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More of Rey's Art


Lemme know what you guys think
Woot! Nice to see you again! I really loe the background on this one, the sparkles too. Your character design is great as usual ^^ lovely pattern on the girl's dress.

Glad you came back Rey.
I already told you how much I adore this thing, but for the sake of saying so-
I really love this. And you've improved so much, especially on the hair and lighting.
Also, backgrounds are win.
And I'm way too happy with this to offer any real criticism :3[/size]
Thanks For the compliments and the suggestions guys ^ ^

Here is the re made version of my two favorite characters. If you havent seen them before then oh well but they have changed alot.

Oh and I know they arent as epic as my first picture...I didnt spend nearly a month on these as I did on that one.


[size=8pt]Hee, these are cool.

I really like their faces, and the armor on Shiren is great (you must have incredible patience), but I noticed some tiny anatomy quirks in these two.

Reynald looks great as always, but remember that the shoulders are one head-width away from the center of the neck. The chest should be as wide as the head, and a boy's hips are usually smaller than the torso. Other than the width, the shoulders should also be.. I dunno, flatter? I'm not sure how to describe it, but if you look at a skeleton you can see the line that the shoulders follow, and drawing the connection between the collarbone and the shoulders is usually a good reference if you're working from memory. That aside, you've got the body length down, and I like that the hands come down to mid-thigh like they're supposed to, because people tend to forget that. However, just remember that the hand and the forearm is about the same length as the elbow to the shoulder, minus the fingers.
If you're ever uncertain about anything, just measure it up on yourself :3

BUT, all that nit-pickiness aside, I love Shiren's outfit and his design.
I love Reynald's expression, he's gotta be my favourite :3
Not that I'm really familiar with all your characters, but I love the new designs and everything.
Is niiiiice c:[/size]


Ok so...nice works! The background in the first one is very nice!
Thanks for the tips Belle!

Shiren's armor is one thing I could spend an eternity on. Im not used to drawing armor and I wanted his to be unique and interesting.

I know where you are talking about. I was really trying to get my ideas on paper and computer as fast as possible so I kinda didnt pay attention to the mistakes I had made and would normally fix in photoshop yknow? hahaha thanks for the tips though. Yea I usually use myself as a source if I need to look at something, hence why the arms are the correct length. Thank you though for all your help.

haha these two are my favorite characters. They represent the two different sides of me, hence why they are opposites in almost every way XD

yea everyone seems to love Rey, probably because of his sadistic, sarcastic nature XD

And Thank you Runo for your Compliments! They are greatly appreciated


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Nice to see another topic by you, Reynald :) For that first image, is the background completely from scratch? Because it's very lovely and builds a nice atmosphere to surround the characters in the image. I also really love the detail of the armor/outfit on Shiren, and your coloring/shading quality is top notch as usual (it really gives off that shimmering feel to the viewer ^^). I'll leave the proportion tips to others, though XD

Looking forward to seeing more from you in the future.
Wow! That is just so good! You have no idea how much I'd like to be able to draw like that...

As like everyone has said, Shiren's armor is awesome. But I really like the whole design of him. I mean he is just so cool! I hope you'll be posting more pictures so I can be amazed once again! :D
Thanks for the compliment and support Linkachu. Yes the entire background was done from scratch. Thats the part that took me the longest. I kept fiddling with it and the moon and the trees to make it all fit the water just right XD. it was a pain! hahaha. Thank you for the compliments on Shiren and everything ^ ^

And thanks for the encouragement Chainsawking. Ill try and get more pictures up I have a few people that want some other concept sketches done so they might be up once I get time away from my college life to do them hahaha.

Thanks for the support everyone ^ ^
I havent drawn animals before so keep that in mind with this one haha


He looks like a normal kitty right? > >...lol lemme know what you think
Yay! Super kitty! I like it. The touch of red in it's pupil emphasizes the specialness of the kitty.

It's good.

In addition, it's good to see ya back here, Rey.
[size=8pt]This is very cute Rey ^^
But, naturally, I have a few tips for you.

