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DPPt/HGSS Mono-Bug team (Warning: Massive post)


Bearded Trout Warrior
I just wanted opinions on the most balanced team that could be made from all of these, and maybe some suggestions for the movesets of them if I left anything out on the ones I listed.
There are five groups I put the bugs in, and the team I'd be making would use one from every group, and two from the large middle group.

Right now I'm liking these the best:
Alternate Venomoth

For type balance, I'd prefer not to combine Shuckle and Armaldo. And as I mention down lower, Venomoth's toxic spikes prevent Parasect's Spore from working as effectively, so if I use both, Venomoth will be a special sweeper.
Any advice or ideas will help, and thanks to anyone who bothers reading through this whole thing XD

Venomoth@ Wise Glasses
Timid Nature
Tinted Lens ability
Toxic Spikes
Bug Buzz
Energy Ball

The lead for the team, its main purpose is to lay down the Toxic spikes, if it lives through the attack it's sure to take, then sweep for as long as it can with Tinted Lens and Wise Glasses to back it up. This Venomoth would have basic Sweeper EVs, max special attack and speed.

Alternate Venomoth @ Wide Lens
Jolly Nature
Shield Dust Ability
Toxic Spikes
Sleep Powder

An alternate lead for the team and more of an annoyer Venomoth. Lay Toxic spikes, and U-turn out for later in the battle in the event my opponent rapid spins, or sends out a poison or Steel type. Sleep Powder the Poison/Steels, and lay more toxic spikes. This Venomoth would have max speed EVs and then split 85s in Defense, special defense and HP

Parasect @ Focus Band
Sassy Nature
Dry Skin ability
Giga Drain

Main purpose here is really to put something to sleep, and try to kill it before it wakes up, possibly heal somewhere in the process, or just put it to sleep and switch. Full attack training, and the rest of your EVs split between HP and the Defenses so that it can take a hit. With its double weakness to flying and fire, Parasect would be a better choice to switch into an attack later. it has just as many resistances as it does weaknesses. Double resistant to ground and Grass, absorbs water, normally resistant to electric and fighting. I put it in this group because it can't be effectively paired with toxic spikes, they interfere with spore.

Forretress @ Light clay/Quick Claw
Sassy Nature
Rapid Spin
Gyro Ball / Reflect
Earthquake / Light Screen

Support in the event that my opponent uses stealth rock, as almost this entire team has a major weakness to it. Rapid Spin to take care of the rocks, or other spikes, and then attack until I think I should explode. Or if it has the clay moveset, put up barriers and then switch to something else after exploding. I might Hybrid and give it Gyro Ball + Light Screen. Would have EVs in special defense and Attack, or Special defense and Defense, depending on the moveset.

the Armaldo that I listed just a little bit down can learn Rapid spin and replace Forretress if necessary. Armaldo doesn't have the immunity to toxic spikes, and is weak to Stealth Rock, however.

Scyther @ Liechi Berry
Jolly Nature
Swarm Ability
Aerial Ace / Swords Dance

A different approach from the usual Technician Scyther. I'd only give it Swords Dance if I use the Barrier laying Forretress. Since Scyther is 4x resistant to Fighting, Brick Break isn't much of a threat to it. The idea of this moveset is to pray the opponent doesn't have quick attack on their team. Reversal will hit Rocks and Steels, which the rest of the team may have a problem doing. Would have Physical sweeper EVs, Speed and attack.

Ninjask @ Liechi Berry
Careful Nature [impish could work too, however]
Night Slash
Swords Dance / Baton Pass

Give full attack and then Defense or special defense training, depending on the nature, for a somewhat surpising Ninjask that can take a hit or two. Swords Dance could be used from behind a substitute, if you can catch your opponent as they try to hit you with status, or you can use it if you know your opponent will be using physical or special corresponding with your training. If liechi doesn't activate after you take a hit, you can substitute until it does and then sweep with amazing speed and attack. This set is again weak to priority attacks, however. The key point of the Swords Dancing Ninjask is to predict your opponent's moves, if you give it Baton pass, it's really only meant to Substitute three, maybe four times and then pass the 3x speed and 1.5x attack to someone else. Attack if one of your subs lives somehow.

