to him. Looking the map again he tilted his head as he sent the bugs on there way. They took the formation of a spider web then quickly dispersed keeping that pattern as they went. Using his beetles he servanced the area finally finding the path me needs to take.

“ Dad was right I really can’t navigate hehe…” The boy muttered

It was embarrassing that he hand to use his beetles but, if you have a way to cheat use it. At least when it comes to navigation. He quickly went back on his way using his beetles to mark the way for him.


( He’s open for any interaction if your not already in the cafeteria! )
