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"I mean, we could always - "

By the time the teenager had regained enough presence of mind to reply, Miles was already in transit down the halls of the quiet Medical Quarter, careening through the air on some kind of string-like substance. While Orion had deliberately avoided bringing up the obvious parallel to another famed Web-Slinger, it seemed Miles was well aware of the similarity, which took some weight off of the portal shifter's shoulders.

With a friendly farewell, the wall-crawler swung around the corner and out of sight, in the direction of the cafeteria.

...Well, glad that's over. I wonder what Tsugi and -

It seemed Orion and Miles were kindred spirits, as not even five whole seconds had passed since the latter's departure when Orion spotted Miles again, zooming past, seemingly being pursued by an angry mob.

What exactly Miles could have done to earn the scorn of so many in the short span of a few seconds was beyond Orion's comprehension, though in a somewhat roundabout way, he looked on at the scene with a sense of awe.

After all, Orion usually needed at least 40 seconds to get someone confrontational, let alone prepared to chase him.

On second thought, there was that one run-in with the alley raccoon, He reminisced, shaking his head. Can't believe that trash can lid shield didn't work. I still have nightmares about that chase...wonder what that monster's up to right now.


The young lady at the reception desk was eyeing him as though he was a three-headed alien attempting to order coffee at a tea party.

"Are you...okay?"

Snatched away from his recollections, the boy jumped in surprise.

"Y-Yeah? Yeah! I'm good! I'm great!"

W-Why was he...?! Oh God. He needed to leave right that instant.

"I'm just gonna - " He jammed a thumb backwards into the space behind him, which subsequently became occupied by a freshly-spawned portal, and turned abruptly towards it.

Through the other side, the scene of the bustling cafeteria had changed somewhat, with your run-of-the-mill everyday occurences such as a girl (seemingly accidentally) spewing fire over her conversation partner, and another girl with these majestic wings sidling up to Asuna's table!

Now that he took a proper look at it, that table in particular was packed to the brim with absolute hotties. If those girls would end up being their cohort's obligated 'popular girl' clique, then he'd have to infiltrate!

..Infiltrate? No - he'd do something even better! He'll raise his own 'popular boy' clique! The smoothest, suavest, freshest fellas his year group has to offer!

Of course, he'd be their founder, director, and supreme leader. But who else would be worthy of entering this sacred organisation?

He stroked his chin.

Tsugi could definitely work. He's already pretty good-looking, and has a killer sense of style. He'll be my second-in-command. Jake's a pretty boy too, so he could get a spot. Marcel... probably? Andrew...yeah, maybe not his scene. I'll just have to convince him...somehow!

It wasn't until he felt something tug at his foot that Orion realized he had been walking the entire time. When he looked back up, he was well on the other side of the portal now, the clamour of the dining space encircling his senses.

To his absolute horror, however, his desired destination - the table which held Orion's future right-hand-man and that same right-hand-man's future wife - lay far in the distance, held out of his reach as though he were a casual observer. The reality of what had happened began to dawn on him.

He set the portal's destination incorrectly. He was too flustered when he summoned it.

And as a result, he found himself in a dark, isolated corner of the cafeteria nobody would ever enter.

Or so he thought, because he was definitely hearing some hushed, etheral voices whispering unintelligable words next to him. A strong odour, like rotten flesh, began to assault his nostrils. Gulping, he turned his head slowly.

"Yo!" Orion greeted as casually as he could manage, trying to suppress the strange sense of terror that was rising up in his chest. Whatever was underneath this dark-brown leather coat, he sincerely hoped it wasn't angry.

"D-Didn't know this corner was taken already, haha. Cafeteria real estate, am I right? I- I am talking to somebody underneath all that, right?"

Interactions: Ralyegh ([USER=251172]@DevVoid[/USER] ) 