Pinsir @ Salac Berry/Muscle Band
Jolly/Adamant Nature
Mold Breaker Ability
Close Combat / Earthquake
Rock Slide/Stone Edge / Earthquake
Endure/Swords Dance

Flexible sweeper sort of pokemon. It's really nice to be able to Earthquake Levitators XD
Salac berry set would have Rock Slide, and Endure to easily counter flying type pokemon [that again, you pray don't have quick attack] take a hit that's super-effective, Salac activates, hit them with rock slide before they move. Works best with Adamant Nature and Sweeper EVs.
the Muscle Band Set would work better with Jolly nature, and then you could replace Rock Slide/Stone Edge with Earthquake for a bit of extra power/accuracy. The muscle band set could also pull a different EV set, being Attack and Defense.

Heracross @ Flame Orb
Jolly Nature
Guts ability
Close Combat
Rock Slide/Stone Edge
Protect/Swords Dance

Do major damage with this sweeper, it'll just be a bit more on the slow side. Swords Dance over protect if you're willing to take a bit more of a risk there. A rock attack will give you flying coverage, provided that you're faster. Would have Physical sweeper EVs and could actually pull of the same Swarm + Reversal as Scyther, it could hit harder, it would just be slower.

Shedinja @ Focus Sash
Any attack raising Nature
Wonder Guard ability
Shadow Claw/Shadow Sneak
Confuse Ray

Lives for at least one turn no matter what, is really easy to switch into battle since it's immune to most attacks, and makes a great Phazer if you can send it in on someone that doesn't have a super-effective attack. Not too sure about it's great use on a bug team though, with all of the common weaknesses that are shared :/

Armaldo @ Wide Lens / something Generic
Relaxed Nature
Battle Armor ability
Fury Cutter / X-Scissor
Rock Slide
Crush Claw
Brick Break / Rapid Spin / Swords Dance

Fury Cutter has been changed from older generations; now it only has to be used successfully, not successively. You can use it twice and and up the power to 40, then use Rock Slide, go back to Fury cutter and it will still be at 40. Still takes Five Turns to cap out at 160 Power though and may not be entirely worth it over X-Scissor, but with the wide lens it won't miss unless the opponent uses protect, fly, etc. Crush Claw has a nice power for the fact it has a 50% chance at lowering the foe's defense. Give it rapid spin and it could replace Forretress giving you room for another attacker.

Yanmega @ Petaya berry/Wise Glasses
Modest Nature
Speed Boost ability
Air Slash
Bug Buzz
Ancientpower / Shadow Ball
Substitute / Hypnosis

Petaya Berry to combine with Substitute, which will also work with Speed Boost, or Hypnosis and Wise Glasses. Makes for a great special Sweeper, and with speed boost, Air Slash will be annoying on almost anything. if Things get thick, or a special wall comes out, try hypnosis and then switching to a physical sweeper. Special Sweeper EVs on this one.

Masquerain @ Quick Claw/Wide Lens [Focus sash if you give it whirlwind]
Calm Nature
Intimidate Ability
Air Slash
Mud Shot
Hydro Pump / Whirlwind
Bug Buzz / Silver Wind

Doesn't have the best of stats altogether, but special defense and special attack training give it one type to wall half decently. Could work as somewhat of a Phazer for the team, even without Whirlwind. Mud Shot will always lower speed when it hits, and if you're faster, you can Air Slash with hopes of making them Flinch. Silver Wind only for the people who feel like they'd get lucky with it, and it could provide a much needed boost to all of Masquerain's stats.

