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Marcel laughed softly as he heard Orion’s comment. “Please, just treat me like I’m any normal person.” Marcel spoke humbly as he unpacked some of his things and smiled. “I can agree to most of those rules, since the only person I would want to bring into this dorm is my friend Samael.” Marcel commented as he grabbed some clothes to swap into something he deemed comfortable. He went to the bathroom in the dorm and swapped out of his royal attire.

Marcel’s outfit now consisted of a crimson button up with a singular front pocket tucked into some black cargo pants which had zippers on them. He had some rings on his ring, middle, and index fingers and put on some red converses to match with his outfit. He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled, he knew he cleaned up well. So he left the restroom with his bundle of clothes and dropped them off in the room inside of a basket and then left the room to go and see someone. He walked down to room 18 and knocked on the door as he waited for Fuyuko.

Samael meanwhile continued to unpack his things, he could respect Andrew for wanting to get straight to business by leaving. ‘He seems to be the kind of person to want to get the job done. I can respect it.’ Samael thought to himself as he finished unpacking and then began to walk to the cafeteria, to eventually see Marcel.

([USER=248372]@Cmeriwether[/USER] )
