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DPPt/HGSS Major Eeveelution team help

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
M'kays, being the person that I am, I'm going to probably get a new system soon (once I have a 6 week grading period without a single 0 in the grade book and all grades above 80 in the grade book, if you get what I mean), so I'll need a team for my Pearl. I plan to use only Eeveelutions for one team, and the other team... I'll talk about later. But the main focus now is the Eeveelution team. (For those who don't know what an Eeveelution is, it's basically any evolution of Eevee.) Now, this team I'm putting a few, I guess you can say, "restrictions", on. They are:

- No three Pokemon on the team can be from the same region. That means no Jolteon, Flareon, and Vaporeon together. Got that?
- No STAB moves, just to be unfair for myself. If you want, go ahead and put a STAB move in there, but you must have an alternate move with it.
- All of the Pokemon must be different species, different nature, and have different held items.
- Must ALL evolve at the same level (not like this would benefit much, but meh)
- Trained from Level 1, so that means they're all hatched. And none of them traded.
- ‘cause I can, I'm not going to be putting Eevee on this team. And the team is made entirely of Eeveelutions.
- I can switch the Pokemon on my team around. So if I get tired of Leafeon, I might get Espeon out and put Leafeon back into my box. Or whatever.

Now, since I have almost no team-building experience (since my teams always sucked when I HAD a working system...), I might need some help here. And I know this might be stupid to do, but meh.

Also, this is mainly for friendly competetive battling. That means only with people I personally know and not really "serious" battling. nd probably contest if I feel like it. ^^;
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Leafeon@ Shell Bell
-Razor Leaf/Leaf Blade
-Aerial Ace/Quick Attack
-Swords Dance

Vaporeon@ Wacan/Rindo/Leftovers
Calm/Bold/Modest Nature
-Surf/Water Pulse
-Aurora Beam/Ice Beam
-Hidden Power (unless it's something almost obsolete, like Water of Ice for example)
-Wish/Aqua Ring

Espeon@ Wise Glasses
-Shadow Ball
-Swift/Grass Knot
-Future Sight/Calm Mind/Hidden Power

Flareon@ Muscle Band/Passho Berry
Neutral Nature/Adamant/Brave
-Fire Fang/Flamethrower
-Quick Attack/Strength/Return/Secret Power
-Rock Smash
-Curse/Iron Tail

Umbreon@ Leftovers/Chople Berry
-Confuse Ray/Curse
-Dark Pulse/Bite/Payback/Faint Attack

Glaceon@ Chople/Occa Berry
-Power Snow/Icy Wind/ Ice Beam
-Water Pulse
-Hidden Power (not Ice or Water)
-Fake Tears/Yawn

Jolteon@ Expert Belt/Shuca Berry
-Hidden Power
-Shadow Ball
-Thunder Wave

Comments will be posted later, due to me being up too late right now. That and I think Ruko's Flareon might need more explanation I can give you.

As for why Thunder Wave is on Jolteon, Spreading paralysis to help the slower Eeveeolutions is good right?
No STAB moves, just to be unfair for myself. If you want, go ahead and put a STAB move in there, but you must have an alternate move with it.

That is pretty hard to do with Eeveelutions since their main weakness is lack of a large movepool :S but here goes :D

Vaporeon @Leftovers or Shellbell
Bold nature
EV trained in HP and defenses.
IVs similar to EVs
- Fake tears
- Toxic
- Protect
- Ice beam

Flareon @Wise glasses/Liechi berry
Modest nature
EV trained in Special attack and speed
Ivs similar to above
- Overheat
- Shadow ball
- Will-O-Whisp/Yawn/Wish
- Hidden Power grass/Natural gift with a Liechi berry held :D

Espeon @ Leftover or Shell bell (depending on what you chose for Vaporeon)
Modest nature
Ev trained in HP and defences with some speed.
Ivs similar to the above
- Calm mind
- Grass Knot/Shadow Ball/Psychic
- Light Screen/Reflect
- Morning Sun/Substitute/Wish

Leafeon @ Life Orb/muscle band
Adamant nature
Ev trained in attack and speed
Ivs similar to above.
- Swords dance
- Quick attack
- X-scissor
- Leaf Blade/Return

Thats all I can think of for now since thats all that I have had experience with really. Weakness covering berries are an option with all of the above for item held.
This is the stuff I would pick for them:

Vaporeon@Shell Bell
Modest Nature
-Water Pulse
-Quick Attack
-Ice Beam

Jolteon@Chesto Berry
Naive Nature
-Thunder Wave
-Shadow Ball
-Grass Knot

Calm Nature
-Fire Spin

Espeon@Wise Glasses
Relaxed Nature
-Future Sight
-Morning Sun

Quirky Nature
-Dark Pulse
-Phsychic/Hidden Power
-Confuse Ray

Mild Nature
-Ice Shard
-Mirror Coat

Leafeon@Chesto Berry
Adamant Nature
-Leaf Blade
-Quick Attack
-Swords Dance