I know this is drawn in your style- and I love your style, but keep in mind that in order to keep away from the 'chibi-esque' label, you're gonna need to put in that little bit more detail. Especially with the paws. You can find a really good tutorial here: http://fleetfoot.deviantart.com/art/Pretty-Pilfering-Paws-50901946
Of course, not a whole lot of detail is necessary, just enough to make it clear that there are toes there, not just amputated stubs :3
Unless of course your cat is an amputee.
In which case..


Now, the tail- take a look at the hair you've drawn on Reynald and Shiren. Try to imagine putting that hair onto a worm, where the hair gets thicker as you go down. Or staying the same. Or.. Getting thinner. Whatever your preference.
But a fluffy tail is fluffy all the way down, not just on one side or in one place. In my experience, at least- I don't know if people go around shaving their cats tails and leaving a soul patch somewhere on it, but whatever floats your boat man :V

I do love the eyes. Very classy.
The face is really cute, and it has a very sweet expression, but remember that a cat's mouth doesn't always have to look like a 3 that has fallen and can't get up O:

BUT, I digress.
I do love your stuff mang, and this is no exception :3
Your superkitty is very cute.[/size]
Hey! That is just really cute! I usually don't like really cute pictures, but that one got me! :D Yaay, Super Kitty!
haha thanks for all the compliments guys I am glad to be back here.

he's not a super kitty hes actually a specially made android named T.A.S.K. (Tactical Assault Specialist Kitten).

AS FOR YOU BELL!!!!! *pretends to be angry then laughs* thanks for the tips like I said im not used to drawing animals and stuff so I just kinda winged it XP
Wouldn't the term be 'wung it'? :p Sorry, kidding, couldn't help myself.

Cool, he's an robot kitty! So what does he assault? Evil politicians? I want to know.
haha probably *shrugs* I wouldnt know XD

HAHAHA he attacks whatever his creator, or himself, deems needed to be attacked. Hes kinda crazy since he, and his personality, was created by accident. The creator kept trying to recreate this phenomenon but he either failed, or T.A.S.K. destroyed them XD.
Cool Reynald. I love the water on the forst pic, looks so real.

Kitty wearing superhero cape is epic win.
I gotta post here now... Okay, I love your style. It just makes me happy. Shiren looks awesome in his cool green armor and Reynald looks great in both pics. The background on the first pic is loverly, it's the kind of forest I probably wouldn't mind getting lost in... maybe. T.A.S.K. is epic, any android kitty with a cape is sure to win my heart (especially with those pupils).​
haha thanks for the compliments everyone. T.A.S.K. has a scarf though, but w/e it might as well function as a cape ^ ^

thanks again
I'm kinda in an art rut. I have a great idea but no drive to complete it. Everyone kinda forgets about my art. Except Linkachu! Thanks for using my pic on your Jeydis interview that made me smile big time.

So I guess I'll just put up some old work and hopefully that will drive me to finishing this great idea I have.

These are all concept drawings so the poses aren't fantastic. I was just getting my ideas on paper since they don;t seem to stay in my head long enough.


Redone Alyx Pristas - She changed the most -


Reynald in demon form - I had trouble with his eyes soooo yea -


Suki completely revamped

Send Feedback. Thanks ^ ^


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
I'm completely in love with your shading. It looks like official cell artwork...

I'm also loving the kitty, and Alyx Pristas. Seriously, your lineart and shading abilities are incredible.
(And I did wonder who'd drawn that awesome pic of Jeydis). Now I know ^^
Man, everything looks so great. Alyx Pristas's second outfit is really cool, I love all her belts and junk. And Reynald is awesome, eyes or no eyes, although it's kinda hard to see his pants/boots with all the black going on there. And I love Suki's purple eyes, they're so pretty!​


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I'm kinda in an art rut. I have a great idea but no drive to complete it. Everyone kinda forgets about my art. Except Linkachu! Thanks for using my pic on your Jeydis interview that made me smile big time.