Shuckle @ Leftovers
Any defense or special defense boosting nature
Sturdy Ability
Flash / Toxic

This shuckle is intended to pair with Toxic spikes layed by the Venomoth mentioned earlier. Wrap and sandstorm are slow working, but together they do as much as poison does, and Flash just to annoy your trapped opponent. Toxic can still be thrown on as a precaution in place of flash, but for the most part I don't see it as needing it. Full defense and special defense EVs on this one.

Vespiquen @ Leftovers
Relaxed/Sassy Nature
Pressure ability
Defend Order
Protect / Heal Order
Confuse Ray / Toxic

Intended to delay for Toxic spikes, like the Shuckle above. With Protect and leftovers, there really isn't much need for Heal Order to recover your HP. Defend order and Defense + Special defense training to get a delaying tank going. U-turn allows you to switch after letting Vespiquen's defense take the blow from an attack, which is different from the usual use for U-Turn
I should just kill you maybe. :p Obvious lack of Facade. It may not get STAB, but it does get a mention with Guts.

I did dig this up though about Heracross and Facade:

Smogon University said:
Heracross@Flame Orb
Usual 252/252/6
-Swords Dance
-Close Combat

With Swords Dance and Flame Orb, Heracross' Attack will have effectively tripled, giving it a stat of roughly 1149 (Adamant) or 1047 (Jolly) (That's max IVs, give or take depending on IVs), depending on your nature. Thanks to Flame Orb, Heracross has a deadly new weapon in Facade, which OHKOs defensive Gyarados (with Intimidate factored in), Gliscor, and Weezing. Hippowdon, Bronzong, and Skarmory are OHKOed by Close Combat after a Swords Dance, and every single Psychic-type in the game is OHKOed by Megahorn.

I knew Facade with Heracross was powerful, but this is overkill. Probably give it some Agility support and it would destroy an opponent by itself. Heracross's speed is a little lacking. And I know giving up Stone Edge/Rock Slide loses alot of coverage, but for an attack almost hitting 1000 or going over, could it be worth it? If it can take down Skarmory in one hit with Close Combat, then you must have some crazy weapon in your arsenal.

*As a side note, I edited some things out to stay with Charms' regulations. Mostly, it's just math to show how powerful Heracross is with Guts, Facade and a Burn Orb with the awesomeness of Swords Dance.


Bearded Trout Warrior
my argument against Facade on Heracross is that Megahorn and Close Combat both hit for more than Facade after STAB, and between them, they cover everything normal does except bug, which rock does hit. If Facade had the STAB boost, it was in the set, but after some math of my own, I took it out.

Pokemon that Megahorn, Rock Slide and Close Combat can't hit:

and the Facade moveset can't hit any ghosts for even neutral damage... the loss of coverage just doesn't seem worth it.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Shedinja's Ghost-type means your opponent can't use Rapid Spin to get rid of your Toxic Spikes. Combine that with the Special Sweeping Venomoth (which then means you can use Parasect,) and you have this to use against an opponent with a Spinner:

Heracross - Arguably the best Bug-type Physical Sweeper in the game. Not the fastest sweeper, but Guts + Swords Dance is evil.
Scyther - Since Venomoth, Parasect and Shedinja take up 3 slots already, it doesn't leave much space for any other Physical Sweeper since both Pinsir and Armaldo really need Ninjask's Speed Boost passes to work at their full potential. Scyther's quick enough to sweep without the Speed boosts.
Shedinja - Sheddy makes Rapid Spin useless due to his Ghost-type, and any Pokemon that can completely destroy Kyogre is good in my book.
Venomoth (Sweeper) - If Shedinja dies and your opponent's Spinner is still knocking about, then this way Venomoth can still be useful.
Parasect - Since the Alternate Venomoth is not being used anymore, that allows Parasect back in, who can absorb any incoming Water-type attacks aimed for...
Shuckle - The Rock-type will be necessary here to counter the Fire and Flying weaknesses. Base 230 on each defense means Shuckle can halt most sweepers by himself.