I'm quietly hoping that this will be the next big hit for Joss. I'd love to see him return to a long-running show again and I'd definitely love to see where he could take this series both in the run up to his sequel to Avengers, and afterwards, when his deal with Marvel otherwise ends and SHIELD is all that remains.
I'd love this to be a way for Marvel to not only give exposure to characters in the Marvel Universe that would otherwise be ignored in live action because they wouldn't hold a movie themselves (though Guardians of the Galaxy is a great demonstration that Marvel doesn't care -that- much what most people would consider to be movie-worthy) and/or for Marvel to sneak in, by the back door, the other main Marvel heroes to the cinematic universe. The rights for TV, afterall, are different to those for the films. It definitely could be feasible to, at the very least, start exploring Mutants within the cinematic universe without treading on Fox's toes. (Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are all but confirmed for Avengers 2, after all, so it would definitely work out well to do that).
Since there's no chance of this being picked up well in the UK, I'll definitely be *ahem* acquiring it once it airs in America.