The fact that you're so surprised we'd use it makes me smile, too. You're a great artist, Reynald! Your work deserves to be shown off XD

And... oh man, you just gave me a great idea for a new site content post O.O

But I'll get to that afterwards... I envy you people with the ability to get images in their heads down onto paper. The detail put into your clothing is still as impressive as ever. Have you already stated in the past what all of these characters belong to? I'm assuming since you said concept art, these aren't just random characters you felt like drawing on a whim XD
Thanks for the compliments and I'm glad I was able to give you an idea Linkachu hahaha

I'm assuming since you said concept art, these aren't just random characters you felt like drawing on a whim XD

No they aren't random characters. They are all part of a comic/story line I have together for my main character Reynald. I've tried getting the pages done but again no real incentive since no ones shown much interest.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
No they aren't random characters. They are all part of a comic/story line I have together for my main character Reynald. I've tried getting the pages done but again no real incentive since no ones shown much interest.

That's too bad, because above all else you should draw for yourself, especially if it's a personal project like that. It's great to have fans, but is that really what should matter most in the end...?

I guess that's for each person to decide for themselves. I would personally love to see a comic done by you, as I'm sure many other people around here would, too. Still... I'd hope that if you made one, you were making it for the right reasons.
That's too bad, because above all else you should draw for yourself, especially if it's a personal project like that. It's great to have fans, but is that really what should matter most in the end...?

I guess that's for each person to decide for themselves. I would personally love to see a comic done by you, as I'm sure many other people around here would, too. Still... I'd hope that if you made one, you were making it for the right reasons.

Well it is mostly for myself and I love to draw just for the randomness of it. But it's kind of that thing where you want people to see how good you are and want to show them something they will like, cept no one seems to heh. I still will draw it even if they don't its kind of college and a want to get my ideas fully fleshed out that's REALLY holding me back. I had started the comic at one point but I left out a ton of information and had some holes soooo I had to revise it. I have most of it worked out so hopefully, after I finish this big project I have in mind, I'll decide to get to work on it. Being an Aries is bad sometimes XD
Update. So I went to Ohayocon last weekend haha. I dressed up randomly as this guy. The outfit and design intrigued me so I had to draw him out. He's not from any anime, just from the spawn of my imagination. He still looks friggin cool!


Unfortunately I need a name. Any Ideas?
Ooh, nice. =D The fire effect seems a bit heave by his facial placement is excellent ~ Love the tattooesque flames on his clothing.

A name, eh? Gael comes to mind, or Gale, whichever way you want to spell it. I could cook up some more later on, just gotta' turn on ye olde brain.​
That looks very nice, I envy your colouring skills. Is the fire a brush or something? It looks beautiful on the sheath.

As for names, something beginning with 'K' and having more than one syllable is all I can suggest.
Cool. Fiery clothes = winsauce. Same with the rest of him. I'm guessing the red potion is stuff that helps him start the fires.

As for some sort of name... um... Tatile was right about the "K" thing, for some reason I want him to have a name like Karisou (Car-i-sue) but yeah... I don't know.​
In my opinion, this new character should have the name of Minaraos. This was the first name that popped in my head when I saw this wonderfully drawn figure. The hair looks almost real, and flows extremely well.
He has a name! It is now Gael Aaryn. I liked him soo much he is now a part of my story for Reynald, as a bad guy haha.

Thanks for the comments and help ^ ^. Here is an update: These two are mine and my friends D&D character for a campaign. We are twins, I am the one with the long hair, Araith, and he is the short haired one, Aleith. Just so you know our hair is black with silver streaks in it so that's why the hair looks so funky. We wear almost the exact same things though we are almost opposite personalities. I am a ranger and he is a fist fighter haha. Lemme know what you think.

That is really neat! The different hair gives a feeling that their faces aren't as alike as you'd think. At least to me. But that is really nice! I love how you keep a sort of medieval-ish theme to your characters.
Here I randomly got an idea for a picture. It was only AFTER I finished that I realized...Linkachu is usually portrayed as Raichu...NOT Pikachu....I felt really bad afterwards. But the picture came out nice ^ ^. I hope you like it Linkachu!
