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DPPt/HGSS Looking for a good scizor moveset.

I have a Brave scyther, and i decided to evolve him and get a scizor (since brave nature raises atk and lowers spd, and scizor's spd is low enough for I to simply don't care about buffing it). So I need a good moveset for this guy. I was thinking on something like:
X Scissors, Night Slash, and two other moves, a steel type one and maybe swords dance or another buff (double team i.e., scizor's sp def is not the best, and a fire move would simply... burn him to ashes, maybe i could try evading it)
Scyther's ability is technician, which increases x1.5 any attack with a base power of 70 or less, that makes me wonder if I should teach him Steel Wing (105 base power + STAB, though only 90% accuracy) or Iron Head (80 base power + STAB, and 100% accuracy).
The effect of Technician also made me doubt about if i should replace X Scissors (80 base power + STAB, and i dont have to switch after attacking) for U-Turn (105 base power + STAB, and switching right after attacking).
Also, i don't know which buff teach him, or what to teach him to fill that 4th attack (i won't let him use Leer forever, of course not).
About the accuracy problem with steel wing, i could fix it by making scizor hold a Zoom Lens (which would increase accuracy to 108% whe he moved last, and he will surely move last) or a Wide Lens (which would increase accuracy to 99% anytime).
Thanks for reading all this!


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
I'm wondering what word/s your translation program has decided will be translated as "buff". I think the second and third buffs should be "move", but I'm not at all sure about the first one. Oh well!

Psypoke and Bulbapedia both claim that Technician means "If this Pokemon uses an attack that has 60 or less Base Power, Base Power is increased by 50%" - not 70. I don't know where Bulbapedia gets its information from, and I don't currently have a Pokemon with Technician ability to check in the game, but it is worth confirming whether it is base power 60 or 70 that makes the difference. If it's 60, then Steel Wing and U-Turn will receive no boost at all from Technician, so there is no need to switch your moves.

I use U-Turn on an Infernape to get a Super Effective hit against a Psychic Pokemon, and remove my Fighting-type from danger. It's very useful in this situation. I don't think it would be so useful on a Bug-type Pokemon, as it doesn't hit any of the Types that Scizor is vulnerable to (really, only Fire x 4, as being Bug & Steel resets all of the other vulnerabilities to x 1). Also, if you use Swords Dance followed by U-Turn, you lose all of the stat boosts when you switch Scizor back in. So I think X-Scissor would be preferable.

The main move I can see Technician ability helping would be Aerial Ace, as Scizor loses Scyther's Flying-type, meaning that this move no longer gets STAB so is reset to its base power of 60. With Technician ability Aerial Ace is boosted to base power 90, which makes it a lot more useful.

Nem: does your Scizor have Technician or Swarm ability?
I don't use translator, i try to translate all myself (it's hard xD), with buff I mean a move that increases stat, I wanted to abreviate and that was the word i used when playing mmorpgs (maybe "boost" would be a better word for this). With "buffing" i meant "to increase that stat", well, or "boosting" xD.
I used marriland's pokedex and there states "all attacks with power of 70 or less", but i've just checked veekun's one and there states "60 or less". I believe you're right, now the ability doesn't look so awesome... Then i won't switch X Scissor for U-Turn and i'll teach him Iron Head...

The main move I can see Technician ability helping would be Aerial Ace, as Scizor loses Scyther's Flying-type, meaning that this move no longer gets STAB so is reset to its base power of 60. With Technician ability Aerial Ace is boosted to base power 90, which makes it a lot more useful.
This makes me think about one thing: STAB affects the base attack value directly? I mean, when a move gets stab, its base attack value is modified when calculating the damage? I mean (yes, again): stab would affect technician and other abilities which depend on base attack power or it only affects the damage done with that attack?
How about a Baton Passing Scizor? Your Speed/Defense/Attack go up with Swords Dance/Agility/Iron Defense.
Ability: Swarm
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
252 HP, roughly 232 Speed (to reach 202 stat of Speed should be good.), rest go into Def/Atk
-Baton Pass
-Agility/Swords Dance/Iron Defense
-Iron Head/Aerial Ace/Brick Break/Roost

Baton Pass is used to pass the stats. At that point, you can either sweep or pass out.
Agility and Swords Dance let you sweep.
Iron Defense if you want to help your walls out or wall yourself.
X-Scissor is your main move.
The other options provide coverage while Roost helps your walling efforts.

And the thing about Technician, it acts like another STAB.
Take Ambipom for example. Fake Out has a base attack of 40. It gets STAB from being a Normal-Type attack. Technician also increases Fake Out because its base power before STAB is lower than 60. So the base power of Fake Out on Ambipom is 90. (40*1.5*1.5). So basically, Technician, Adaptability, Blaze, Overgrow, Torrent, Swarm, Guts, Hustle, Huge/Pure Power (To an extent [effect:doubles attack power]), Minus and Plus (In a Double Battle only) and Reckless/Iron Fist(Both to an extent[Reckless: 30% more damage to recoil attacks/Iron Fist gives 20% more power to Punch attacks) all act as another STAB literally.

Hope that helped. And thanks for an idea about stuff for my thread for battling.
Edit:Fixed a few things about some of the abilities.
My Scizor knows the moves: Steel Wing, Double Team (for the same reason: avoiding those powerful Fire attacks) , Quick Attack and Night Slash. This moveset works well for me...hope it does for you! Hope this is helpful!