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Member Showcase No. 6: A Look at Jeydis


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Well, it's that time again. The time when I get off my butt and actually post the new Member Showcase. I've had two members in mind for these next two updates for sometime now - it was just a matter of who I caught first.

For over a year now, Jeydis has been another active member of Charms who incorporates herself into the community in lots of different ways. She helps out with team building in the clinic, has done hordes of banner/user bar and sprite requests for members, actively posts on various boards, role plays, hangs out at times in the chat, and was one of the participants in Charms' first and still currently on-going D/P Tournament. For all she's done, our members nominated her for a Member Showcase, and thus here it finally is. Since Jeydis' involvement in Pokecharms is so varied, the questions I asked her reflect the same. Enjoy!

Linkachu: What originally brought you to Pokecharms and encouraged you to join the forums?

Jeydis: The trainer card maker snagged me over like many other members. I was cruising Serebii.net for about a month and noticed these snazzy trainer cards that some members there had. Now I had been mostly in the spriting forums and had not seen any members making the cards in a way that I liked. Most were badly saved and looked low quality. Then I saw that the trainer cards that I did like had a link at the bottom so I followed it here.

Linkachu: What's your favourite Pokemon and why? Don't worry if you can't decide on one.

Jeydis: That as many people who even know me minutely can guess is Kecleon. Ever since my first game of Sapphire, ever since that faithful day that I uncovered what that annoying blockade was on the bridge. And more importantly ever since I raised that first female Kecleon into a staller for my game, using substitute and toxic to finish up any fights that were getting to hard. Using Noxxa (That was her nickname) I beat all the gyms and the elite four in personal record time. I have loved Kecleons ever since, raising one along with my team on every game I could ever since.

Linkachu: Since you seem to be a well-rounded Pokemon fan, what's your favourite aspect of the franchise as a whole? (Ie. The games, the Anime, merchandise collecting, the fandom, etc.)

Jeydis: The games are top for me. The Wifi battling really made the cake when I got my copy of Diamond, pushing my competitive attitude unto the great big world of Wifi. Don't get me wrong, I love the light-hearted anime and the cute plushies, but nothing compares to the thrill of a match :D.

Linkachu: How long have you been into competitive battling, and what are all the ways you participate in it?

Jeydis: I have actually not been into competitive battling that long, I started looking into it around when I got Diamond. But sadly I could not establish a WiFi connection at the time so my battling urges were left unsatisfied for a while. Then I heard about a neat little program called Shoddy Battle, for those who don't know it is an online Pokemon battle simulator that most people use for team testing purposes. I was using that in the meantime to try to get into competitive battling. From there I starting working on some teams that I had always wanted to do but with lack of WiFi I did not have the resources to do so.

Linkachu: Now, for all of those who've requested userbars from you in the past. What inspired you to start your Pokemon Fanbar Project, and what keeps you interested in it?

Jeydis: I started off the userbar project when I started making some bars for myself. Once I got through doing my Psyduck, Kecleon and Ludicolo bars I figured I would do a few more for fun. That eventually grew to the project as it is today. As for interest in it, I have to admit it has lost a lot of zest for me. I have not made a userbar for the project in a good while. Now that you get me thinking about it I might just get back to it tonight. It just kinda goes on the backburner for extended periods of time.

Linkachu: Approximately how long does it take you to make each userbar?

Jeydis: For a traditional userbar with a sprite with just a background and minor effects takes about 5 minutes. The time to find a back ground image or make an abstract one myself and then place the sprite and text followed by that white semi-circle to make it look like light is shining on it.

Linkachu: Since you're a spriter as well, how long have you been spiriting for?

Jeydis: I have been spriting since January 4th 2008 according to my spriting thread which I made right after finishing my first ever attempt, a very mediocre Aggron cosplayer using Crasher Wake as base. Back then I did not even know who crasher wake was yet.

Linkachu: Tell us briefly about your fan'made Pokemon region, and what inspired you to start it?

Jeydis: Well I'm a compulsive doodler. Always have been :p so when I found an incredibly old sketch book with some really ancient doodles of Pokemon evolutions I figured I would redo them with my now more steady hand in a good quality sketchbook. Then I got into spriting so the region started forming in my mind.

Linkachu: Now for something completely different: do you do much personal writing outside of role playing? If so, what do you enjoy writing the most?

Jeydis: I don't do much full length writing apart from some team ideas for Pokemon and some other strategies for other games I play like World of Warcraft. I do hope to write a fanfic of my own in the near future about my fanmon region, but for that I need to at least get some 50 Pokemon done in my ‘dex and finish establishing the legendaries.

Linkachu: Anything else you want to add?

Jeydis: Not in particular, except that I would like to thank the wonderful bunch of people that I have met on Pokecharms for all the fun I have had and hopefully will continue having.
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Hero of Pizza
Staff member
For all of you peoples who enjoy these showcases, please take a gander at this new post of mine.

Looking for some input from you guys. Thanks :)

Another thing. I don't mind feedback on these, just keep it constructive. If you felt it was interesting and don't see any reason for change, or if you felt the questions were a bit bland and too broad, let me know. It'll help for future interview-thingies that I do.
Wow...Thanks for using my picture. I feel honored heh. I know it's not a constructive comment but it really made me glad to see my work used so I felt like I should say thanks.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
It was Jeydis' choice to use it, but I highly support such. It's an awesome pic and really cute ^_^

To be honest, I should've mentioned that you'd drawn it in my post since the shrunk image makes your signature impossible to read, so thanks for replying ^^;